Chapter 2643 the vastness and invincibility

Vast, invincible!

This is how the Imperial Court feels to Wang Xian!

Such a majestic imperial court is not something that can be accumulated for thousands of years, or even thousands of years!

The Emperor Court has controlled the Emperor Star Region for hundreds of millions of years!

In these hundreds of millions of years, the Imperial Court has accumulated terrifying power!

“Go, I’ll take you to my house!”

The Emperor Star Girl said, flying towards the vast palace with a happy face!

Wang Xian and the others immediately followed!

On the side, Bei Shuang looked around with blinking eyes, reminiscences and coldness in his eyes!

This time she came to let some people know that she Bei Shuang is back again!

By the way, let some people understand that she will find the shame she once had!

After flying behind the emperor star girl for about half an hour, she stopped in front of the palace on a plain of mountains and rivers!

This is a very beautiful place, with rivers, lakes, grasslands, and trees!

On the grassland, one can see wild beasts flying on it from a distance!

There are cranes dancing, and there are horses flying!

Wang Xian glanced over the wild beasts, and his heart shook slightly!

Of these wild beasts on the grassland, 20% of them are immortal kings!

Many of the others are above the sixth rank of the Divine Lord!

“Is this the background of the Imperial Court? Compared with the Dragon Palace, there is so much difference!”

Wang Xian muttered!

When on the Devil Island, Wang Xian thought that the Dragon Palace was already very strong!

After this promotion, it is even more comparable to some great teachers!

But now it seems that there is still too much difference compared with this kind of dominance level power!

Even today’s Imperial Court wants to destroy the Dragon Palace without any effort!

There is also a big gap between Dajiao and the Imperial Court!

“Ring Ling Ling!”

The Emperor Star Girl came to a part of the grassland, took out a bell in her hand and shook it!

The sound of bells spread far away!


Soon, the sound of a crane came, and three cranes flew over, and a woman stood on the crane in the center!

The woman is somewhat similar to the Emperor Star Girl, very beautiful!

“Star Girl!”

When the woman saw the Emperor Star Girl, her eyes were filled with a look of doting, she couldn’t help but yelled softly!


The Emperor Star Girl said with a smile on her face!

“Hehe, the star sister hasn’t come back for several years, this time is the longest time to go!”

“I came back with a handsome guy, the star girl is not too young!”

There was the laughter of two women from the crane next to it!

“Meet Miss!”

The woman on the crane and the two women jumped down, and the two women immediately smiled and shouted to the Emperor Star Girl!

Obviously their relationship is very good!

“Star Girl!”

The woman opened her arms and hugged the emperor star girl!

“Hehe, Mom, I’m back!”

The Emperor Star Girl embraced her mother with a smile on her face!

“Hmm, the girl is back, this is the Dragon King!”

The woman touched the head of the Emperor Star Girl, looked at the Wang Xian with a smile on her face, and said!

“Auntie, just call me Wangxian!”

Wang Xian smiled faintly!

“Yes, mom, just call him Wangxian, what dragon king, hum!”

The Emperor Star Girl said immediately!

“Hehe, his strength is very strong. The little girl is lucky to meet you, a noble person!”

The woman touched the head of the Emperor Star Girl and said with a smile!

“What, it’s true that he is lucky!”

The Emperor Star Girl said with some dissatisfaction!

“My star girl and I are friends!”

Wang Xian looked at the Emperor Star Girl and smiled!

“Okay, okay, mom, let’s go back first!”

The Emperor Star Girl said, holding her mother’s hand and said!

“Well, this should be Miss Beishuang, you girl don’t introduce it yet!”

The woman nodded, looked at Bei Shuang on the side, and said with a smile!


Bei Shuang smiled kindly at the woman!

“Forget about it, Goddess Frost is Wang Xian’s apprentice, and she’s super powerful now!”

The Emperor Star girl smiled wryly!


There is a voice among women!



The voices of cranes came one by one, and a few cranes flew over here immediately!

The woman looked at the Frost Goddess, her eyes gleaming!

She has been paying attention to her daughter’s information, and she may know more than the Emperor Star Girl!

“A few, stand on top of the cranes, go and sit at home!”

The woman said to them, bringing the Emperor Star Girl to a crane!


Wang Xian nodded and flew to a crane!

The crane beneath him is the first-order strength of the Immortal King, while the woman’s strength is the third-order strength of the Immortal King!

According to the Emperor Star Girl, the woman is one of tens of thousands of women from her father!

Not even a place!

“Mom, I have now reached the peak strength of the Eternal God Lord, and my battle pet, the star behemoth Chu Snake, has also reached the fifth rank of the Immortal King. This time I will definitely be able to become an emperor!”

“After I become an emperor, I will take you into that palace with my mother in the future, and that guy will give you a name too!”

On the crane, the Emperor Star Girl said to the woman!

“Has the Divine Lord peaked?”

The woman was also taken aback for a moment, her eyes flashed with excitement!

“Hehe, Mom, I haven’t told you, I just want to give you a surprise!”

The Emperor Star girl raised her head slightly, her face showing excitement!

“It doesn’t matter whether you enter the main hall or not. It’s also pretty good and free here. If you have a good star girl, mother will be happy!”

The woman said with a smile!

“That guy asked you to raise barren beasts here, why is this not bad?”

Said the Emperor Star Girl full of resentment!

She was really dissatisfied with that father in her heart!

A father, I haven’t seen it once in a few dozen years, and her mother was ordered to raise wild animals here!

Although this kind of work seems to many people to be very good, for his father, it’s just a job for someone to do!

Even other disciples of the same generation say that she is the daughter of the breeder!

Even if he strives to become a famous star in the Emperor Star Domain, he is still called an actor!

“Okay, star girl, you are you, your father is your father, just follow your path!”

The woman said lightly!

She doesn’t have the slightest affection for that romantic man!

But that romantic man was once an emperor, and someone from her family directly gave himself to that man!

Her status is not high, it is normal!

“Mother don’t worry, this time we held our heads up and surprised everyone!”

The Emperor Star Girl raised her head and said confidently!

The woman on the side nodded with a smile!

Standing on the crane on the side, Wang Xian vaguely heard what the Emperor Star Girl said, and he understood a little bit in his heart!

The daughter of the imperial court is not so easy!

In particular, the imperial court is such a powerful force, it is estimated that there are hundreds of billions and trillions of direct disciples alone!

To stand out from the crowd, you need talent and hard work!

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