Chapter 2682

“Beast, death!”

“One person solves two and it’s almost the same!”

In the abyss east of the Devil Island, fifty or sixty people from the Great Master of Tianya stared at the abyss seed ahead with fiery eyes.

They rushed directly into the abyss group, and attacked the abyss species of the sixth and seventh steps of the Immortal King.


A Lian Tianchi in the hands of the headed Master Tianya elders planted towards the eighth-order abyss of the immortal god king ahead.

The power of the powerful wind attribute law instantly penetrated the body of the eighth-order abyssal species.


With a wave of his arm, he directly took out the crystal of the abyss seed, and the corner of his mouth was slightly cocked.

“Crack to death!”

Behind him, Tianya was close to the palm of his hand, piercing the void, and quickly beheaded an immortal king of the seventh-order abyss.

Every disciple of Great Master Tianya aimed at the Abyss Species that was one order weaker than him.

“Dragon King!”

Tianzhen looked to the right and frowned slightly.

“Ha ha!”

Wang Xian watched them unscrupulously hunting down the Abyssal Seed, with a cold expression on his face.

“Ao Yao, send someone over to catch the elder and deacon, don’t make them ask for help, all the rest will be killed!”

He moved to the side and said in a murderous tone.

“It’s the Dragon King!”

Ao Yao’s voice came, and the next moment, several locations in Longfeng’s space trembled, and immediately a large number of creepy monsters followed Ao Yao and flew out.

Wang Xian looked over there with a cold expression in his eyes.

If he were from the Great Master of Nine Heavens, he might hesitate a bit, but for the end of the world, hehe!

It just so happened that he also had something to prove.


In the abyss, the elder Tianya once again hit the sky, and another immortal god king eighth-order abyss seed died in his own hands.

With a wave of his arm, he took out the abyss crystal, his face was full of smiles.

“Huh? The Dragon Palace didn’t even react at all?”

Holding the crystal of the abyss in his hand, the elder Tianya Grand Master paused.

According to his plan, hunting down two immortal kings of the eighth-order Abyss Seed was enough, and any more words might offend Dragon Palace and make Dragon Palace irritated.

But now, they have already started hunting down the Abyssal Seed, and the dragon palace on the opposite side didn’t even react at all.

This made his mind slightly moved!

Is it possible to hunt another one?

He was very moved in his heart, slightly shook the Lian Tianchi in the handshake, waved his arm, and attacked the abyss in front of him again.

If Dragon Palace questioned them, he would return one of the Abyss Seed in his hand.

“The people in the Dragon Palace didn’t say anything, what are they?”

“Should be afraid of the strength of our Great Master Tianya, haha, the elder continues to hunt, and we will kill one more.”

“This time it’s really right!”

In the rear position, the people of Tianya University saw the elder beheading two and continued hunting. Seeing that the Dragon Palace did not react at all, their faces were happy, and they whispered in excitement.

They did not hesitate at all, and continued to hunt towards the abyss.


But at this moment, behind them and to the left and right, black and white figures appeared.

The black and white strange figure reveals a cold murderous aura.

The figures that suddenly appeared on the left and right made all of them stunned.


All the people at Tianya University were slightly startled, their pupils shrinking.

“Insatiable greedy, self-defeating, not living.”

At this moment, they heard a voice coming from Longfeng, and the faces of fifty or sixty people from Tianya University changed a lot, showing shocked expressions.

“What does Dragon Palace want to do?”

“This is the strong man in Dragon Palace?”

Their hearts sank, but they couldn’t tolerate their reaction, and a series of terrifying attacks came towards them.

“not good!”

The expressions of fifty or sixty experts from Tianya University changed wildly.

“Puff puff!”

However, at this moment, the extremely sharp claws have been submerged in their bodies.

“Dragon Palace, you guys…”


“Cough cough cough!”

In the most forward position, the surrounding changes were instantly sensed by the elder of Tianya University.

Feeling that Dragon Palace had directly sent someone to kill them, his face changed wildly, and he let out a roar of anger.

But their roars have not yet sounded, and a sickle-like claw directly seals their throats, making it impossible to make a sound.


This made him look terrified and his body trembled, but before he could react, another sharp claw penetrated his body directly.

Moreover, he felt terrified that he was suddenly taken by the figure behind him, flying towards the position of Longfeng.

“What are they going to do in Dragon Palace? How dare they?”

“Do they want to be an enemy of our Great Master Tianya?”

“Also, what kind of horrible existence is this that can subdue yourself in an instant?”

Thoughts appeared in his mind, making his face extremely pale.

“Cough cough cough!”

At this time, he saw that the deacon of their Tianya Grandmaster was also directly arrested, and he kept vomiting blood in his mouth.

“Dragon King!”

Ao Yao and the others took the two to the podium and shouted at Wang Xian.

“Swish swish!”

The sky array on the side swept across the two of them, and with a wave of their arms, two thorns appeared in the dragon peak, directly entwining them.

Ao Yao immediately let go.


“Dragon King, what are you going to do? I tell you, I am the elder of the Great Sect of the End of the World, if you dare to kill me, our End of the World will destroy your Dragon Palace.”

As soon as Ao Yao let go of the elder Tianya Great Teacher, his face changed drastically and roared.


Wang Xian gently stepped on his foot and landed directly on his head, staring at him coldly.

“Who gave you the courage to come to our dragon palace to hunt down the abyss seed?”

He stared at the elder of the Great Master Tianya, and said with some disdain.

“I… if you don’t let us hunt, you can tell us that you dare to hurt me seriously now, Dragon King, do you know that you are looking for death!”

The elder of the Great Master Tianya shouted sharply.

“Let us, let us go, if you dare to kill us, we won’t let you go, let us go now.”

From the side, the deacon of Master Tianya clenched his fists and shouted sharply.

“The dying person, don’t be so arrogant!”

Wang Xian looked at the deacon with indifference in his eyes.

“Dare you, Dragon King, if you dare to kill us…”



When the elder Tianya heard Wang Xian’s words, he immediately roared angrily, but without falling behind his words, he heard the screams from the deacon on the side.

He immediately turned and stared, and saw that the deacon was lying on the ground with his eyes absent, his body trembled.

“You…what did you do to him? What did you do to him?”

At this moment, the elder of the Great Master Tianya roared in horror.


Wang Xian closed his eyes slightly, absorbing the memory he had acquired.

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