Chapter 230: Crushing the Past (Fourth!)

“I’ll go, how did those people provoke the four of Hua Zeming!”

“Yes, how did that group of people provoke Hua Zeming and the others? It was really bad luck. The four of Hua Zeming heard that they were very powerful!”

“Hua Zeming and Han Junming have a very strong family background, and their own strength is also strong. The drift just now is simply too cool!”

“It’s just a joke!”

“Hey, isn’t that Wang Xian?”

“It’s really Wang Xian, the man in the school who has disappeared for a long time, how did he provoke the four of Hua Zeming!”

A group of students around were talking, and curiously gathered around here.

“It’s really Wang Xian, he is a relatively awesome student in our school. He made a lot of money at a young age, but he is still incomparable with Hua Zeming and Han Junming!”

“Wang Xian bought a three or four million Bentley for his sister. He is very strong, but Han Junming and the four are obviously more powerful. Each is a top sports car worth more than five million!”

“I heard that the family of the four of Hua Zeming are all rich people in the magic capital. They have billions of wealth. They all have a status in the magic capital. The magic capital is a gathering place for the rich!”

A group of people talked quietly.

Although Wang Xian is more powerful, he owns Yipinge, a well-known restaurant in the whole country.

But there is still a big gap with the real rich second generation, just say Hua Zeming’s four-man luxury car, each of which is worth more than five million.

The people in the school really didn’t think that Wang Xian had them rich and powerful.

In addition, the strength of Hua Zeming’s people is also very terrifying. Some time ago, they discussed with Xu Qingcheng and defeated them with one move.

It was defeated by one move, but even Coach Yan Hu couldn’t do it.

Although the four are exchange students and have just arrived at Jiangcheng University, their reputation and strength have faintly suppressed Wang Xian.

Looking at the despised middle finger of the twin beauties and the four arrogant faces, Wang Xian walked towards the front sports car with a cold expression.

“Pharaoh, forget it, we don’t care about them!”

When Wang Dahai saw Wang Xian walking by, he stepped forward with embarrassment and said in a low voice.

“Yes, Lao Wang, we don’t care about them, shit, an exchange is so arrogant!”

Zhang Feng Zhang Wen walked over and said a little aggrieved.

Wang Xian waved his hand towards them, walked directly to the front of the sports car, and stepped on the front of the car with his right foot.

“The four of you are really arrogant!”

Wang Xian said to them coldly.

“Get your feet away!”

Han Junming saw Wang Xian stepping on his sports car and said to Wang Xian coldly.

“Put it down, you can’t afford to lose this car!”

A twin beauty in the car said to Wang Xian with disdain.


Wang Xian sneered and stepped on his foot, looking at the four of them: “Tell you again, this is Jiangcheng!”

“Since you want to play, I will play with you!”

“Car skills? I also show you car skills!”

“I want to see if the consequences are something I can bear!”

Wang Xian said four words coldly, in response to what the four of them had just said!

“Grass, let you fucking take your feet away, don’t you hear it?”

When Han Junming saw Wang Xian not only didn’t lift his foot, but stepped on it twice, he walked down with some anger on his face.

The three Hua Zeming behind them also got out of the car coldly.

“I’m going, Wang Xian is going to be tough with Hua Zeming and Han Junming!”

“Somewhat irrational, the four of them obviously can’t handle it alone!”

“Can’t fight?”

The people around were slightly surprised when they saw this situation, and they all talked about it.

“Put your foot down, do you hear it!”

Han Junming stared at Wang Xian coldly, and the three of Hua Zeming came over with cold faces.

Wang Xian smiled: “I want to play, play with you!”

As he spoke, he slowly moved his foot away and walked to the side of the sports car.

“Boy, let me tell you, if we don’t want to die, our patience is limited!”

Han Junming pointed to Wang Xian and said coldly.

“Interesting, no one in Jiangcheng dared to speak to me like this!”

As Wang Xian said, he beckoned to the back slightly: “I don’t think your car skills are cool at all, I will show you something cooler!”


Just as Wang Xian was speaking, a roaring sound came not far from the side!

The roar is like a roar of a beast.

The people around were shocked. Some people watched in shock as a huge black iron-covered vehicle rushed towards this side and hurriedly avoided!

“Fuck, is this a truck?”

“MAN, it’s a motorhome, this is a motorhome!”

“This car is so overbearing, it feels a bit like a military car!”

The people around looked at the black monster that roared in shock.

Nearly four meters high and more than ten meters long, the tires of vehicles alone are half a person tall.

MAN, like its name, is an off-road RV, extremely domineering.

This overbearing car rushed straight ahead like a beast.

“This is!”

“Gosh, what is that big car going to do!”

An exclamation sounded from around.

Han Junming and Hua Zeming looked at them, and their expressions suddenly changed.


Under the shocking gazes of everyone around, this overbearing touring car slammed into the four sports cars.

The huge wheels, almost as tall as a sports car, squeezed directly under everyone’s horror.

The top off-road touring car can easily climb up to forty-degree slopes. The sports car with a low chassis looks very mini in front of this monster.

What would happen to a Big Mac weighing more than 20 tons on a sports car weighing just over one ton?

Just like now.

In the shocking gazes of the people around, the Big Mac was crushed by, and the first sports car was directly and completely sunken.

A huge wheel passed by, and the entire sports car was directly deformed.

However, when the rear wheels pass directly, the sports car is almost directly attached to the ground.

And this Big Mac has eight wheels, and the two behind are passing by.

The sports car was completely deformed, and some white smoke rose.

Immediately afterwards, the second sports car repeated the ending of the first sports car.

Lamborghini Aventador, Aston Martin-Vanquish, Ferrari FF, Ferrari F12berlinetta, one after another.

Kaka’s sound was unusually harsh in the silent surroundings.

The breathing of the crowd around was a little short!


When the black giant crushed the last sports car, it stopped heavily.

It is as if the behemoth siege to the city stopped attacking.


The black giant’s vehicle opened, and a middle-aged man walked down with a smile on his face. He looked at Wang Xian and asked with a smile:

“Master, how are my car skills?”

As he spoke, he looked at the four cars as if he was watching his masterpiece.

“It’s up to these four to comment on it!”

Wang Xian said with a smile on his face.

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