Chapter 2700 Biological Battle Armor

“What’s the matter with the old man Tianzhen? We have all solved it.”

In the position below, all the Abyssal Seeds have been wiped out.

In the sky, there was still fighting.

Mo Sha raised his head and looked up, and couldn’t help but shouted.

“With the strength of the sky formation, it shouldn’t be.”

Prime Minister Turtle frowned slightly and said with a puzzled face.

“Let’s take a look!”

Wang Xian was also a little surprised. In the same level of battle, the thorn monsters gathered in the sky array could kill each other one-on-one.

In the current three-to-one situation, it has not been solved yet, which is a bit strange.

Wang Xian did not rush into the battlefield, but directly came to the Longfeng podium.

“Dragon King, I have encountered an interesting abyss species, and I am going to catch it alive.”

When the sky array saw Wang Xian coming, his eyes flickered and said.

“Oh? Catch alive?”

Wang Xian raised his eyebrows, with a surprised look on his face.

“Catch it!”

At this moment, an expression of excitement appeared on Tianzhen’s face.

The position in the sky above, the position covered by thorns spread out, and three thorn monsters were wrapped around each with sharp-looking bones.

In the center, there are parts such as nose, eyes, and ears, which are entangled one by one.

“This Immortal King Peak Abyss Species can be split into so many parts? And it doesn’t seem to have been severely injured.”

Wang Xian looked curiously at the parts of the body of this abyss.

The strong man’s arm is broken, and if there is vitality in it, he can indeed fly with one arm.

But the self after breaking the arm is equivalent to being injured on the body. If a god king is divided into tens of thousands, it is already a very serious injury.

Now the body of the God King Pinnacle Abyss was transformed into tens of thousands of parts, but under the induction, it did not seem to be injured.

“It’s amazing, I’m going to study it, Dragon King, this Abyss Seed won’t be killed for the time being, I’ll see if there is an unexpected gain.”

Tianzhen said towards Wang Xian.

“Yes, keep it bound to us and go.”

Wang Xian nodded and ordered.

“It’s the Dragon King!”

The heavenly formation immediately responded, and then took out a jade box, and installed the body parts of the human-shaped immortal god king pinnacle abyss species one by one.

“Big victory, return!”

Standing on the Dragon Peak, Wang Xian glanced at the nearby Dragon Palace disciples and gave a soft drink.

“Big victory, return!”

Prime Minister Turtle repeated it loudly.


All the members of the Dragon Palace responded with excitement, one by one, they flew towards Longfeng and Tianya Chi.

“Dragon King, the record and losses in this battle have been unified!”

Within an hour, Prime Minister Turtle flew over and said to Wang Xian with a smile on his face.

“Talk about it.”

Wang Xian nodded and said.

“In case of loss, we have an immortal king of the eighth rank, three of the seventh rank, and fifteen of the sixth rank… a total of more than 700 immortal kings have fallen, and the disciples below the god master have fallen about two thousand. Has been absorbed by the Returning Soul Wood.”

Prime Minister Kame said: “The number of fallen disciples is less than we expected. It is nothing compared to the harvest.”

“This time, there will be one corpse of the Immortal King Pinnacle Abyss, sixteen at rank nine, fifty-five at eighth, and one hundred and seventy seven… 50,000 corpses above immortal king, and the remaining 300 million corpses. Many.”

“This time, our Dragon Palace can get a huge improvement.”

He said, with a look of excitement in his eyes.

“The loss is within range, and the gain is good.”

Wang Xian nodded slightly.

This time, Dragon Palace can add sixteen immortal kings of rank nine powerhouses, plus the original twenty-three, the total can be increased to nearly forty.

What is the concept of the nearly forty immortal king ninth-level powerhouses?

A strong batch!

In addition, the immortal king peak can also increase by two.

Thinking of this, he looked to the side and saw that the sky formation was holding a bone of the human-shaped immortal god king pinnacle, and he was studying something.

Wang Xian did not bother him either.

Longfeng and Tianyachi drove quickly, and returned to the center of the Devil Island two days later.

“Enter the Dragon Palace for a comprehensive improvement.”

Wang Xian gave an order to all the disciples and entered directly into the Dragon Palace.

All members of the Dragon Palace immediately entered the Dragon Palace.

“Dragon King, who is going to break through to the peak combat power of the Immortal King?”

When Wang Xian and the others came to Hualong Pond, Prime Minister Turtle asked.

“Let Ao Qitian.”

Wang Xian groaned and said.

Although the promotion of Ao Yao has a great effect, Ao Yao is strong in assassination and frontal combat. For group battles, it is much worse than that of Crazy Dragon.

If there is another abyssal war next, Ao Qitian is more suitable for this kind of battle.

“Tianzhen, how is your immortal king pinnacle abyss species research?”

He looked at the sky array on the side.

Tianzhen has been studying this thing for these two days.

“Dragon King, I have an idea. I am going to transform the Immortal King Peak Abyss Seed into a biological armor, a biological armor with life and strength!”

Tianzhen groaned and said.

“Oh? Biological armor?”

Wang Xian raised his brows slightly.

“Dragon King, after the master of formation, can be called a witch, of course, a witch of the Void God Emperor level can only be called a little witch.”

“Once, the reason why I was betrayed by my apprentice, besieged by the Sorcery Society, and even fell, was because I was given a copy of witchcraft.”

“Formation is used by witches to connect heaven and earth, and heaven and earth are also used by witches to transform themselves.”

“A powerful wizard engraves the formation in the body, that is, it increases itself and also connects the world. According to some knowledge on that witchcraft, this Immortal King Peak Abyss Seed is a very good material, and it cannot be said to be a material. , As long as it is slightly modified, it can become a biological battle armor.”

Tian Zhen said, his eyes gleamed with wisdom.

“What will the result be?”

Wang Xian groaned for a while and asked towards him.

“Dragon King, the battle power of this immortal king peak abyss species far exceeds the same level. In the one-on-one situation, the thorns condensed by my formation are not its opponents. The combat power is very strong. It is used to promote a dragon palace member. Some are not worth it.”

“After being made into a biological armor, it can fight freely, and its combat effectiveness is the same as before, and it can also be worn on the body.”

“For example, Dragon King, you can directly possess the creature armor, and your power will stack with the creature armor itself.”

“This is like a special mechanical weapon. Even if it is a small god order biological battle armor to recognize the master, it can also burst out of the immortal king’s peak combat effectiveness.”

Tianzhen said.

“Oh? That’s much more suitable than upgrading the Dragon Palace disciples. How long will it take to complete the transformation?”

Wang Xian was slightly surprised.

“It will take a while. There is also the Dragon King. I want to ask you for two treasures, the Sacred Wing of the Beginning and the Fruit of the Servant.”

Tianzhen said.

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