Chapter 227 Donate 50 million to the school (first!)

“Take some trouble for some classmates to go ahead and sit down for a while!”

Han Junming took a few books across the table with a smile on his face, and said with a smile to Wang Dahai.

“No, we are not accustomed to sitting in the front!”

Zhang Feng smiled. Only Xueba likes to sit in the front in class. It is uncomfortable to sit in the front as they are.

Moreover, if the four of them were four beauties, Zhang Feng Wang Dahai and the others might not be able to speak, but if there were a few handsome guys, they would definitely not agree!

“Huh?” Han Junming narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the four Wang Xian standing beside him.

All the students in the class had already arrived, and looked at Wang Dahai and Zhang Feng in surprise.

“Let me talk about a few people, Han Junming, if they want to sit here, just let it be. They invited everyone to dinner a few days ago. Are they reluctant to give up on this matter now?”

Before the four of Han Junming could speak, the twin beauties sitting at the back spoke.

They were playing with their mobile phones, faintly ignoring the four Wang Xian.

“A treat is not a reason to sit in someone else’s place casually!”

Zhang Wen frowned slightly, and looked at the twin sisters: “And beauties, you know, they gave us a 50% discount when I went to dinner. Did Yipinge discount? Do you think you only need those things to eat last time? More than half a million?”

“Yes, it’s a matter of fact. Didn’t you hear the beautiful woman Guan Shuqing say a 50% discount that day? We really have nothing to say when you take this matter into account!”

Wang Dahai shrugged and said directly to the twin beauties.

“It’s a little money, we don’t need a discount.” Han Junming smiled faintly, with no intention of getting up.

The other three were completely ignorant of playing with their mobile phones, obviously arrogant and cool.


Seeing the attitude of the four of them, Wang Xian felt a little amused: “According to what you said, my roommate needs you to treat me to my hotel? Get out, don’t be embarrassed!”


The four of them frowned slightly, and looked up at Wang Xian displeasedly, their eyes chilling.

“Cut, I really don’t know what to expect, who are you, we will give you positions for the two of us!”

The twin beauties sitting at the back showed angry expressions, glared at Wang Xian and the four of them, and stood up coldly.

“What’s the matter with you, look for the picture?”

Wang Xian frowned and looked at the twin beauties, and said with some impatientness in his eyes.

“You…” There was a trace of anger on the faces of the two twin beauties.

“Well, you two girls, please don’t chatter here. Isn’t it annoying?”

Wang Dahai said to the two twin beauties, and turned to the four boys: “Get out of the way!”


Han Junming, Hua Mingze and the other two boys slowly stood up, slightly raised their heads, and stared at the four of Wang Dahai and Wang Xian with cold eyes.

“This is all in class? Why are you still standing there?”

At this moment, an old man with glasses walked in, looked behind, and said in a deep voice.

“Boy, crazy, wait!”

Han Junming looked at Wang Xian coldly, and said coldly.

“A man of Jiang Da? Ha ha!”

Hua Mingze smiled faintly, and the four of them walked towards the front with expressionless faces.

“This is Jiangcheng University!”

Wang Xian said lightly towards them.

“Hurry up and get back to your seat!”

The professor raised his voice and said to all of them.

The other students in the class looked at Wang Xian and at the four Hua Zeming.

“It’s really pretending!”

Wang Dahai looked at the four of them displeasedly, and whispered.

Wang Xian smiled and sat on the table. He didn’t care about the four of them. If they are really looking for something, then let them know.

In Jiangcheng, keep a low profile.

At the beginning of the class, four people sat in the back, communicating in a low voice while the professor was not paying attention.

Wang Dahai, Zhang Feng, and Zhang Wen are all at the level of scumbags, and they only hold the Buddha’s feet temporarily when they are about to take the exam.

Wang Xian was fine before, but now he has fallen.

“In the evening, you take your girlfriends and have a meal together. I’ll go to the counselor first after school.”

After Wang Xian talked to them, he started embracing the Buddha.

“Pharaoh, we are waiting for you at the gate of the school!”

With the sound of school coming out, Wang Dahai and Zhang Wen and Zhang Feng said to him.

“Okay, I’ll go find a counselor first!”

Wang Xian nodded and walked towards the teacher’s building with a smile on his face.

“This kid is very arrogant, do you want to teach me a lesson!”

“A small Jiangcheng is completely incomparable to the monsters of Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger. I can’t bear to dare to be arrogant to us!”

“Hehe, have a chance to play with him!”

In the class, the four of Hua Zeming slowly stood up, and the two beautiful twins immediately leaned forward.

“Come on, finish the newspaper, draw some pictures, this time you must finish it!”

“Yes, I will take photos and post them on the forum later, and see if I can donate more money to Wu Juanjuan!”

The teacher’s building is located in the most central area. Wang Xian walked toward it. On the way, he saw several students from the student union making production on the campus newspaper.

He glanced over, slightly thoughtful.

He still agrees with Jiangcheng University and the counselor very much. When he first entered the university, his grades were very good. When the counselor learned of his family conditions, he also applied to the school for a semester of tuition.

Although every school has a quota for this kind of poor student assistance, Wang Xian is still very grateful as a beneficiary.

The initial several thousand dollars was a huge sum of money for him at the time.

“Just report back to the school, just to solve the problem of continuing to absent from school in the future!”

Wang Xian smiled and continued to walk towards the teaching building with a smile on his face.

The instructor was on the third floor. Wang Xian walked inward and knocked on the office door.

“Come in!”

There was a voice inside, and Wang Xian opened the door and found that there were many teachers talking together.

He was embarrassed to find that the teachers of every subject were there.

“Teacher Li!”

Wang Xian looked at his counselor and walked over with a smile.

“Yeah, your kid actually came to class, come, let me count how many days you have been absent from class!”

The counselor saw Wang Xian coming in and waved at him angrily.

“I can’t get through if I call you, and I won’t reply when I send a message. I think you are going to heaven!”

Wang Xian smiled happily. Counselor Li is a good man in the hearts of the students. He is in his thirties and is very responsible.

Wang Xian had a good impression of the counselor, and he didn’t care about his scolding.

After all, this is also his fault, he will not directly force the counselor just because he is so powerful.

“Ms. Li, I have been busy during this time, and there were some problems with my mobile phone, so I didn’t receive the call!”

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