Chapter 196 War! (Second!)

“Get out of our ichthyosaur domain, otherwise, die!”

This ichthyosaur stared at Wang Xian, his icy eyes gleaming with cold blood.

“So strong, much stronger than the five ichthyosaurs I encountered just now!”

Feeling the aura from the ichthyosaur body, Wang Xian was a little surprised. This ichthyosaur had obviously turned on wisdom, and his level was definitely not lower than tenth.

The huge figure of fifteen meters, the body exudes a palpitating power, and an aura that belongs to the king is covering them.

“Surrender us, otherwise, die!”

Wang Xian stared at the ichthyosaur and slowly roared.


When Yulong heard Wang Xian’s words, he immediately raised his head and roared three times, and a wave of ripples appeared from its mouth, passing towards the surroundings.

At this moment, the whole quiet area seemed to come alive.

Not far away, two ichthyosaurs, three to four meters in size, swam out of the sunken ships.

In the distance of a forty or fifty-meter-long shipwreck, an ichthyosaur with a length of more than ten meters emerged from it.

There are dozens of sunken ships here, and each sunken ship contains an ichthyosaur.

The small one is two to three meters in size, and the long one is fifteen to six meters.

Even at the end, a seventeen-eight-meter ichthyosaur swam slowly from the depths.

Slowly, a group of ichthyosaurs appeared about five hundred meters in front of Wang Xian and them.

There are at least six to seven hundred ichthyosaurs, large and small.

Among them, there are twenty or thirty ichthyosaurs about ten meters away, three about fifteen meters away, and only one about seventeen meters away.

“Dare to break into the realm of our fish and dragon clan, I will eat you!”

The ichthyosaur, about seventeen or eighteen meters away, stared at Wang Xian with scorching eyes.

It feels a strong attraction from Wang Xian, and tells it instinctively that if this strange creature is swallowed, it can evolve again!


The ichthyosaur wagging its huge tail and commanded directly.

In an instant, the ichthyosaurs opened their mouths slightly and marched towards Wang Xian and the others.

“It’s really fierce, direct attack!”

Wang Xian looked at the seventeen-eight-meter-long ichthyosaur, slowly wagging its tail.

“Roar, kill!”

A dragon roar roared from Wang Xian’s mouth.


Ao Qitian raised the stick in his hand, and Ang Tian gave a long roar.

“Roar!” The demon monkeys behind them also roared, their bodies exuding bloody air.


Kujiuyu spit out his black tongue and raised his head slightly.


The Prime Minister tortoise lying on the bottom of the sea shook slightly, and its body was slowly wrapped in mud.

Ao Xia stood up, a pair of large tongs exuding a metallic luster.


Wang Xian directly greeted the ichthyosaur at the front.

Behind Ao Qitian, Jiu Tiaoyu and the Monkey King also moved instantly.

There are more than a thousand creatures on both sides, but the aura that exudes is like an army.

“Swish swish!”

Wang Xian’s tail swayed, and two huge water balls condensed behind him, each of which was about two meters away, directly attacking the ichthyosaur at the forefront.

“I’m going to eat you!”

The seventeen-eight-meter-long ichthyosaur saw Wang Xian’s attack without fear, and its tail swayed, as if it had no bones, directly over its head.


The water ball burst and the sea water surged.

Ichthyosaur: Level 11

Extractable Dragon Qi: 293244

“Level 11!”

When Wang Xian saw the level of the ichthyosaur, he was not surprised at all, his expression remained unchanged, and a pair of dragon claws flashed with metallic luster, and he directly attacked the ichthyosaur.

The seventeen-eight-meter ichthyosaur is only five or six meters long with its head, and its densely packed teeth are about the size of a fist and look very sharp.

The entire head is like the skin of a crocodile, with the upper bones cocked.

The size is more than three times that of Wang Xian.



There was a sound of impact, and Wang Xian’s dragon claws directly collided with the ichthyosaur’s mouth.

Each tooth was directly grabbed by Wang Xianlong’s claws.

The ichthyosaur bit his dragon claw, and the dragon claws of Wang Xian directly burst into flames, causing the ichthyosaur to loosen quickly.

“Eat me, Ao Qitian!”

At this moment, the surrounding Ao Qitian collided with the ichthyosaur group.

Ao Qitian raised the club with both hands, like a great sage on TV, and slammed directly at a 15-meter ichthyosaur in front of him.

“The loess is all over the sky!”

Below, suddenly a puff of khaki mud covered dozens of ichthyosaurs in front of him.

There were also hard stones in the loess smashing towards the ichthyosaurs.

“Water control, water entanglement, water clarity!”

At the back, Ao Nu waved her palms, and the water ropes actually bound the mouths of the ichthyosaurs.

With a wave of her arm, drops of water were attached to the magic monkeys rushing into the loess sky, covering them to prevent blurred vision.

The eight hundred magic monkeys leapt in shape and moved towards the ichthyosaurs attacking.

However, the most terrifying thing is the nine horns, their speed is terrifying, with strong venom on their bodies, and the ichthyosaurs moving at full speed cannot keep up with their speed.

With a bite of fangs on the body, the ichthyosaurs stiffened, and even ichthyosaurs less than ten meters in size were directly poisoned to death.

The nine-joyed dragons are like killers one by one, terrifying incomparably.

“You guys are looking for death!”

The seventeen-eight-meter-long ichthyosaur felt the blood coming from the surrounding area, and his eyes swept to find that the ichthyosaurs had been killed, and their eyes slowly turned red.

Red, weird red, with drops of blue liquid in the red.

Wang Xian was slightly taken aback when he saw the change in the eyes of this fish and dragon, and looked at him with some caution.


Yulong stared at Wang Xian with bloodthirsty eyes, and attacked him directly.

Wang Xian’s expression did not change, and the dragon claw directly greeted him and grabbed his head.


At this moment, the ichthyosaur’s tail was the first to attack him. The tail carried a powerful current, and this force was at least a dozen tons.

Wang Xian’s expression remained unchanged, and his tail wagged, and a huge stream of water began to rush towards its tail.


The tail attack was stopped, and the ichthyosaur bit directly towards his body.

“Go to hell!”

Seeing Yulong’s open mouth, Wang Xian ripped a pair of dragon claws away.


Wang Xian’s dragon claws tore a long wound on the ichthyosaur’s head, but the ichthyosaur’s huge mouth bit his tail.

There was a sharp pain, and he broke free quickly and retreated back.

The ichthyosaurs were in pain, and they backed away quickly.

“This ichthyosaur doesn’t bite my body position, why does it bite my tail!”

Wang Xian saw the dragon’s tail, which was almost split into two sections, with an embarrassed expression on his face.

The air of the blue dragon covered the wound, and the dragon’s tail slowly healed.

Wang Xian looked at the ichthyosaur and found that its blood-red eyes exuded more gorgeous light, staring at him scorchingly.

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