Chapter 1673 The Skylark Clan Doesn’t Stop Extinguishing The Fire (1)

A powerful killer organization will make all forces jealous and even fearful.

The former Black Underworld Killer organization assassinated thousands of Void-level big monsters in the Ten Thousand Demon Empire overnight, shaking the entire Transcendent Continent.

Known as the most powerful killer organization.

And now the assassin organization under Wang Xian’s will surely be well-known throughout the Transcendent Continent.

The five hundred assassins of the assassin’s sixth-order assassin’s strongest organization, indeed have this strength, shook the entire continent.

“If there are no other forces to intervene, the Life and Death Medicine Workshop and the Holy Artifact Forging Workshop will not dare to consume it like us!”

Feng Yun said in a deep voice.

The news that the Fire Skylark clan received was very accurate and timely. In Fengtian City, there were disciples of the Fire Skylark clan dressed as a hired group and stayed there.

From the information uploaded, they can clearly recognize the strength of this killer organization.

Even she could see that their disciple of Fire Skylark was full of horror.

At that time, they were hidden in Fengtian City. If they were unlucky, they might be among the assassinated.

“There is this assassin’s organization of the princes, even if they don’t leave, we don’t have the slightest scruples at all!”

Several clan elders said excitedly.

When Wang Xian came, he had said that he had a killer organization, but the high-level members of the Huoyunque clan didn’t care.

After all, they are facing forces second only to the empire level.

However, seeing this information now, I can’t believe it.

But thinking about how Prince Wang could raise Huo Luo’er, who had just grown up, to the eighth stage of Dongxu, the surprise in his heart was a little bit less.

This is a man full of miracles.

“Report to the ancestors, Prince Wang is back!”

At this moment, an elder came in to report.

“Let’s go see you!”

Feng Yun stood up and said directly.

“It’s the ancestor!”

The crowd nodded, and their bodies disappeared instantly.


“Senior Fengyun, come in!”

Wang Xian returned to the room, sensing the fluctuations around him, and they said immediately when they knew Feng Yun had come.

“Thank you, Prince Wang for this time!”

Feng Yun led a group of high-level members of the Fire Skylark family over and said with a smile on his face.

“Haha, Senior Feng Yun don’t need to be so polite. Although the two major forces have left this time, they have not yet determined whether the other party will come back!”

Wang Xian shook his head.

“Anyway, your shot, Prince Wang, has relieved us a lot of pressure!”

The elder on the side said with a smile.

“Prince prince, I have a longevity first-order spirit fruit here. See if you can improve your strength!”

Feng Yun took out a fruit from the space ring.

As soon as the fruit came out, the red glow reflected the whole room, and it was extraordinary at a glance.

“Oh? Thank you Senior Feng Yun!”

When Wang Xian saw the fruit, a hint of joy flashed in his eyes, and he immediately took it.

After a brief chat for more than ten minutes, Feng Yun and the crowd left.

Wang Xian looked at the fruit and took it directly.

From Fengtian City, Wang Xian’s harvest is extremely rich.

Only the hole-vacuity-level pill, tens of thousands have been harvested, six to seven thousand weapons, and various other resources are also expensive.

The corpses of the strong men of the hole virtual level reached more than four thousand, as for the corpses of the seventh rank and above, it reached more than 3.7 million.

These corpses alone can create a dozen and a half-step longevity for the Dragon Palace.

“Adding these pills to the spirit fruit given by Feng Yun, the energy raised by the upgrade should be able to reach 80%!”

Wang Xian secretly said in his heart, directly swallowing pills and spirit grass one by one.

“Sure enough, it’s still about 20% short!”

Wang Xian looked at his attributes with a smile on his face.

It won’t be long before you can upgrade yourself.

At that time, looking at the entire Central Continent region, Wang Xian could be regarded as a big boss-level existence.

“Huh, I don’t know what will happen next. If the two powers really give up, then I will lead the creepy monsters to assassinate the people of the two powers and visit their pill shop and weapon shop!”

“If they make a comeback, they have to deal with it carefully!”

Wang Xian thought in his heart, looking towards the inside of the volcano city.

At this moment, the volcano city was full of joy.

Everyone in the Fire Skylark clan has received news of the departure of the two major forces.

This is undoubtedly a heavy sigh of relief for everyone.

In the past year or so, the attacks of the Life and Death Medicine Workshop and the Relic Forge Workshop have caused heavy losses for the entire Fire Skylark clan.

There are only two affiliated forces now.

Everyone in the entire Huoyun City was talking about the mysterious assassin organization, which was very excited.

The reason for the withdrawal of the two major forces in Fengtian City quickly spread to other parts of Central Continent and other forces’ ears.

When they heard that it was a mysterious killer organization that made the two powers helpless to leave, everyone’s faces were shocked.

Especially when I heard that more than 4,000 virtual strong men and millions of people had been killed in one day, everyone’s first reaction was not to believe it.

They believe that this is an exaggeration of the facts.

Some powerful forces repeatedly confirmed and gasped.

A terrifying killer organization is about to rise.

The terror of a killer organization has the ability to change a war.

Some people compare this mysterious assassin organization with the Black Underworld assassin group. As a result, many people also believe that this mysterious assassin group may not be weaker than the Black Underworld.

“Boss, a new assassin organization has emerged on Dalu, which has assassinated more than 4,000 powerful people, three to four million people in one day!”

At this moment, in the distant dark valley, a pitch-black, scale-covered humanoid monster entered a hall and reported to the chief in the dark.

“Let me see!”

The monster beast in the dark waved his arm and looked at the information on it.


However, after just a glance, the paper disappeared in ashes, and the voice in the dark did not fluctuate in the slightest.

It seems to him that this is a very boring information.

It’s not worth seeing!

“The war between my life and death medicine workshop and the Fire Skylark family is not over yet, and the Fire Skylark family must be destroyed!”

“My Sacred Artifact Forge does not extinguish the fire of the Skylark clan and will never give up!”

Just when everyone in Central Continent was paying attention to the mysterious assassin organization, each and every voice suddenly came from the Life and Death Pill Workshop and the Relic Forge.

In the respective cities of the Life and Death Pill Workshop and the Sacred Object Forging Workshop, all the disciples, all the strong men, were all concentrated in front of their square.

In the foremost position, a figure exuding dazzling light was suspended.

They stood in the void, watching their men like gods.

“Go out to the Fire Skylark clan, never give up!”

The two god-like figures roared coldly, and the coercive voice resounded through the main cities of the two major forces.

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