Chapter 2639 Become Famous After One Battle



In the abyss, Wang Xian stared at the abyss seed he wanted to break through, with a cold expression in his eyes!

Beishuang also gave a soft sigh, following Wang Xian’s back, the frost frozen the void, greatly limiting the speed of the three immortal kings of the eighth-order abyss species!

“Swish swish!”

On the arrow stand, Mou Zesen stood in the distance, shooting arrows one after another at the three tier eight abyss species!

On the bright side, Wang Xian and the others combined with the thorn monsters condensed by the formation method, against the three abyss species, the three abyss species that were already strongly suppressed by the three thorn monsters instantly appeared wounds on their bodies!

The next battle was a bit devastating, and under the successive shots of the Ao Yao in the hidden void, the three immortal kings of the eighth-order abyss species did not have much resistance at all!

One Abyss Seed fell, and in less than five minutes, the last three Tier 8 Abyss Seed died in the hands of Wang Xian!

“Really all wiped out!”

“You guys in the Dragon Palace are really strong, we will entangle these three Abyssal Seeds, Dragon King, come and kill them this group of beasts!”

From the position on the side, the four eighth-order strongmen of the Dragon Mang Group were shocked from the beginning, to the final shock, and then to numbness. Seeing all the five immortal kings of the eighth-order abyss species were killed, their faces couldn’t help being excited. look!

Five Tier 8 Abyssal Species were all killed by Dragon Palace and the others. Isn’t the three of them at ease yet?


Wang Xian nodded, without any hesitation, and flew directly towards the position of the chairman of the Dragon Mang Group!

Next, siege the last three immortal kings of the eighth-order abyss species!

As for the next war, there is no suspense!

In two minutes, only two minutes, the last three immortal kings of the eighth-order abyss species were beheaded!

“Ha ha ha ha!”

Seeing the corpses of the eighth-order abyssal immortal kings, the chairman of the Dragon Mang Group couldn’t help laughing wildly!

Their laughter is a bit crazy!

I thought that they would suffer heavy losses this time, and even some of them might be severely injured or even perished. It was originally just a tentative cry for help, but I didn’t expect the powerhouse of Dragon Palace to come!

What they didn’t expect was that the strength of Dragon Palace was so terrifying!

The eight immortal kings of the abyss were all beheaded under the attack of the powerful men in the Dragon Palace!

Big win!

“Thank you Dragon Palace for your help and Dragon King for your help!”

The four chairman of the Dragon Mang Group flew in front of Wang Xian and the others, arched their hands directly, bowed their bodies and thanked them!

“You’re welcome!”

Wang Xian nodded lightly!

“Dragon King, thank you for your great grace, Dragon Palace’s move this time has reduced us a lot of losses. Our Dragon Mang Group is willing to give 10% of the shares to Dragon Palace!”

“In addition, if Dragon Palace needs anything in the future, our Dragon Mang Group will definitely not refuse!”

The four powerful eighth-order god kings of the Dragon Mang Group glanced at each other, and said again to Wang Xian!

There are strong ones to help donate shares, this is the promise of Lomon Group in advance!

Ten percent of the shares is definitely a very terrifying asset for the entire Lomon Group!

Even the four of them only own more than ten percent of the shares!

The reason why he is willing to directly give out 10% of his shares to give to the Dragon King and Dragon Palace is mainly because the strength of the Dragon Palace is too strong!

Five eighth-order abyss species can be killed easily, this strength can definitely do it against ten immortal king eighth-order abyss species!

The most important thing is that this may not be the full strength of Dragon Palace!

Now that the Devil Island has encountered the most serious disaster in hundreds of millions of years, at this time, if they can win over such a powerful force as the Dragon Palace, it will be a huge benefit to their next survival of the Dragon Python Group!

Pulling the Dragon Palace on the same front is the best choice!


When Wang Xian heard them, he nodded lightly!

Windfall, there is nothing to refuse!

If one-tenth of the shares of the Dragon Mang Group is replaced by resources, at least the Dragon Palace can increase the combat effectiveness of a few immortal kings of the eighth rank!

As for the other thoughts of the Dragon Mang Group, he doesn’t have to think about it at all!

They are also mutually beneficial. Anyway, Dragon Palace is here to hunt down the Abyssal Seed!

“Well, all members of the Dragon Mang Group should keep in mind that today Dragon Palace helped us reduce too many losses. In the future, Dragon Palace Dragon King will hold one-tenth of the shares of the Dragon Mang Group, and Dragon King will also be a major player in the Dragon Mang Group. One of the shareholders!”

“In the future, the Dragon King will be able to mobilize all the personnel of our Dragon Mang Group to see the Dragon King as if we saw us!”

The chairman of Lomon Group immediately announced loudly!

“It’s the chairman!”


“Disciple respect order!”

A group of strong disciples heard the chairman’s words and immediately responded loudly!

In this battle, if Dragon Palace hadn’t come to help, at least half of their tens of millions of people would fall here!

It is no exaggeration to say that the Dragon Palace is their benefactor!

Moreover, they have also seen the strength of the Dragon Palace just now, and they are also full of gratitude and respect for the Dragon King!

“Hehe, the Abyssal Seed here is almost killed, and we won’t stay here anymore!”

Wang Xian smiled faintly, and ordered the members of the Dragon Palace to collect the corpses of the Abyss, and then he arched his hands towards the four of them, the chairman of the Dragon Mang Group!

“Well, we are still fighting on other planets, and we have to solve it. After this war, the Dragon Mang Group will personally go to thank the Dragon King and Dragon Palace for their grace!”

The chairman of the Dragon Mang Group also bowed their hands and said with a smile!


Wang Xian nodded and flew towards the Longfeng podium!

Beishuang followed immediately behind them!

The surrounding position, when Wang Xian and the others killed eight immortal kings of the eighth-order abyss seed, they were almost dealt with!

After all, there are five thousand immortal god king level powerhouses in Longfeng, and there are thousands of immortal god king level artifacts!


Wang Xian said lightly toward the sky array!

“Dragon King, the harvest this time is too rich, our strength may be able to go further!”

Tian Zhen said to him with some excitement!

Wang Xian nodded faintly. This time, there were only sixteen corpses of the eighth-order abyssal species. Together with the rest of the corpses, perhaps the two members of the Dragon Palace could have the fighting power of the ninth-order immortal king!

As for the remaining corpses of the Immortal King Abyss, there are about 4,000!

For those below the god king, Dragon Palace probably harvested more than 10 million!

These are all of the eternal god level, and the resources of these corpses can make the dragon palace immortal god king’s combat power break through the sky!

At least 20,000 immortal kings can be added!

“Well, go back, this battle is almost over!”

Wang Xian looked at the red dot on the formation in front of the sky formation and said!

Tianma nodded, and immediately controlled Longfeng to fly towards the planet of Dragon Palace!

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