#1642 on the mainland stage

Xiaolan flew, slowly swaying his body, and flew towards the realm of the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty.

In today’s vast area, the second-rate and first-rate forces have completely ceased to exist.

Today, the agreement between the three superpowers and the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty can completely determine the fate of the entire vast area.

The three superpowers opened their mouths to give half of the vast area to the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty. All the remaining cities, all the small forces, dare not have any opinions.

For the next period of time, the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty only needs to control each city.

Inside the ruins of the Kingdom of God, the three superpowers and everyone below looked at the figures of Wang Xian and the others leaving, with shock and embarrassment on their faces.

“Xiao Xian, do you want to transfer the Dragon Palace to the Desolate Sea?”

On Xiao Lan’s body, Lan Qingyue looked at Wang Xian and continued: “The fierce beasts and monsters in the Desolate Sea have basically been swallowed by Xiao Lan!”

“The Barren Sea is located in the north of the vast area, not very far from the ruins of the Kingdom of God. The resources in the ruins of the Kingdom of God are more than those in the ocean, and the Dragon Palace can be transferred.”

“Furthermore, the development of Dragon Palace in the future will be mainly based on the Forging Workshop. Only the proceeds of the Forging Workshop will enable the rapid development of the entire Dragon Palace!”

Wang Xian said to her.

Lan Qingyue nodded, this time, killing about 60,000 strong in the vast area, plus a lot of resources, can completely make the members of the Dragon Palace get a huge promotion.

In the future, only the resources obtained by the Firehammer clan for forging weapons will be able to increase the Dragon Palace with more than a dozen hole virtual powerhouses every day.

In three or four days, it is possible to create a strong man with a hole in the third and fourth ranks.

One or two years later, the strength of Dragon Palace can definitely crush the three superpowers.

“The imperial palace of the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty will be transferred to the vast area this time, and the Liuhai area will be managed by the former Dragon Family of the Guanglong Dynasty!”

Feng Luan said from the side.

Half of the vast area is about five times the area of ​​the Liuhai area. As for resources, it is not comparable to the Liuhai area.

Even places such as the cemetery of the monsters are not as good as a base of first-class forces in the vast area.

Moreover, she has a more ambitious plan.

Soon after, when the vast area was completely unified, the sixth empire of the Transcendent Continent was established.

This kind of feat, in Feng Luan’s original plan, may take more than a thousand years, but now, he can complete it in less than ten years after returning to the Transcendent Continent.

It’s all because of the man next to him.

Feng Luan looked at him with a smile on his face.

The Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty returned in triumph.

In the next six months, the Dragon Palace was relocated, and the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty moved the capital.

The barren sea is the largest ocean in the vast area, and the ocean is connected to the main sea of ​​the extraordinary continent, the extraordinary sea.

Within the Transcendent Sea, it is divided into an area called Longhai.

The Dragon Sea is the land of the Dragon Race, and that area occupies a quarter of the area of ​​the Transcendent Sea.

Moreover, in the entire Transcendental Sea, all monsters are under the control of the dragon clan, or the dragon clan is the king.

The area of ​​the entire Transcendental Sea is equivalent to the size of five or six earths.

The combined area of ​​the five empires is almost the same size as the Transcendental Sea.

The powerful monsters and fierce beasts in the entire barren sea were basically swallowed by Xiaolan, which made the barren sea with a radius of one million kilometers seem a little desolate.

Located on the bottom of the barren sea tens of thousands of kilometers away, a huge dragon palace stands tens of thousands of meters deep in the sea.

The entire Dragon Palace is 150 kilometers in radius, and there are burly and majestic guards around the Dragon Palace patrolling.

In the Dragon Palace, the spiritual grasses and spiritual trees that exude aura are planted inside, and each plant outside can cause huge competition.

In the dragon field, a famous dragon palace warrior was discussing.

On the left is a group of mountain peaks. Among the mountain peaks, thousands of Firehammer clan members are forging various weapons and equipment.

In the forefront position, the huge, majestic and beautiful Dragon King Palace reveals endless majesty.

Above the Dragon King Palace, Wang Xian is enjoying the joy of Qi people.

Since the matter in the vast area was resolved half a year ago and the Dragon Palace was moved to the Dragon King Palace, everything has been handed over to Prime Minister Turtle.

And Wang Xian also began a life of licentiousness.

Ling Jian’er was found back, and his worries were completely resolved, and Lan Qingyue was back again, which made Wang Xian extremely happy.

I stayed in the Dragon King’s palace with eight girls every day, staying for half a month.

Every day I kill eight in and out, and the sky is dim.

“Where is your Dragon King, are you in the palace again?”

Inside the Dragon Palace, Feng Luan entered the Dragon King Palace with a displeased face, and asked the Prime Minister Turtle on the side.

“Yes, Emperor Feng, we dragon king and dragon queens are in the palace!”

Prime Minister Turtle smiled weirdly, not daring to offend Fengluan.

As a prime minister who is well-versed in the human world, he thought in his heart that the Phoenix Emperor would not know when he became their dragon queen, so naturally he didn’t dare to offend him at all.

Except for the eight dragon queens, one phoenix emperor, and the eldest princess in the entire Dragon Palace, he was considered the eldest.

“Sister Fengluan, do you want me to call my brother!”

At this moment, Xiaoyu walked in with Feng Lingtian’s arm and said with a smile on his face.

Feng Lingtian stood beside Xiaoyu, looking at the direction of the bedroom with some envy.

Envy, but unfortunately he dare not, a bone dragon wife, his bones are about to break.

In the last six months, with huge resources, a lot of girls, plus Xiao Yu’s strength, all reached the seventh step of the hole.

In battle, you can fight against the eighth order of Dongxu.

At the same time, Feng Lingtian’s current strength can also contend with the eighth rank of the hole.

Their strength is all Feng Luan used resources to help them improve.

Now that the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty controls half of the Liuhai area and the vast area, after monopolizing the pill, the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty’s revenue is higher than that of the Dragon Palace.

A large part of Fengluan was used to cultivate the strong.

But cultivating other strong people is much more difficult than cultivating Guan Shuqing.

Guan Shuqing, a group of girls can be upgraded as long as they have the resources.

Speaking of which, a group of girls can be regarded as the elders of the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty.

“Go, talk to him about some things!”

Feng Luan said with a black face.

Every time she came to the Dragon Palace, Wang Xian dragged the eight girls out of the palace, which made her very annoyed.

What’s in this guy’s head.

“Fengluan, what’s the matter!”

After a while, Wang Xian stretched out and flew over with a smile on his face.

“Let your people help forge some weapons!”

Seeing his appearance, Feng Luan gave him a blank look and said directly.

“Yes, you can go directly to the Firehammer clan to give orders!”

Wang Xian said with a smile.

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