Chapter 235 It’s going to be on the shelves tomorrow noon, just say a few words!

It will be put on the shelves at 12 noon on Tuesday, which means there will be a charge.

Regarding fees, it is also about the survival of the author.

The book has been free for more than 100 days without any profit.

Today, it can be considered rich to eat.

Now I update 8,000 words every day. With my handicap and the plot concept, it takes seven or eight hours.

The works completed in seven or eight hours cost a few cents for a thousand words. I implore all my brothers and sisters to give me a meal.

Before listing, I would like to thank all readers for their support.

With you, this book can go to this day.

If the fee is charged, some readers may leave. I apologize to these readers. I also have to live. I also have to spend money on firewood, rice, oil and salt.

Sorry, don’t give up, I still hope you can give some support!

Of course I hope that all readers can subscribe to support, but I also know that most of them are students, not asking for rewards, just asking for genuine subscriptions.

For readers who can continue to support, say thank you here, thank you!

Thank you for subscribing, thank you for your support!

I will try my best to write this book and update it!

The author does not speak, nor sensational, just say this!

I am a nine-nine-three who will always work hard!

Tomorrow at 12 o’clock noon, ten chapters will be updated, I beg your support!

The next ten chapters are guaranteed to be exciting, please subscribe!

Finally, to all the readers who have supported me for a long time, a sincere and prudent one, yeah!

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