Chapter 2549 Dragon Witch


The change of the weird creature in Hualong Pond is not over yet, his nine-color dragon body slowly comes out!

The dragon’s body is not long, only about 20 meters, and the dragon’s tail is only two meters in size!

Under Wang Xian’s induction, this dragon’s body is extremely weak, and he can easily be destroyed!


At this moment, the dragon blood in the Hualong Pond surged crazily toward his body at a terrifying speed!

These dragon blood, which is enough to give birth to five or six hundred immortal kings in the dragon palace, and enough to increase the fighting power of two or three immortal kings in the dragon palace, all poured into that weird body!

Dragon blood entered it, and the strange creature did not grow larger or shrink!

Except for the radiance, Wang Xian did not notice that he became stronger!

“The strength of the physical body is equivalent to that of the fifth rank of the ordinary immortal king!”

Wang Xian frowned slightly as he sensed it!


At this time, the water attribute dragon head in the center raised his hair and let out a roar, his eyes slowly opened!

“Ding, Dragon Palace adds new dragon species, dragon witch dragon species, congratulations to the host!”

At this time, the system’s voice suddenly sounded, making Wang Xian slightly taken aback!

New dragon species, dragon witch?

“Dragon Witch, a weak physical body, possesses the power to use the lower nine attributes, and you can’t fight by jumping!”

Wang Xian looked at Long Wu’s introduction, and his face instantly turned dark!

Dragon Witch, weak body, using the power of the lower nine attributes, can’t leapfrog!

This damn thing is the most useless dragon species in Dragon Palace, right?

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

“My Heavenly Formation God Emperor is finally resurrected, and finally resurrected, hahaha, thousands of years ago, the old man has been silent for thousands of years!”

“Cheng Wuhui, sorcerer, wait for me, and wait for me the heavenly emperor, hahaha!”

At this moment, a wild laugh and even a crazy voice sounded, and Wang Xian looked at it!

The water-attributed dragon head in the center turned into a human head, with the appearance of an old man, a long white beard, and a white landrace!

Looks like a fairy tale!

But looking at his body, it looks very hideous!

With two weird arms, each arm has four dragon heads!

Coupled with a dragon body and dragon tail, it looks weird!


“What? Heavenly Formation God Emperor!”

However, the words of the heavenly formation god emperor made an incredible look on the faces of the emperor star girl and aunt Ying!

Heavenly Formation God Emperor, they knew exactly what it was!

The battle of the emperor’s meteorite broke out in the emperor star field, and the god emperor of the void god emperor sky array is an enemy of the three god emperors and the entire Cheng Wuhui!

At that station, the sun, the moon, and the starry sky changed color!

As far as they know, the number of immortal kings who died has reached hundreds of thousands, and most of them are immortal kings above the fifth level!

Because no matter how weak it is, it is already cannon fodder!

At that station, this bright starry sky oscillated!

In the end, the heavenly formation god emperor fell, and the witch would be wounded badly!

Until now, the Cheng Wuhui has not recovered to its peak!

In that battle, there were tens of thousands of destroyed stars!

But now, the weird old man in front of him actually claims to be the Heavenly Formation God Emperor!


“Tianjin, you…how come you have such a body?”

Wang Xian couldn’t help but interrupt when he saw the heavenly formation god emperor who was laughing wildly!

“Dragon King!”

The heavenly formation god emperor saw Wang Xian, his face was full of respect!

With a move, he flew in front of Wang Xian!

“Dragon King, this body is a perfect body for me, with various attributes of sensitivity!”

“With thousands of years of wisdom, I made my body into a witchcraft. Although I only have the strength of the fifth-order immortal king, I feel that I am extremely powerful!”

“As long as I have enough resources, I will be stronger than I was before!”

The Heavenly Formation God Emperor was a little excited and reported towards Wang Xianhui!

“Make your body into a witchcraft?”

Wang Xian frowned slightly, this time the resources consumed by the Heaven Array God Emperor can be said to be very terrifying, and there should be some special features!

“What’s the effect?”

Wang Xian looked at him and asked!

“Dragon King, the strongest effect can increase the power of my formation, and increase the speed of the formation. Now although I am only in the fifth-order realm of the immortal king, I can fight and even kill the seventh-order strong immortal king!”

“And this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that I feel that I still have a huge upper limit. The more formations I control, the more levels I can reach. Later, I can even reach the third level and even Fight at Tier 4 and become a real witch!”

The heavenly formation god emperor said excitedly!


There was light in Wang Xian’s eyes!

“You, you…you are really the heavenly formation god emperor, that mighty heavenly formation god emperor!”

At this time, the emperor star girl on the side came over and asked him with an incredible face!

“It’s the old man who has fallen for thousands of years. I didn’t expect anyone to remember the old man’s name!”

The Heaven Array God Emperor said to the Emperor Star Girl with a smile on his face!

“This… this is incredible!”

The Emperor Star Girl widened her eyes, and Aunt Ying’s body was trembling slightly!

This is a legendary character!

It’s in front of them now!

“As expected to be a divine emperor with great wisdom, he has built such a body and gave birth to such a potential dragon seed in the Dragon Palace!”

Wang Xian sighed slightly in his heart!

“Well, Tianzhen, since you have reshaped your body, now it’s time to do business!”

Wang Xian said to the Heavenly Formation God Emperor with a smile on his face!

“It’s the Dragon King!”

Tianma nodded and followed Wang Xian all the time. He naturally knew the plan!


With a movement of his body, he directly transformed into an old man with the bones of immortality and respectfully fell beside Wang Xian!

“Dragon King, shall we build a commercial planet next?”

Tian Zhen asked with a smile!

“Yes, the most important thing in building a commercial planet is defense and security. Of course, it’s best to design the entire planet. Can you handle this?”

Wang Xian asked directly towards him!

“Dragon King, this is a small matter, leave everything to my old man, ha ha!”

The Heaven Array God Emperor said confidently!

A Void God Emperor who has lived for thousands of years and fallen for thousands of years, what he controls is definitely not what Wang Xian can imagine!

“Okay, you immediately prepare a plan, the sooner the commercial planet is built, the better!”

Wang Xian immediately ordered to him!


Tianzhen bowed and flew towards the distance immediately!

With his promotion, Dragon Palace will automatically assign a dragon lair to him!

“Wang Xian, he… is he really the heavenly formation god emperor who fell thousands of years ago?”

Seeing the god emperor of the sky array leaving, the emperor star girl came to Wang Xian’s side and asked again!

“How many times have you asked this?”

Wang Xian looked at her speechlessly and patted her on the shoulder: “Follow this Dragon King, and I will drink spicy food in the future!”

After speaking, he couldn’t help laughing out!

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