Chapter 1677 Jie Jie, here I am! middle

Scarlet flames cover the sky!

The azure rays of light complement each other!

One on the left and the other on the right, two Wanshou-level strong men appeared in front of everyone in the Fire Skylark clan with brilliance.

The two strong men seem to occupy half of the sky.

The 200,000 strong men behind, each exuding a strong murderous aura, staring at the front with sullen expressions.

The unquestionable voice contained in the domineering of the medicine owner and the device owner resounded across the sky.

Put out the skylarks!

The medicine owner and the device owner stared at them coldly. They were suspended above the volcano city, and their gaze fell on Feng Yun’s body in the center.

“Hehe, if you want to extinguish the fire skylark clan, you don’t have this strength yet!”

“No matter what the decline of our Fire Skylark clan, some people won’t just kill them!”

A scorching light burst into Feng Yun’s eyes, and he slowly raised the Phoenix Staff in his hand.

“Feng Yun, in recent years, you have been enemies everywhere with our Life and Death Pills and Sacred Artifacts. Are you acting as a bully?”

“Do you think you are still the famous Huoyun Guardian?”

The medicine owner stared at Feng Yun and shouted in a cold voice.

“Huoyun guards, how could it be possible that the tortoise was shrunk in the Huoyun Mountain Range and dare not come out, haha!”

The host on the side sneered and sneered.

“Today, I will let you disappear like a city under your feet on this continent!”

As the device owner said, a fiery red radiant hammer appeared in his hand.

He moved towards the lower position and gave a light hammer!


An invisible energy rushed towards the position below, and the flames seemed to have caused an earthquake.

“Boom boom boom!”

Immediately afterwards, the sound of terrifying vibration and collapse sounded.

From a distance, all the buildings on the city with a radius of 100 kilometers collapsed quickly.

With one blow, the entire city was turned into nothingness.

“His, terrifying strength, is this the longevity strong?”

“It’s too strong. Destroy a city in one move. This…this is simply too powerful!”

Everyone looked at the device owner destroying a city with one move, with shocked expressions on their faces.

Even Wang Xian had a hint of shock in his eyes.

He can only escape when he encounters a longevity strong man!

“Haha, Device Master, put away your prestige, even if you and the Medicine Master are going together today, I Fengyun is not afraid of you!”

“I want to see if you two can beat me together!”

At this time, Feng Yun, who was standing on the central mountain, let out a big laugh.

There was not the slightest fear on her face, a strong momentum made the flames above condense into a cloud of fire.

One person against two opponents of the same level, without the slightest fear.

“War, we Fire Skylark clan are not afraid of your two great forces!”

“Yes, what about the two powers!”

When the disciples of Fire Skylark saw the domineering ancestor, their faces were full of infinite fighting spirit.

They have Fengyun ancestors, powerful and mysterious princes and killer organizations.

What about the two major forces?

Are there any fears?

If their strength were strong, they would have wiped out their Fire Skylark long ago, and they would not wait until now.

All the disciples raised their weapons and roared loudly.

“Everyone of the Fire Skylark clan, today is your death date!”

“Disciples of Life and Death Pill Workshop, prepare to kill the enemy!”

“Sacred Object Forging Workshop disciple, prepare to kill the enemy!”

When the disciples of the Life and Death Medicine Workshop and the Sacred Object Forge Workshop heard the voice of the Huoyunque clan, they immediately shouted ferociously.


The sound of killing two hundred thousand disciples resounded!

“After today, there will be no more fire skylarks!”

A cold color appeared on the medicine owner’s face, and with a wave of the scepter in his hand, the sky instantly condensed into a giant ocean beast.

The azure water energy monster reached a radius of ten kilometers, and attacked directly forward.

“Huh, when the fire cloud is in the sky, no one can extinguish our flame!”

Feng Yun’s face was cold, and with a wave of the scepter in his hand, a huge fire phoenix directly attacked the azure behemoth.


The sound of melting came, and the azure behemoth quickly disappeared.

“This is the home ground of the Fire Skylark clan. Standing inside, their strength can be enhanced a lot!”

The device owner saw that the attack of the medicine owner was easily blocked, and said lightly.

“I don’t know where your courage comes from. With your courage, you want to destroy our Fire Skylark, wishful thinking!”

Feng Yun walked two steps forward, and the staff in his hand fell heavily on the mountain peak.

“Really? Then I want to try it too!”

The device owner glanced at the medicine owner, and the two nodded.

“Dharma, the hammer of flames!”

“Faxiang, Tianhai!”

The two gave a soft drink, and the flame giant in the hands of the owner swung towards the Fire Skylark clan.

The staff in the medicine master’s hand was a little bit empty, and a huge ocean also appeared.

The two attacks directly attacked the Huoyun Mountain Range.

“The two phoenixes spread their wings!”

With a direct wave of the staff in Feng Yun’s hand, the flames around the Huoyun Mountain Range condensed into two huge and incomparable wings.

The clear wings and huge wings directly greeted two attacks.


The sound of shaking the sky came again, and the attacks of the medicine owner and the device owner were once again blocked.

“Resisted, our ancestors resisted again!”

“Haha, Huoyun Mountain is our territory. With the formation open, the strength of the ancestors will increase a lot, and they want to rush in with their strength, delusion!”

Everyone in the Fire Skylark clan saw this scene with an expression of excitement on their faces.

The disciples of the Life and Death Medicine Workshop and the Sacred Art Forge Workshop looked at them, frowning slightly, their expressions a little ugly.

If this time the Fire Skylark clan’s defenses cannot be broken, then they will be ashamed.

Coming out of the nest, the result was left dingy.

“Huoyun Guardian is Huoyun Guardian after all. The Huoyun Mountain Range was once transformed by the female emperor herself. With the opening of the big formation, the Fengyun ancestor inside can completely withstand the attacks of two longevity strong men!”

“Even if the female emperor is not there and the Huoyun guards retreat, the Huoyunque clan still can’t be wiped out casually. There are no more than two longevity powerhouses, don’t want to break the defense of the Huoyun Mountain Range!”

At this moment, several hundred kilometers around the Huoyun Mountain Range, some spies from other forces are hiding in the void.

The Pill of Life and Death Workshop and the Relic Forging Workshop came out to extinguish the skylarks, but they attracted the attention of all forces.

The five empires and other forces sent people to watch this war.

They passed some formations and looked at the position of the battlefield.

Seeing Feng Yun’s ancestor easily resisting the attacks of the two major forces, they were talking about it.

“Jie Jie, it’s bad behavior to peep at here!”

Just as the people of the forces were discussing, suddenly a voice rang in their ears.

The scouts of all forces shook slightly, and their faces were instantly filled with cold sweat.

“Jiejie, here I am!”

The sky darkened in an instant, and the dawning sky seemed to enter the night in an instant.

An arrogant smile sounded in the sky!

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