2665: Words Crush Variety-Embodiment Level 1 Answers

“What sound is this?”

“These roars are in response to the existence of the four immortal kings of the ninth order!”

“No, I have a bad feeling!”

In front of Invite Moon Planet, in the abyss battlefield, a strong man heard this response, his face also changed slightly, and he looked towards the depths with some solemnity.


“Don’t be distracted, we will resist any battle power of the 9th-order Immortal King.”

The head teacher of the Great Master last month shouted with a cold face.

“Yes, head teacher!”

A group of strong men and disciples immediately responded, fighting against the abyss seed in front of them!


However, at the same time, when Longfeng was about to approach the site where Beichuan Sect was located, Wang Xian and Tianzhen standing on the podium raised their brows slightly and looked towards the depths of the abyss.


With a move of Tianjin’s palm, a screen full of red dots appeared in front.

Unlike the previous screen, the current screen looks much larger.

“This is?”

Wang Xian looked at it, and there was a gleam in his eyes.

He could see that at the edge of the screen, there were a lot of red dots flying towards them.

“Dragon King, there are a large number of abyss seeds rushing over, and the four blood-red light spots in front are all abyss seeds of the 9th-order Immortal King.”

Tianzhen reported to Wang Xianhui.

“What about the other levels?”

Wang Xian looked at the dense black spots and said with blinking eyes.

“There are more than one hundred in the eighth stage, and more than six hundred in the seventh stage!”

The sky array’s eyes flickered: “Within three minutes, this group of Abyssal Army will enter the battlefield.”

“Three minutes? It seems that the North Line is going to be in trouble.”

Wang Xian murmured.

“However, these abyssal species have not yet affected us, but can give us a huge improvement.”

Soon, the corners of his mouth slightly cocked.

“The area ahead is Beichuanzong’s planet. It is already close to the center area.”

“At this point, there will be an immortal god king’s eighth-order abyss planted!”

The sky array stared at the front and said to Wang Xian.

“Quick kill!”

Wang Xian stared at the Abyss Seed ahead, and said coldly.


A group of Dragon Palace members responded immediately.

“Dragon Palace and Dragon Peak are here, and the Abyss Seed on our side will be wiped out.”

“Hahaha, the Dragon King has brought people here, and all the immortal king powerhouses will assist the Dragon Palace to kill the Abyss Seed.”

When the huge Dragon Peak was flying over, the powerful men in the front of the Beichuan Sect realm saw it with an expression of excitement on their faces.

Especially the Dragon Mang Group, Beichuan Sect and the Ancient Gods, they are full of gratitude to the Dragon Palace.

Just now they got news that the Dragon Palace was sweeping in at a terrifying speed.

What they didn’t expect was that in just half an hour, Dragon Palace killed him.

“Dragon King, everyone in the Dragon Palace, let’s destroy that Immortal King’s Eighth-Order Abyss Seed.”

An ancestor of the Beichuan Sect showed his gaze, and immediately shouted at Wang Xian and the others.

At the same time, his gaze locked in front of an immortal god king eighth-order abyss species, full of fighting spirit.


But at this moment, the sound of the arrow attack came, and the speed of the arrow surprised him slightly.


The next moment, he was stunned, staring blankly at the eighth-order Abyssal Immortal King that he had locked.

That arrow directly penetrated the head of the eighth-order Abyss Seed.

The huge and incomparable abyss floated in the void blankly, and the figure slowly fell to the side.

“This this…”

His eyes widened, full of shock.

An arrow slashed the 8th-order Abyss Seed of the Immortal King, which is definitely not something the same level can do.

“Dragon Palace has a powerful ninth-order immortal king?”

He opened his mouth slightly.

“Swish swish!”

At this moment, a rain of arrows covered their side.

“What a terrifying force.”

The ancestor of Beichuan Sect felt the power of the arrow rain all over the sky, and his eyes were full of shock.

If these arrows lock him, he won’t survive at all.

“Puff puff!”

Countless rain of arrows penetrated one abyssal species, and hundreds of thousands of abyssal species fell.

This is simply a horrible massacre.

“Hey, look, that Immortal King’s Eighth-Order Abyssal Seed was killed by Dragon Palace in seconds.”

“What a horrible rain of arrows, there are more than two hundred immortal kings of abyss species on our side.”

At this time, the strong men from the rear forces also sensed the situation here, and shouted in shock.

“How many powerful archers did Dragon Palace send this time?”

“Dragon Palace has an immortal king of ninth-order powerhouse to shoot?”

Some questions appeared in their minds.

“Swish swish!”

At this time, Longfeng arrived, and thorns swept the corpses of the abyss.

Naturally, everyone else had no opinion on what Dragon Palace did.

“Thank you Dragon Palace for your help!”

The eighth-order ancestor of Beichuanzong arched his hands and said thanks.

“You are welcome, you are ready, a group of powerful abyssal races have rushed over in the depths of the abyss.”

Standing on the podium, Wang Xian glanced at the red dot on the formation in front of him and reminded them.

“Huh? There are a lot of abyss species rushing over in the abyss?”

With Wang Xian’s words, the powerful people had no doubts, and their faces showed solemn expressions.

“Keep on driving, let’s get closer to the center.”

Wang Xian did not stay here, only by being close to the center, he could kill more Abyssal Seeds.

“Boom boom boom!”

Longfeng drove fast and soon came to another battlefield.


But at this moment, a violent roar came from the depths of the abyss.

“almost there!”

Wang Xian looked at it, and with his eyesight, he could already see a terrifying army flying towards this side.

The army stretched for tens of billions of kilometers, densely packed with countless species of the abyss, they exuded a ferocious and bloody atmosphere.

It can be said that the number of Abyssal Species rushing over is about the same as the Abyssal Species that are fighting with humans.

The abyss species directly doubled.

“No, there is another Abyss Seed flying over in the abyss, a lot!”

“Hi, what’s the matter? How come there are so many Abyssal Seeds suddenly appear again!”


Everywhere in front of the battlefield, human beings of all forces saw this scene, and their faces instantly paled.

“All supporting legions, ready to support!”

“All disciples, fearlessly, kill, kill these beasts!”

“Immortal God King Tier Nine Abyss Seed, let’s resist!”

From the center, there was the roar of the great teacher teaching them last month.

The support corps of the northern forces immediately moved.

“First solve the abyss species in front, Mu Zesen, attract a few immortal kings of the ninth-order abyss species.”

Wang Xian looked into the depths of the abyss and immediately ordered!



All Dragon Palace members licked their lips and stared at the front and the depths of the abyss full of fighting spirit.

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