The 2608th chapter star south in a day horrified

Not only the land of the Tianshan Sword Sect sect, but the planet of the Ninth-Rank Tianzong sect is also reduced to ruins!

All the disciples of the Ninth Stage Celestial Sect were killed on the entire planet!

Above the Ninth-Rank Heavenly Sect, a group of Dragon Palace powerhouses hovered above, looking at the planet below without the slightest emotion!

The location of the Ninth-Rank Tianzong commercial planet was completely blown up. Similarly, all the Ninth-Rank Tianzong disciples here were destroyed!

The headquarters of Jianhua Group and Black Forest Group were also directly breached!

The flames of war spread to a small half of the Southern Star System, and Dragon Palace’s resolute attack this time has caught everyone by surprise by the six major forces!

From the battle to the end, less than half an hour!

“Dragon King, the six major forces have all been resolved, the immortal god king strong, the immortal god king fifth-tier and sixth-tier strong, all of them are wiped out, and no one is left!”

Inside the Dragon Palace, Wang Xian quickly received the information reported by Prime Minister Turtle!

Seeing this result, he didn’t have the slightest surprise!

This time, Dragon Palace sent a total of 30 immortal kings of rank 7 powerhouses. It was too simple to kill nine immortal kings of rank 7 powerhouses!

“The six forces have disappeared from this starry sky, haha, this is the end of the dragon palace!”

Wang Xian murmured, with a cold expression in his eyes!

“Immediately order all Dragon Palace disciples to occupy all the planets of the six major forces!”

He stood up slowly and ordered to Prime Minister Turtle!

“It’s the Dragon King!”

Prime Minister Kame nodded immediately!

Soon, a famous expert in Dragon Palace led the Dragon Palace disciples to fly outside!

When the Dragon Palace disciples came to a surrounding planet, the powerhouses of the entire planet were a little dazed, a little shocked, and a little afraid!

“The Dragon Palace is now invading the commercial planet of the Ninth-Rank Tianzong and the Tianshan Sword Sect. What is going on?”

“I don’t know, there should be results soon!”

Seeing the Dragon Palace strong disciple leaving, everyone on this planet asked in shock!

“Look at the information on Zhi Nao, hiss, look at it!”

At this moment, there was an exclamation from the location next to him, full of shocked exclamations!

“Huh? How is this possible!”

“This is impossible. The Dragon Palace destroyed the Tianshan Commercial Planet, all the powerhouses of the Ninth-Rank Tianzong Commercial Planet, hiss, this…”

“This… this is incredible, the Dragon Palace beheaded all the powerhouses of the Ninth-Rank Tianzong Tianshan Sword Sect!”

“Someone in the brains said that the Dragon Palace destroyed the stars in the land of the Tianshan Sword Sect and the Ninth-Rank Tianzong Sect. Oh my gosh, it’s incredible!”

There was a shocking voice, and everyone looked at the information on Zhinao incredible!

A month ago, the Dragon Palace was still besieged by people from the six major forces, but now it is said that they have destroyed the Tianshan Sword Sect and the Ninth Stage Heavenly Sect. Who can believe this?

If there is such a strength, the six forces dare to offend Dragon Palace?

Some of them couldn’t believe the information on the intellectual brain, but the clear pictures on the intellectual brain impacted their souls again!

“Hey, look at the announcement of the Dragon Palace, look at it!”

At this time, there was another incredible roar!

“The Dragon Palace really wiped out the six powers, and nearly 3,000 immortal kings of the six powers have been beheaded!”

“Nine immortal kings of the two powers, all of the 7th-order powerhouses have fallen, and none of the fifth- and sixth-order gods can escape. This…who can believe that this is what Dragon Palace can do?”

“What kind of strength does the Dragon Palace have now? Has it been only two hours since the Tianshan commercial planet’s accident? Now there is news of the demise of the six major forces?”

Everyone was shocked, and Dragon Palace directly announced on the brain that the six major forces of Tianshan Sword Sect, Nine Stage Celestial Sect, Sanhaimen, Jianhua Group, Black Forest Group, and Demon Slashing Sect wanted to destroy the Dragon Palace, and Dragon Palace now all kills the six major forces. All the strong, now take over all the planets of the six major forces!

From the siege of Dragon Star a month ago to the sneak attack on the Tianshan commercial planet by Dragon Palace two hours ago, to now Dragon Palace announced the extermination of the six major forces!

The news one by one made them incredible and shocking!

This change is so fast, so fast that they can’t accept it at all!

Some powerful forces in the Southern Star System received this news, and their faces were full of shock!

“Immediately go to the Tianshan Commercial Planet, the Tianshan Sword Sect Land Planet, the Ninth-Rank Tianzong Commercial Planet, and the Ninth-Rank Tianzong Land Planet to investigate!”

Each force immediately issued orders!

If the six major forces are really eliminated, that would be a big deal!

That would mean that Dragon Palace has the strength to sweep the entire Xingnan galaxy!

It means that there is no power in Xingnan galaxy that can compare with Dragon Palace!

If this is the case, they will go to the Dragon Palace without saying a word, leading the special products and treasures, and congratulate the Dragon Palace on destroying the six great forces!

Just when everyone on Zhinao was shocked by the discussion!

“Congratulations to the Dragon Palace for destroying the six powers. The six powers have caused serious crimes. Congratulations to the Dragon Palace and the Dragon King. In the future, the Southern Star System will take the Dragon Palace as the king!”

“Congratulations to the Dragon Palace for destroying the six powers of the Ninth Rank Tianzong of the Tianshan Sword Sect. In the future, our North Gate Immortal Dynasty will make the Dragon King our king!”

Just an hour later, the two messages on the brain caused everyone’s horror!

The North Gate Immortal God Dynasty and Tianying Cloud Group are one of the four top forces in the entire Xingnan Galaxy!

Their strength is no weaker than the Tianshan Sword Sect and the Ninth-Rank Tianzong!

When the wisdom brain uploaded information one by one, the strong men of the two major forces went to the Tianshan Sword Sect and the Ninth-Rank Tianzong to investigate the news immediately!

With the abilities of their two major forces, the speed of investigation is much faster!

Within an hour, they got a few news!

From the Tianshan commercial planet, Dragon Palace sent six immortal kings of the seventh rank to kill the two ancestors of the Tianshan Sword Sect!

From the commercial planet of Nine-Rank Tianzong, Dragon Palace sent three immortal kings to kill the ancestors of Nine-Rank Tianzong!

They are very clear about these two news!

And there are two more news, the planets of the Tianshan Sword Sect sect land and the Ninth-Rank Tianzong sect land are shrouded by powerful formations!

When the formation disappeared, all their disciples on the planet were killed!

All the 7th-order immortal kings who are suspected of Tianshan Sword Sect and Nine-Rank Tianzong have all fallen!

When Tianyingyun Group and Beimen Immortal Gods learned these two news, their faces were full of horror!

In at most an hour, the Dragon Palace destroyed the two forces of the Tianshan Sword Sect and the Ninth Stage Tianzong!

As for the other four forces, they sent people to investigate, and they have all been extinct!

What power is this?

Just two major commercial planets, in order to kill the three immortal kings of the seventh rank, they sent nine immortal kings of the seventh rank!

So how many Immortal Kings Seventh Rank does the entire Dragon Palace have?

They don’t know this number, but they know that this force can sweep all the rest of their star southern galaxy!

Dragon Palace is already the strongest existence in this area!

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