Chapter 173 Jewelry Controversy (third more)

“Brother, do you want to buy this painting?”

In Box No. 13, Xiao Yu looked at Wang Xian in a bit of amazement.

“Not buying!”

Wang Xian shook his head and said.

“Why don’t you bid if you don’t buy it?”

Xiaoyu looked at him in shock.

“Just look at that guy upset!”

Wang Xian said with a smile on his face.

Xiaoyu and Elder Fan looked at Wang Xian speechlessly.

“50 million, I don’t know if there are any friends who continue to increase the price!”

At this time, the old man’s voice came, and Wang Xian looked at it and found that many people were looking at their position.

Wang Xian showed a playful look on his face, and no longer continued to increase the price.

As soon as the Liu Feiyun came up, he said that he was bound to get the handwriting, so Wang Xian would naturally disgust him and help him raise the price.

As long as Liu Feiyun wants face, as long as he cares about the reputation of the Liu family, he cannot easily let go.

Wang Xian also seized this point to raise prices.

“Congratulations to Young Master Liu, the sword fairy, for obtaining the authenticity of Li Bai, and wishing Master Liu to obtain the inheritance of the sword fairy!”

On the auction stage, the old man saw that the 13th gave up bidding, knocked on the table, and finally confirmed.

Liu Feiyun didn’t have the excitement just now when he succeeded in the bidding, and he was calm and did not speak.

Although Li Bai’s original work was obtained, he spent 25 million more and was beaten in the face. Naturally, he was in a bad mood.

The auction items continue one by one.

“Next to auction is a second-level elixir, Renlingye, a five-year-old elixir of Renlingye. After taking it, it can increase body strength and strengthen body skin. It is a famous foundation building elixir. It is now at a reserve price of 1,500. The price of 10,000 yuan starts bidding!”

“The second-level elixir is of great benefit to your current cultivation, and the master will bid for you!”

When Elder Fan saw the items being auctioned again, there was a hint of inevitable trend on his face, and he directly increased the price to 20 million.

“Twenty million!”

“Twenty-one million!”

“Twenty-two million!”

The competition for the second-level elixir is far from comparable to those of antiques, and there are more than a dozen people competing in an instant.

“thirty million!”

Elder Fan was not surprised by this situation. When the price was 28 million, he directly increased the price to 30 million!

“The price of 30 million yuan has exceeded the value of the second-level elixir.”

“Thirty million, forget it, thirty million is already too expensive.”

“It’s not worth spending thirty million for a tough spirit leaf. After all, it is only useful for martial artists of level four and five!”

When the price came to thirty million, the families and schools slowly shook their heads. Thirty million was indeed beyond its own value.

Elder Fan didn’t feel the slightest distress for this price. Although this elixir had exceeded its value, it was worthwhile to cultivate Xiaoyu.

“The 13th box bid 30 million, is there a higher price?”

The old man stood on the stage and said to everyone.

“Box 13!”

A cold color flashed in Liu Feiyun’s eyes. He looked upstairs with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

“Thirty-one million!”

“Liu Gongzi bid 31 million, is there any other bid?”

Liu Feiyun’s bidding caused the old man to be taken aback, followed by a smile on his face.

“The other party bid 30 million yuan, it should be a must for this spiritual grass, Liu Gongzi is going to raise the price.”

“It seems that at the beginning, the price increase for Box 13 made Gongzi Liu hate it. This is for revenge!”

“The people in Box 13 also don’t know what is good or bad. It is not a wise choice to provoke the Liu family!”

When the crowd around saw Liu Feiyun raising the price by one million, their hearts suddenly understood and they were talking in a low voice.

In the box, Elder Fan looked slightly embarrassed when he saw Liu Feiyun’s deliberately raising prices to compete.

Xiaoyu on the side also showed an angry look, staring dissatisfiedly at Liu Feiyun who sneered below.

“Don’t let it go, just a two-level spirit grass!”

Seeing Liu Feiyun competing with them, Wang Xian said to Elder Fan with a faint sneer on his face.

Elder Fan was taken aback for a moment, his face changed: “Two-level spirit grass, not broken!”

“Uh, hehe!”

Wang Xian smiled awkwardly, as if he was a little crazy when talking, and quickly said with a smile: “It’s not broken, it’s not broken.”

“Did anyone bid?”

On the bidding stage, the old man’s voice sounded again, and he looked at the second floor in surprise.

It stands to reason that what is inevitable in Box 13 should continue to compete. Why don’t you say anything?

Liu Feiyun at the eighth table was also taken aback, the cold color on his face slowly disappearing.

One second, two seconds…ten seconds!

“Congratulations, Young Master Liu, once again took the two-level Lingcao and Tough Lingye!”

Congratulations came from the old man.

“I’ll go, box No. 13 is too good-minded, Young Master Liu is obviously provoking, they actually surrendered!”

“This is not a good character, but a need to continue the fight. The two-level tough spirit leaf spirit grass 30 million is already high.”

“This… Young Master Liu is not wise. The quarrel of spirits wanted to raise the items the other party wanted to buy, but the other party withdrew, and he fell into it.”

The people around were talking quietly, looking at Liu Feiyun and shaking his head.

“Stupid, what little sword fairy, if it wasn’t for a better cultivation talent, it would be a waste!”

“Hehe, the people in Box 13 have a degree of advancement and retreat, but this Liu Feiyun is somewhat superior, it is difficult to become a powerful weapon!”

In the hall, people from the Ancient Boxing School and Lingyue School looked at Liu Feiyun and commented lightly.

“Master, we have to compete for the last few items. We can’t overspend too much.”

Beside Liu Feiyun, a middle-aged man frowned slightly and reminded him.

“I know!”

Liu Feiyun stared at Box 13 with a stern face and resentment.

Lan Qingyue on the side saw this scene and shook her head slightly.

“The following is an emerald, a full two kilograms, and the starting price is 200 million!”

A turquoise emerald was brought up, shining brightly under the light.

Emerald is considered the top jewellery. One carat is worth tens of thousands, and two kilograms of emeralds are worth hundreds of millions.

This emerald, used to make jewelry, can make more than a dozen sets.

The price of 200 million silenced many people in the hall, and the rich were discouraged, and those warriors would not buy flashy jewelry.

“Two hundred and ten million!”

At this time, a cold voice came, and Lan Qingyue pressed a price and said lightly.

“Two hundred and twenty million, haha, we are bound to get this emerald from Zhou’s jewelry, and we have wrapped up all the jewelry today!”

A somewhat arrogant voice came, and a middle-aged woman stood up with all her jewels and said faintly towards Lan Qingyue.

“Two hundred thirty million!”

Lan Qingyue looked at the woman, without the slightest change in expression on her face.

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