Chapter 2674 The Northern Line Is Defeated


When Wang Xian’s voice sounded, the palm of last month taught them a slight surprise, with a look of error on their faces.

“Is there an immortal king pinnacle flying towards us?”

“This… there won’t be a more powerful Abyss Seed flying towards us, right?”

The rest of the people also roared in a low voice with a change of face and a little anxiety.

“Observing the Dragon King’s order, everyone immediately flew out of the Abyss Seed, quickly, immediately!”

“Last month, the great master prepared to lead the planet to flee immediately if the situation is critical.”

Last month, the head teacher’s pupils shrank slightly, seeing the members of the Dragon Palace madly flying towards the Dragon Peak, and immediately shouted at all of them.

“Quickly, immediately teleport to our planet. Once there is an immortal god king peak and abyss species, directly lead the planet to flee.”

The Dragon Mang Group, Ancient Gods, and Beichuan Sects who snatched the power also changed their faces and hurriedly flew towards the teleportation formation.

No one doubted what the Dragon King said.

The Dragon Palace King has the immortal king peak seed to fly over, that is 100% possible.

“Swish swish.”

Around Longfeng, Ao Xingmu and the others quickly took action, and collected all the abyssal seeds around the starry sky into Longfeng.


The next moment, Longfeng opened directly and flew towards the abyss.



When Longfeng just flew out of the abyss, several roars that shook the sky came from behind.


After the roar, there was a roar in the abyss, and an incomparable momentum rushed towards this side.

“This is?”

Everyone was slightly surprised, and looked towards the depths of the abyss with shocked faces.

“This power is the pinnacle of the Immortal King!”

Last month, the palm of the hand taught them to look at them, and their expressions changed drastically.

“All disciples, go back to the planet, and all the strong, leave with the planet, the farther away from here, the better!”

An ancestor of the Great Teacher of last month shouted immediately.

“Quickly, quickly, run away.”

“Immortal King Peak Abyss, how can such a terrifying existence appear, we are going to abandon the northern line?”

“Abandon the northern line? After abandoning the northern line, the entire Devil Island will be swallowed by the abyss, and where can we escape? This is our home.”

“Damn it, how can there be an immortal king peak and abyss seed!”

Just now everyone celebrated the victory of the war, but they wanted to abandon the Northern Front and flee frantically, making their faces full of unwillingness and helplessness.

Some elderly people even trembled.

“Don’t talk too much nonsense, enter the planet, escape, escape, stay away from here if you don’t want to die.”

An old man shouted loudly last month.

Immortal King Peak Abyss Seed, this kind of existence is simply not something they can contend with.

Even if all of them together, they couldn’t resist the slaughter of the Immortal King Abyss.

Of course, this is just what they think.

With the current strength of the Dragon Palace, it can barely compete with one Immortal King Peak Abyss Seed, but if there are two, it will only be slaughtered.

Dragon Palace couldn’t hold it for five minutes.

Longfeng quickly flew towards the depths of the starry sky, facing such a crisis, he could not resist.

“Boom boom boom.”

At this time, the surrounding planets also moved, fleeing toward the depths of the starry sky at a terrifying speed.

While guarding the northern line, all the forces also prepared for the worst.

It’s just that they didn’t expect it, and they eventually lost.

Of the three to four thousand planets on the northern line, hundreds of them moved.

At this time, it was impossible to flee with all three or four thousand planets.

Only to concentrate people on these hundreds of planets.

“It doesn’t need to be too fast to ensure safety.”

Wang Xian stood on the podium, looked at the black spots on the screen, and scanned the position behind.

At this time, even if the two Immortal Kings Peak Abyss Seed flew over, they couldn’t attack Longfeng.

“Dragon King, look inside the abyss.”

Tianma nodded and pointed into the abyss.

At forty to fifty seconds, about thirty seconds have now passed.

Thirty seconds later, not long after hundreds of planets had just flown, the abyss could still be clearly seen.


Wang Xian looked around, and saw two Abyssal Species appearing in the abyss with turbulent weather flames.

A body of tens of thousands of meters in size, with four huge wings, the wings spread out to be a full 20,000 to 30,000 meters.

The other Abyssal Species has a human form, but its head is triangular, and its blood-red eyes can see it from a distance.

Eerie and terrifying, about two to three kilometers in size, holding a blood-red bone sword about two kilometers in hand.

Two terrifying abyss species, carrying a fierce aura, flew in their direction.

“No, look at the abyss, those two abysses are terrifying!”

“Hi, is this the abyss seed of the peak of the Immortal King?”

“Damn, how come they suddenly rushed over again, if it weren’t for them, we would have won.”

On the surrounding planets, some people also saw these two abyssal species.

“Oops, the speed of the two Abyssal Seeds has increased again, and they actually flew out of the abyss.”

At this moment, everyone was shocked to discover that the two terrifying and invincible abyss seeds rushed out of the abyss.

Their blood-red eyes scanned the surroundings.


The humanoid Abyssal species waved the bone sword in his hand and swept directly towards the planet hundreds of millions of kilometers away on the left.

The dark red energy rushed out directly, turning into a hideous monster in the air.

“Boom boom boom!”

The sound of the explosion sounded, and everyone was shocked to see that the planet hundreds of millions of kilometers away exploded directly.

Moreover, the attack from the abyss did not dissipate, and continued to rush towards the right.

A tingling crack appeared in the void.

“Boom boom boom!”

“Boom boom boom!”

At the next moment, everyone was shocked to see that on the right, a series of terrifying attacks exploded more than a dozen planets.


When everyone saw this scene, they couldn’t help taking a breath of air, and their faces were full of shock.


At this moment, another abyss species with four wings stared bloodthirsally at the planets flying toward the depths ahead.

It raised its hair and let out a roar, its wings stirred, and it chased away at a terrifying speed.

“No, the immortal king peak and abyss chased over.”

At this moment, the complexions of all the strong on the hundreds of planets changed drastically, and they roared wildly.

With the speed of that Immortal King Peak Abyss Seed, he would soon be able to catch up with them.

Once they catch up, they will be bombarded like those dozen or so stars.


At this moment, behind the God King Pinnacle Abyss Seed, a tail that seemed to be palpitating suddenly turned up, with a sharp thorn at the end of the tail.


The sharp thorn aimed at a fleeing planet and directly impacted away.

“No, everyone immediately fled to their own God’s country.”

The strong man on the planet that was attacked was full of horror and immediately roared.

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