Chapter 194 Fish and Dragon of Fish Storm (Fourth!)

I played with Lan Qingyue until more than nine o’clock. I wanted to sleep with my little sister, but she was pushed out mercilessly, and the door was locked.

With a wry smile on Wang Xian’s face, he walked to the first floor and in front of the deck, looking at the ocean in the distance.

Under his induction, Lan Qingyue on the second floor slowly fell asleep.

She seldom slept in these two days, and finally got a good rest today.

“It’s been at least ten hours for Lan Qingyue to wake up!”

Wang Xian secretly said in his heart, he hesitated for a moment, took off his clothes, and threw them directly on the sofa aside.


Wang Xian leapt directly into the bottom of the sea, swaying, and instantly transformed into a six-meter-long dragon.

“Ao Nu, Prime Minister Turtle, and they are all nearby, call them over!”

Wang Xian looked around, and a dragon chant spread to the surroundings.



Soon, a reply came, and Wang Xian watched the surrounding Prime Minister Tortoise, Ao Nu, Ao Xia and Ao Qitian leading a group of magic monkeys quickly rushing towards his position.

At the forefront, Kujo Naga was the fastest, coming to him at a terrifying speed.

“Meet the Dragon King!”

Prime Minister Gui, Ao Qitian, Ao Nu, and Ao Xia lie respectfully in front of Wang Xian.


Wang Xian glanced over the eight hundred magic monkeys, feeling the increase in their strength, and a satisfied look appeared on his face.

Behind Prime Minister Turtle and Ao Xia, a group of turtles and giant lobsters lay behind them.

These turtles and lobsters exude agile looks. The lobsters are all about one meter in size, and the two huge tongs look full of lethality.

These are the little brothers bred by Prime Minister Gui and Ao Xia.

“Just use the night time to find some resources in the farther waters to upgrade the level!”

Wang Xian secretly said in his heart, looking at the yacht not far away, hesitated for a moment, and commanded to Prime Minister Turtle and them: “Walk with the yacht below!”

“It’s the Dragon King!”

Prime Minister Turtle nodded, and figured out to swim under the yacht.

A yacht of more than 30 meters is of course heavier, but in the water, Prime Minister Turtle is able to drive the yacht fast.

Wang Xian was a little worried about Lan Qingyue, and cautiously went to the second floor to comb her body with dragon Qi, and then let her sleep peacefully.

If there is not much interruption, it will take at least ten hours to wake up.

“Go, go to the deeper waters!”

Wang Xian entered the bottom of the sea again and gave orders to the group of men.

The entire Bohai Sea has been searched by Wang Xian. So far, except for the huge twelfth-level devil flower that has not been solved, the rest of the place has been searched.

The Bohai Sea is not very big. At their speed, it only took three hours to reach the Yellow Sea area.

Wang Xian suddenly discovered that the underwater world had undergone tremendous changes.

The average water depth of the Yellow Sea is more than 40 meters, and the deeper position can reach more than 80 meters.

The entire Yellow Sea was extremely vast, several times that of the Bohai Sea. At this time, the area where Wang Xian stayed was about fifty meters.

This is the first time he has come to such a deep sea.

The seabed is dark at night, and there are not many aquatic plants below, and there are many more fish than in the Bohai Sea.

“It’s still more comfortable here, and I always feel that Bohai is a bit unable to turn around!”

Wang Xian swayed, swimming with him in the sea at a depth of fifty meters.

“Hey, there is a school of sharks ahead.”

Wang Xian narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at more than twenty sharks at a kilometer away.

These sharks are at least four or five meters in size, exude a fierce aura, and are domineering in the ocean.

A smile appeared on Wang Xian’s face. He moved, swaying his body, and rushing directly towards the group of sharks.

Great White Shark: Level 5

Extractable Dragon Qi: 534

“Twenty or so is more than 10,000 dragon spirits, haha, this is really not comparable to Bohai.”

There was excitement on Wang Xian’s face, and the sea monster going out from deep water was not just talking about it.

The resources and fishes of the entire Yellow Sea are at least ten or even dozens of times that of the Bohai Sea.

“When I become stronger and Dragon Palace’s subordinates are strong, they will go to the real ocean. Will there be horrible creatures under the deep sea? Are there other races in the dark ocean? Are ancient marine creatures? Still living under the sea?”

Wang Xian’s heart is fiery, and the ocean is an area that humans have never set foot in. In the near future, he will explore the entire ocean and become the king of the ocean!

Wang Xian’s heart was full of fighting spirit, he groaned softly, and the men behind him swam over quickly.

“Go, explore the Yellow Sea!”

As Wang Xian said, his eyes were staring forward, and the Dragon Palace he was carrying, conquering the unknown sea.

The bottom of the Yellow Sea is not very different from the Bohai Sea. There are plains and bulging areas below, but the scene below is much more magnificent and majestic than the Bohai Sea.

“Swallow Devour Devour!”

There are many fishes around, such as small yellow croaker, hairtail, mackerel, mackerel, yellow croaker, mullet, Pacific herring, pomfret, cod and so on.

As soon as Wang Xian moved his body, he was able to swallow some fish, and in just two hours he actually increased more than 17,000 dragon energy.

“There are still 420,000 Dragon Qis that can be upgraded on their own. Try to increase the level during this time.”

Wang Xian secretly said in his heart, looking forward, forward, different from the darkness in the ocean, where many luminous creatures grow.

The luminous creature raised some light on the entire seabed, and Wang Xian moved towards there.

“This is…”

When he approached this bright area, he was immediately shocked by the scene in the distance.

“Fish storm, a very huge fish storm!”

At least hundreds of thousands of fishes gathered together and kept spinning like a tornado on the bottom of the sea.

Wang Xian narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at the fish storm a little fiercely.

“If you swallow this school of fish, you can at least increase the dragon energy by more than 100,000!”

Wang Xian’s eyes lighted up, and he immediately commanded: “Enclose this school of fish from all around!”

The entire fish school storm covers an area of ​​more than one thousand meters, and it is impossible to completely rule it under the pressure of the king’s dragon.

Moreover, he found that there are several very special fish at the center of this fish storm.

They have a terrifying body, each measuring seven or eight meters in size, with a flat and sharp mouth.

About two meters in the mouth, neat rows of sharp teeth are exposed outside, exuding a sharp luster.

“What kind of fish is this?”

Wang Xian’s heart was full of surprise. These four or five strange fishes swam in the middle of the fish storm, like a king.

Around, densely packed herring, mackerel, and mackerel are like kings who worship them.

Wang Xian wagged his tail and started hunting.

This will be his first battle to conquer the Yellow Sea!

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