Chapter 2692 Occupy The End Of The World Realm


The sky also echoed with the voice of Master Tianya full of anger and resentment. Around Longfeng, apart from the six or seven million floating corpses, there were no disciples of Master Tianya.

Looking at the floating corpses in Longfeng, everyone felt a little bitter.

Because an elder of the Great Master Tianya robbed the abyss seed on the Dragon Palace side, and because the Great Master Tianya killed the disciples of the Dragon Palace, the Great Master Tianya paid such a price.

“This… how did the Dragon Palace Dragon King and their forces become so strong?”

In the left position, the Beichuan Sect of the Great Teacher last month and the others watched this scene dumbfounded.

They asked themselves to know something about Dragon Palace’s strength, but what they showed today shocked them.

“Last month’s head teacher, the Dragon Peak of the Dragon Palace seems to be stronger than before, and the energy is even stronger.”

An ancestor of the ancient gods whispered towards the palm of the last month to teach them.


Last month, they nodded slightly, they were able to sense the changes in Longfeng.

“It should be the strength of the formation mage in the Dragon Palace who has broken through, so he can compete with the Great Master Tianya.”

An ancestor last month whispered.

“The strength of the Dragon Palace has become the pinnacle of the Devil Island. Tianya Dajiao is defeated, and Jiu Xiao is definitely not Dragon Palace’s opponent.”

Last month the head teacher said with a slight sigh.

Being invincible on the Devil Island, the strength of the Dragon Palace is truly terrifying.

“Let’s pay a visit.”

At the position of the group of Master Jiuxiao, the two ancestors of Jiuxiao glanced at each other and said softly.

Witnessing such a powerful and heart-palpiting strength of the Dragon Palace with their own eyes, their Jiu Xiao also has to make a good deal with Dragon Palace to avoid future conflicts.

Otherwise, Tianya may be a lesson for them.

His eyes swept over the surrounding corpses of Great Master Tianya, more than 18,000 of the god king level.

And they also recognized that there were two corpses of Tianya elders, plus the five missing before, for a total of seven.

Nearly half of the peak combat power of the End of the World.

“It’s horrible!”

In the rear position, the ancestor of the Grand Sect of Heaven broke in shock, and when they saw the ancestor of Jiuxiao flying over, they immediately followed behind.

“The strength of the Dragon Palace is truly extraordinary. Congratulations to the Dragon King for defeating the Great Teacher of the End of the World!”

The ancestor of Jiuxiao flew over and arched his hands to congratulate Wang Xian.

“Thank you, Jiuxiao, our Dragon Palace has no intention of being an enemy of any forces, so I can only kill our disciples by Master Tianya.”

Wang Xian arched his hands towards the ancestor of Jiuxiao, and responded politely.

After all, the two are also at the pinnacle of the Immortal King, and they deserve to be treated equally by Dragon Palace.

“Congratulations to the Dragon King, congratulations to the Dragon Palace, what will happen to the Devil Island Dragon Palace in the future, we will definitely support it.”

The head teacher of Broken Heaven and the ancestor also flew over and said respectfully.

Duan Tian’s strength is lower than Nine Heavens End, and naturally he has to lower his posture when facing Dragon Palace.

“Thank you, everyone, we have to deal with this side, and then go to the center of the devil island. Maybe in the future, we will become neighbors. In the future, our Dragon Palace will also guard the devil island with you.”

Wang Xian said with a smile.

“Then we won’t bother the Dragon King.”

The powerful people in Jiuxiao and Duantian were slightly startled when they heard it, and they nodded immediately.

Wang Xian’s meaning was obvious, just to tell them that they were going to the end of the world and occupy it.

Dragon Palace will replace Tianya Dajiao.

As for the people of Tianya Dajiao, it is estimated that they will flee to other places.

Otherwise, with the strength of Dragon Palace, they could not resist at all.

“Congratulations to the Dragon Palace, congratulations to the Dragon King!”

“Congratulations to Dragon King!”

Around the location, a group of powerful people shouted flatteringly.

They had seen the terrible defeat of Great Master Tianya, and the Dragon Palace would settle on the Devil Island in the future, so they naturally wanted to lick it.

“Dragon King, congratulations.”

“Will Dragon Palace settle down on the Devil Island in the future?”

Last month, the great teachers of Beichuan Zonglongmang group ancient gods looked at each other, flew towards Longfeng, and asked with blinking eyes.

“Yes, we are going to occupy the realm of the end of the world!”

Wang Xian nodded.

“That’s better, that’s better. In the future, our forces and the Dragon Palace realm will be much closer.”

The palm of the last month taught them and said with a smile on their faces.

“Well, our Dragon Palace is going to the center of the Devil Island immediately.”

Wang Xian said.

“Well, we will also rush back immediately.”

The powerhouses who taught them last month also said immediately.


Wang Xian swept his eyes around, saw all the corpses and the like put away, flew to the podium, and said towards the sky array.

“Good Dragon King.”

Tianzhen nodded with a smile, and Longfeng activated and flew towards the center of the Devil Island.

Seeing the huge and lofty Longfeng gradually flying towards the distance, all the forces behind looked suspiciously.

“Who would have thought that today, a foreign power Dragon Palace stepped onto the stage of the Devil Island on the horizon.”

All the strong can’t help but sigh slightly.

“Notify all the disciples of Jiu Xiao not to provoke anyone in the Dragon Palace in the future.”

After the two old men of Jiuxiao were silent for a while, they ordered to Master Jiuxiao.

The strength of the Dragon Palace was already terrifying, and now he has obtained the treasure of the End of the World.

“Dragon King, in addition to harvesting a lot of corpses this time, the biggest gain is this end of the world.”

On Longfeng, Tianzhen looked at the Tianya Chi in Longfeng with a smile on his face, and said to Wang Xian.

Everyone in Tianya Dajiao instantly returned to their own God’s country, and Tianya Chi would naturally not be able to take them away.

Wang Xian looked at it, his figure moved, and he landed directly on the edge of the world.

“In the last time, the head teacher of the Great Master Tianya and the two elders offered sacrifices, which made this Tianyachi explode very powerful.”

Wang Xian came to Tianya Chi and looked up and down.

Wind attribute artifact, possesses extremely powerful power.

The treasure of Tianya University!

“This Tianya Ruler belongs to the treasure of the God King’s pinnacle. The three powers of the God King’s ninth-order can burst out the fighting power of the immortal God King’s pinnacle. It is very extraordinary and belongs to a powerful war artifact.”

Tianzhen came to Tianya Chi: “This Tianya Chi possesses intelligence and is loyal to the Great Master Tianya. I need to transform it.”

“I’ll leave it to you. With this Tianya Ruler, it can increase Dragon Palace’s strength a lot.”

Wang Xian said.

Three ninth-tier powerhouses control the End of the World Ruler and can burst out the peak combat power of the Immortal King.

This is equivalent to adding seven immortal kings of the 9th rank to Dragon Palace.

“In addition to this Tianya Chi, the rest of the gains are also very much.”

Wang Xian murmured, the corpses of seven elders, the kingdom of four immortal kings of the ninth order, and two immortal kings of the ninth-order abyss.

This time, Dragon Palace can add eleven immortal kings of rank nine powerhouses.

The improvement of the rest of the realm is also very much.

“Such strength can completely make Dragon Palace stand firmly on the Devil Island and guard the abyss on the northern line.”

He murmured, with a smile on his face.

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