Chapter 2702 Going To The Imperial Court

“Dragon King, how about it? Is it very powerful? Haha, there are powerful toxins released by me and Baqi. This toxin is all soaked in the bones. As long as the enemy’s body is damaged, the toxin will directly enter the opponent’s body. Immortal God The powerful Wang Jiu Ti will be injured, and the eighth Tier will directly die.”

In the Palace of the Dragon King, Demon Sha said with a smile on his face.

“You toxins are very tasteless, the 8th and 9th Immortal Kings have no resistance in front of the dragon weapon. You might as well break the fire golden sword and fire golden hook made by Jinming and their fire golden dragon species!”

On the side, Tianzhen said with a smile.

Mo Sha curled his lips and didn’t continue to speak. Speaking of their toxin, it was really tasteless.

No way, at present, the weakest department in the entire Dragon Palace is Longshoubu Ao Yacha and the others, and the second is Demon Sha.

It can only fight one step higher, and belongs to the five scum of war in the Dragon Palace.

The Fire Gold Sword and Fire Gold Hook were modified by Duan Jinming and the others with the body and bones of the dragon weapon, which can enhance the combat effectiveness of the dragon weapon.

Today’s dragon weapons are much stronger than before.

Wang Xian was very satisfied with the dragon weapon, which was more suitable than using it to enhance the strength of the dragon palace members.

“Dragon King, the Imperial Court announced something on the brain.”

At this moment, Prime Minister Turtle came over and said to Wang Xian.

“Huh? What’s the matter?”

Wang Xian raised his brows and asked the Prime Minister tortoise.

“Just released, the imperial court recruits the strong, and welcomes any strong in the emperor star domain to come to the abyss and build meritorious services.”

“The above shows that as long as you come to the Imperial Court and slay the Abyss Seed, you can accumulate the Imperial Court merits. The merits are very useful. Now the entire Imperial Star Territory is completely boiling.”

As Prime Minister Turtle said, with a wave of his arm, the picture released by the Imperial Court appeared in front of him.

At the same time, there are some discussions surrounding this announcement.

Wang Xian looked at it, and as expected, just now, the Imperial Court issued an All-Wisdom Brain announcement.

This announcement of the Emperor Court caused a boiling of the entire Emperor Star Territory. The main reason was that as long as there were enough merits, one could become a disciple of the Emperor Court.

Even, as long as there is meritorious service, it can be exchanged for many crazy treasures.

“The imperial court has opened the imperial court treasury. As long as you have merits, you can exchange it?”

“This background is really scary.”

Wang Xian’s face was full of surprise.

The types of exchange items are densely packed, with a total of thousands of pages, and each page contains thousands of treasures.

The treasures inside, even Wang Xian looked greedy.

In addition to these treasures, the cultivation techniques, the guidance of the strong, and some cultivation treasures can all be exchanged with merits.

However, although the countless treasures are eye-catching, many people are also aware of a problem, the imperial court abyss is very dangerous.

Even the Imperial Court has summoned the strong in this way, one can imagine how dangerous the abyss will be.

“This edict of the Imperial Court is estimated to attract many powerful people.”

Wang Xian murmured.

Summon all the powerhouses in the Emperor Star Region, as long as you kill the Abyss Seed, you will have merits and establish merit lists.

This is a good opportunity for many people to become famous.

Once it emerged here, it was quickly known to the Emperor Star Territory.

World War I became famous all over the world.

Merit and fame have a fatal attraction for many strong people.

Even knowing it would be very dangerous.

“Dragon King, should we send the strong over?”

Prime Minister Turtle said to Wang Xian.

This one of the Imperial Court summoned the heroes of the world to declare that it also has a lot of attraction for the Dragon Palace.

In the Imperial Court, the merits were exchanged for the Abyssal Seed Crystal. According to Prime Minister Tortoise’s calculations, an Abyssal Seed Crystal was exchanged for the Success Honour, which was a little higher than the market price.

Dragon Palace can send people to hunt down the Abyss in exchange for merit, and merit in exchange for pill.

“Before sending someone to know about it.”

Wang Xian said lightly, took out his wisdom brain, and sent a message to the Emperor Star Girl.

It didn’t take long for the Emperor Star Girl to give him a long reply.

The content of the reply is the current situation in the imperial court.

The position where the Emperor Star Girl is now is the abyss battlefield at the junction of the Emperor Court and Ye Leng Island.

As the emperor of the imperial court generation, she did not go to the core battlefield, but in a relatively safe place.

According to what she said, the fighting situation there was a bit cruel, and it was a fact that the death of an immortal god king peak powerhouse in the imperial court.

Moreover, the abyss species on their side is different from that on the northern line. The abyss species there knows how to create terrain, know how to use the battlefield, and even have unique heaven and earth artifacts in the abyss.

At the entrance of their abyss, there are all kinds of huge abyss meteorites suspended in suspension, this kind of meteorite is extremely strong.

There are even suspended abyssal forests in some places.

The abyss species use these terrains to expand the abyss. To stop them, they must enter the abyss and hunt them. After entering it, it is not certain who is the prey and who is the hunter.

Therefore, the imperial court suffered a great loss. According to the emperor star girl’s knowledge, almost two months since the outbreak of the war, the number of immortal kings who fell in the imperial court was no less than one hundred thousand.

This is a very large number.

So in the face of such a loss, the Emperor Court opened the treasure house and attracted the strongest of the Emperor Star Territory to alleviate the pressure.

“Knowing how to build terrain, has lost no less than one hundred thousand Immortal God King Abyss Seed, it’s really terrifying.”

Wang Xian’s eyes flickered. Under such circumstances, the Dragon Palace powerhouse passed by, it was not worth it at all.

Because the Imperial Court did not have the upper hand in the battle of the abyss, all the forces of the Dragon Palace could not change the situation.

“Wang Xian, are you coming over?”

“This time our Emperor Court convened and promised a lot of benefits. You can definitely bring the Dragon Palace powerhouse over to see.”

At this time, the Emperor Star Girl sent another message.

“Would you like to go over and take a look?”

Wang Xian raised his eyebrows, and his face was contemplative.

“Okay, you send me a coordinate. I will check it out these few days.”

After thinking about it for a while, he decided to go to the Imperial Court to have a look.

If the situation is not too crisis, you can call some Dragon Palace powerhouses over, if the situation is crisis, he can also lead several Dragon Palace powerhouses to hunt down some powerful Immortal King Abyss Species.

Not to mention anything else, hunting down a few Tier 9 is also a big improvement for Dragon Palace.

The Emperor Star Girl was very surprised when she learned that Wang Xian was coming, and immediately sent him a position.

“Prime Minister Turtle, let Ao Jian take two Dragon Guards and call Ao Qitian. I am going to the Imperial Court to take a look at the specific situation.”

Wang Xian looked at the location sent by the Emperor Star Girl, and said to Prime Minister Turtle on the side.

“It’s the Dragon King!”

Prime Minister Turtle nodded.

Soon, Ao Jian Ao Qitian and two Dragon Guards came over.

The two Dragon Guards both possessed the 9th-order combat power of the Immortal King, and Ao Qitian had reached the peak combat power of the King.

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