Chapter 2565 head-to-head

“The big thing, the commercial planet of the Ninth-Rank Heavenly Sect was attacked, and all the thousands of disciples of the Ninth-Rank Heavenly Sect were killed!”

“Someone dared to attack a disciple of the Ninth-Rank Heavenly Sect. It was still on their commercial planet. This is the first time in tens of thousands of years!”

“The commercial planet Nine-Rank Tianzong was attacked and thousands of people were killed and injured. No murderer was found. So it seems that the commercial planet Nine-Rank Tianzong is not safe from Dragon Star!”

“Who did it? Nothing happened to the 9th-rank Tianzong commercial planet for tens of thousands of years? Will it be Dragon Star? You know only Dragon Star has been in conflict with them recently!”

“Now the Ninth-Rank Heavenly Sect seems to have not found the slightest clue, I don’t know how this matter will be handled!”

An attack on the Ninth-Rank Tianzong commercial planet caused thousands of deaths and injuries. This is a very important event for the Xingnan Galaxy!

The commercial planet represents safety. If it is not safe, no one would dare to go to that planet!

The Nine-Rank Tianzong commercial planet is the most profound force of the old brand, and their commercial planet rarely happens!

However, thousands of people have been killed and injured directly, which has aroused everyone’s attention and discussion!

Coupled with the recent rise of Dragon Star, the destruction of Xing Hua planet, and the grievances between the Ninth-Rank Heavenly Sect and Dragon Star!

This has expanded this matter more than ten times!

Countless people have been talking about it, and some people have speculated that this incident may have been caused by the Dragon Palace and the Tiger Luan Demon Kingdom!


“This is a provocation to our Ninth-Rank Heavenly Sect!”

Just when there was a lot of discussion on the brain, located at the sect of the Ninth-Rank Tianzong, hundreds of immortal kings were seated together!

At the head, the two immortal kings of rank 7 were sitting there, they were the Sect Master of the Nineth Stage Celestial Sect and the ancestor of the Nineth Stage Celestial Sect!

The two sat there with gloomy faces!

“Ninety percent of this matter was done by the Dragon Palace and the Tiger Rebellion Demon Kingdom. They thought that if two immortal kings of the seventh rank were sitting in town, they would be able to provoke our Ninth-Rank Heavenly Sect, right?”

Sect Master Nine Stage Heavenly Sect was full of murderous expression, his eyes swept around him coldly: “Since he dares to provoke us, let them pay the price!”

“Sect Master, we have to calm down a little bit about this matter. I think that Dragon Palace and Huluo Demon Kingdom do not have the courage, even if they have two immortal kings of seventh-order powerhouses sitting in town!”

“Are we inquiring and discussing?”

An old man with a white beard frowned and said while holding a fan!

“Ask the Dragon Palace directly to see what their attitude is!”

The ancestor of the Ninth-Rank Tianzong pondered slightly and said!

“Master, let me say that we will send people to kill directly. If they can explain it clearly, it’s okay to tell. If they can’t explain it, let me go to war!”

Sect Master Nine Stage Celestial Sect said with a stern face!

“I’m so frizzy even as the Sect Master!”

The ancestor of the Nine Stage Celestial Sect glanced at him, then looked at the white-bearded old man: “Now the intellectual brain is directly questioning, to see what their attitude is in the Dragon Palace and the Tiger Chaotic Demon Kingdom. Based on their attitude, we will make another decision!”

“It’s the ancestor, leave this to me!”

The white-bearded old man nodded!

Ten minutes later, the Nine-Rank Tianzong issued a statement, which was also a question!

“For thousands of years, no one has dared to provoke my Ninth-Rank Celestial Sect, and no one has dared to make trouble on my Ninth-Rank Celestial Sect’s commercial planet. Now the tiger chaos the Demon Country’s Dragon Palace, just give us a perfect explanation for what happened just now!”

“We will determine your future based on this explanation!”

One announcement, one question!

