Chapter 2582 Ascend, Re-enter The Abyss

Back in the Dragon Palace, Ao Qitian, Ao Yao Yao and the three Ao Qi immediately entered the Hualong Pond!

This time, Wang Xian prepared to raise the three of them to the seventh-order combat effectiveness of the Immortal King!

In addition, the remaining corpses obtained this time were all used by Wang Xian to build high-end combat power!

There are more than a dozen corpses of Tier 6 Immortal Kings, and more of Tier 5 and Tier 4 Immortal Kings!

These more than a thousand corpses are all used to increase the fighting power of the sixth and fifth tiers of the Immortal King!

When he stepped into the abyss again, Wang Xian was going to take it all up and go to the nest of the Void Mountain Peak in the abyss!

If you are lucky enough to catch more than a dozen immortal gods of the seventh-order abyss, then the strength of the Dragon Palace will be able to get a huge increase!

As time passed day by day, the members of the Dragon Palace quickly improved!

However, in front of the entrance to the abyss closest to the Southern Star System, a group of experts from the Tianshan Sword Sect stood not far away, their expressions extremely embarrassing!

“Five days have passed, and the Sixth Elders haven’t come out yet!”

An elder looked at the bottomless abyss ahead, his expression a little ugly!

In the main gate, once a strong person leads his disciple into the abyss, there will be a fixed date!

It is generally agreed that they will come out in two months, and they will basically come out a few days before and after those two months!

However, it has been ten days beyond the fixed period, and there is still no figure!

In the abyss, one cannot directly return to his own God’s country, and cannot make contact. If he does not return for a long time, I am afraid that he will be in danger!

“Damn it, with the vigilance of the sixth elders, there should be no trouble, unless you really encounter a powerful existence, an irresistible existence!”

A middle-aged man shouted in a low voice with an extremely embarrassed expression!

This time they had dozens of Immortal Kings, an elder, and this power was not a small power for their Tianshan Sword Sect!

“Wait another five days, if it doesn’t come after five days, then something really happened!”

The headed elder sighed slightly and said!

“Huh? The people from the Tianshan Sword Sect over there have been waiting there for several days, waiting for their people!”

At this moment, in a restaurant on the mainland far away, two middle-aged men looked at them and whispered!

“Well, there should be some strong sects who haven’t come out yet!”

As the two of them said, they didn’t care too much, they were mainly the people who watched the Dragon Palace!

Five days have passed again, in the Dragon Palace, Ao Yao, Ao Qitian, and Ao Qi have all upgraded!

At the same time, in the side position, there are 15 more immortal kings of the sixth rank, and the fifth rank has reached forty!

Wang Xian glanced over them, with a satisfied look on his face!

“Go, let’s go!”

There was a gleam in his eyes, and he immediately commanded to the members!

This time there are still two hundred members, but the seventh-order Immortal King, counting him to reach four!

There were fifteen immortal kings of Tier 6 and this time, fifteen people of Tier 5 and 40!

The rest are all Tier 3 fighting power of the Immortal King!

Two hundred members, almost 80% of the core members of the Dragon Palace!


The fast flight passed, ten hours later, Wang Xian and the others came to the front of the entrance of the abyss and flew towards the landing floor!

“Let’s go, fifteen days have passed, the six elders should have been overwhelming and lucky!”

As soon as Wang Xian and the others arrived on the land, they saw a crowd flying outside!

He glanced at it, and a faint sneer appeared on his face!

“Tianshan Sword Sect!”

Muttering in his mouth, his figure quickly flew towards the abyss!

“Go directly to the nest of the Void Mountain Peak, this time if there is another Abyss Seed of the Immortal King’s seventh-order, you can kill it!”

Wang Xian’s eyes sparkled with excitement!

“Speed ​​up and fly over!”

He said, and flew towards the nest of giant peaks and abyss!

Because the distance is far away, it takes at least several days to fly there!

And when Wang Xian and the others stepped into the abyss again, their news was also passed on to the five major forces!

But this time, the five forces did not take any action!

“The Dragon King led the Dragon Palace powerhouse to act again, what should we do? Is it just watching?”

On a planet in the realm of the Ninth Stage Celestial Sect, the Sect Master of Sanhaimen shouted in a gloomy low voice!

Last time only he and the ancestor of the Ninth-Rank Tianzong escaped, and he did not find out that he had harmed the two powerhouses of the Jianhua Group and the Black Forest Group!

Now that I got this news, the sect master of Sanhaimen looked a little sordid!

Last time, Sanhaimen also sent sixty immortal kings, and now there are only more than one hundred immortal kings!

Because of the Dragon Palace, the loss of the entire Sanhaimen was too miserable and miserable!

But the more so, the more the Sanhaimen sect master wants revenge. He wants the Dragon Palace to be destroyed, and he wants to kill everyone in the Dragon Palace!

Today’s Dragon Palace has almost become the demon of the Sanhaimen sect master!

“The last time we suffered a heavy loss, the Dragon King is so cunning. Unless our five forces gather all the strong, it will be too difficult and too difficult to destroy them!”

The President of Jianhua Group said gloomily!

The last time the loss was too heavy, their Jianhua Group only had four immortal kings of Tier 6 powerhouses, and they lost half of them directly!

If they continue to lose, they can’t afford it!

The most important thing is that the Dragon King directly brought 700 Immortal Kings and the strange assassins last time!

They want to destroy the Dragon King and them unless they use all their power!

Even the Ninth-Rank Heavenly Sect must send out all the strong, this is possible!

“Send all the strong?”

The Deputy Sect Master of the Ninth Stage Tianzong frowned, his face changed!

“By the way, I got a message here!”

At this moment, the Sect Master of Demon Slashing who had been sitting aside suddenly raised his head!

“Huh? What news?”

A group of strong men looked at him!

“I got a message from the Tianshan Sword Sect. The strong men of the Tianshan Sword Sect who went to the abyss this time may have fallen!”

“And I heard from the halberd sect master that the last time the Dragon King and their positions were told by the Tianshan Sword Sect, and there were some conflicts between the Tianshan Sword Sect and the Dragon Palace!”

Sect Master of Demon Slayer said lightly!

“Huh? You mean to blame the Dragon King? To provoke the relationship between the Tianshan Sword Sect and the Dragon Palace? This is unlikely!”

The Deputy Sect Master of Nine Stage Tianzong frowned, then shook his head!

“According to the news we got, when the Dragon King came out, the Tianshan Sword Sect had just disappeared. The Dragon King and the others had sufficient motives, and it was also a very coincidence!”

The Sect Master of Demon Slayer continued with his eyes flickering!

“Nevertheless, if there is no conclusive evidence, it is impossible for the Tianshan Sword Sect to become an enemy of the Dragon Palace. What’s more, the Tianshan Sword Sect is not stupid for our obvious motives!”

A strong man in the Black Forest Group frowned, feeling that it was not feasible!

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