Chapter 2539 Wanted! Framed by public opinion

“Sanhaimen, what are you doing?”

In the void, the powerful people of Jianhua Group’s Black Forest collective questioned the powerful people of Sanhaimen a little angrily!

“The Dragon Palace Dragon King killed our Young Master Ji, and killed us a few immortal king masters, so we just let them go?”

An old man from Sanhaimen shouted in a low voice with some anger!

“Damn, now the Star Goddess directly tells the entire planet, saying that we threaten people, we must reduce the impact of this matter, otherwise it will have a great impact on our planet Xinghua!”

An old man from the Black Forest Group nearby roared coldly!

“Come and discuss this right now!”

The strong of Jianhua Group also said with a calm face, and immediately flew towards the space battleship above!

The complexions of the powerful people in Sanhaimen changed, and they flew over!

This time, it was their Sanhaimen who provoked it!


“Dragon King, Dragon King Dragon Palace, you damn damn damn you, I want to kill you, I want to destroy you!”

At the same time, located in a vast ocean, a young man is located in a sky blue underwater palace!

Blood was spit out from his mouth, and his face grimly let out an angry roar!

The guards outside the door heard these voices, and their faces were full of horror!

“Jian’er, what’s the matter?”

At this moment, an old man walked in and said to the figure in the room!

“Father, the clone created by the god lotus root was killed, and I was killed!”

Ji Shaojian said to the old man with blood red eyes!


The old man’s body took a halt, and a terrifying evil erupted in his body instantly!

The last time his son fell, he did not hesitate to take out the precious and incomparable heavenly god lotus root to create two bodies for him, just to prevent things from happening again!

This kind of treasure is extremely rare and precious!

But this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that someone dares to kill his son!

If there is no treasure, this time his son would have completely fallen!


At this moment, his brain trembled, and his face changed slightly when he saw the above information!

“Jian’er, this violent father will pay you back!”

As he said, the figure disappeared instantly!

Nearly two hundred immortal kings and powerful men are sitting there in the space battleship in the void between the planet Xing Hua!

The three major forces are located in one place!

“The master of Sanhaimen is here!”

An old man headed by the Black Forest Group looked at the sect master of Sanhaimen and said lightly!

“Someone dare to make trouble on our planet Xinghua, and kill without mercy!”

The face of the Sanhaimen sect master was full of murderous aura, and he directly shouted!

“This matter will be discussed later, now let’s solve the matter affected by the star goddess!”

The old man headed by Jianhua Group said with a gloomy face!

The sect master of Sanhaimen saw the two big forces staring at him, and his face changed and sat on his seat!

“Now because of the words of the Star Goddess, it has a great influence on us. Look at the evaluation of us on the brain today, and look at the turmoil of some Star Goddess fans on Xinghua planet now!”

The old man headed by the Black Forest Group waved his arm, and the incident on the planet Xinghua on Zhi Brain was crazy!

Because of the influence of the star goddess, all of them abused their planet Xinghua, and there were even many fans in the central area who came to curse them through location searches!

The entire planet Xinghua instantly became a general existence that everyone shouted and beat!

And among them, there might be four other commercial planets in the Southern Star System secretly contributing to the flames!

All the news came out one by one!

Once handled properly, the entire planet Xinghua will suffer a huge blow, at least half of it will be lost!

Once they lose so much, then their planet Xinghua will become more and more declining!

The loss is difficult to calculate!

“Now we must stabilize the situation!”

The old man headed by Jianhua Group spoke!

“They kill people on our commercial planet, kill my son, kill my subordinates, and the other party breaks the rules first. What are we afraid of?”

The sect master of Sanhaimen said coldly!

“The influence of the star goddess is too great, we can’t explain it, but we also have evidence here, and the situation is still acceptable today!”

“As for the next thing, this incident was caused by your Sanhaimen. You solve the Dragon King of the Dragon Palace and let them know the fate of breaking the rules of our Xinghua planet!”

The old man headed by the Black Forest Group said to the Sanhaimen sect master!

“Relax, leave this Dragon Palace to us, I want them to die!”

Sanhaimen sect master roared sternly!

“In addition, the Star Southern Galaxy is fully wanted. Other forces see that even if they will not be arrested, they will not be allowed to step into the planet!”

The old man headed by the Black Forest Group continued to add!

“Upload the scenes of the Dragon Palace and Dragon King and the others killing people on Xinghua Planet to Zhinao, and render it!”

After the old man finished speaking, his figure disappeared!

The crowd on the side moved immediately!

They edited the pictures taken by the satellite and immediately transmitted them to Zhi Brain in the name of Planet Xing Hua!

“Please watch the video in black and white! The Dragon Palace and Dragon King beheaded the people of Xinghua Planet and violated the rules. We will judge them according to the rules of Xinghua Planet!”

A video was uploaded, and it spread wildly on Zhi Brain immediately!

At the same time, in the vast starry sky, Wang Xian and the others shuttled in the universe, flying towards the direction of the planet of life!

They want to transit through the teleportation array of the planet of life!

“Xiaoxian, it’s all my fault this time…”

“Yes, I blame Yinxuan, you are so beautiful and so likable!”

In the universe, Tang Yinxuan just started to blame herself and was interrupted by Wang Xian!

This made her stare at Wang Xian, with a smile on her face!

“Sanhaimen is nothing but the three major forces on the planet Xinghua, and we are not afraid!”

Wang Xian touched Tang Yinxuan’s head and continued!

“These guys are too arrogant. I haven’t encountered such a bastard as a star for so many years, huh!”

The emperor star girl on the side said with a slight irritation!


At this moment, the emperor star girl looked at Zhinao trembling constantly, apparently there are many fans sending messages to her!

“Huh? The group of bastards on Xing Hua planet actually uploaded the video of you killing Wang Xian to Zhi Brain to guide public opinion!”

When she saw the information on Zhi Nao, she raised her brows slightly!

“Oh? They should be afraid of your influence!”

Wang Xian frowned slightly and took out his wisdom brain!

Sure enough, there are countless hot discussions on the topic of Xinghua Planet on Zhi Brain, and a video published by Xing Hua Planet is very popular!

The video is exactly the scene where Wang Xian shot and killed a group of powerhouses in Sanhaimen!

“Huh? It turns out that the Dragon King of Dragon Palace did it first?”

“This…this is obviously a disciple of Sanhaimen who confessed to the goddess Yinxuan and gave such a precious gift, the Dragon Palace Dragon King actually killed them cruelly!”

“This Dragon King is so cruel, others just confessed that he actually killed all the people in Sanhaimen, it was they who violated the rules of Xinghua Planet!”

“No voice, no evaluation!

“What not to evaluate? Can’t you see the picture? Even if it is the Sanhaimen disciple, no matter how wrong, they can’t kill people. If they violate the rules of the commercial planet, they should be lawless. The star goddess is obviously deliberately favoring them!”

One by one information is spreading crazily on the brain!

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