Although their Ninth-Rank Heavenly Sect did not have any evidence that it was the Dragon Palace and Tiger Troubled Demon Country, they dare to send such a message!

If they were not satisfied with the explanations of Dragon Palace and Tiger Chaotic Demon Kingdom, and they didn’t prove that they didn’t take action on their own, then their Ninth-Rank Heavenly Sect would have to make them pay a heavy price!

“The Ninth-Rank Heavenly Sect is so strong, even if there is no evidence, you must make the Dragon Palace and the Tiger Chaotic Demon Kingdom prove their innocence!”

“This is the majesty of the strong, not to be violated!”

The announcement statement of the Nine Stage Celestial Sect shocked many people slightly, and everyone and the forces were quietly waiting for the reply from the Dragon Palace and the Tiger Chaotic Demon Kingdom!

“Dragon King, the Ninth-Rank Tianzong sent notices and questions, and the Tiger Chaotic Demon State asked us how to reply, and they will follow us to reply!”

At this time, in the Dragon Star, Wang Xian was sitting leisurely in the Dragon Palace and drinking tea with a group of girls!

Prime Minister tortoise came over, presenting the intellectual brain matters!

“I’ll publish it!”

Wang Xian looked at the announcement of the Nine-Rank Celestial Sect, and the corners of his mouth cocked slightly!

Since he dared to send a demon to do it, he was not afraid that the other party would know it!

He turned on Zhinao and directly responded to a message!

“Okay, just let the tiger chaos demon country follow along and reply, and prepare for the next step!”

Wang Xian said directly toward Prime Minister Turtle!

mad? proud? This Ninth-Rank Celestial Sect has been the overlord for too long, and it’s too long to be defiant!

The current Dragon Star is not a force like Planet Xing Hua!

“It’s the Dragon King!”

Prime Minister Turtle nodded!

“I went, and there was a response from the Dragon Palace. It is not to be indecent. The commercial planet of the Nine-Rank Tianzong is just like this. The safety performance is so low. I suggest you come to the Longxing Commercial Planet! This is a mockery and provocation. Pin Tianzong?”

“Dragon Palace is completely hard steel. They are directly acknowledging that the attacks on the Ninth-Rank Celestial Sect’s commercial planet are theirs. What is the Dragon King of Dragon Palace doing? Do you go to war?”

“There is no fear at all. It seems that the Dragon Palace and the Tiger Random Demon Kingdom relied on their own two immortal kings of the seventh rank to sit down, and they are not afraid of the Ninth Stage Celestial Sect in the slightest!”

“Regardless of whether the Dragon Palace’s direct hard steel Ninth-Rank Tianzong is wise or not, I am afraid that a storm will break out next!”

When everyone and all the forces saw Dragon Palace’s reply with ridicule and ridicule, there was a feeling of stormy coming!

Dragon Palace, this is a naked provocation!

However, after the Dragon Palace and Tiger Chaotic Demon Kingdom destroys the planet Xing Hua, all the forces also understand that Dragon Palace is not as weak as they thought!

If it really fought, it must be a long war!

Not long after the announcement in the Dragon Palace, Tiger Chaotic Demon Country followed closely, and the final statement representing Dragon Star was also issued immediately!

If the three are exactly the same, respond directly to the Nine-Rank Heavenly Sect!


Located on the planet of the Ninth Stage Celestial Sect, a blast of evil aura blasted away from the sky white clouds, and the terrifying murderous aura spread to the entire planet!

“All the disciples above the Ninth-Rank Celestial Sect Immortal King and above have returned!”

“Also, summon all the powerhouses of Demon Slayer Sect!”

A summoning order spread to all the planets in the Ninth-Rank Celestial Sect domain!

This time, the Nine Stage Celestial Sect was really angry!

Tens of thousands of years or hundreds of thousands of years, no one has dared to provoke them, and now the dragon palace tiger chaos demon country is so provocative that the entire Nine Stage Celestial Sect is extremely angry!

For a time, the entire Xingnan galaxy was undermined!

The war is about to start!

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