Chapter 2714 the first stage of promotion

In the abyss, Baqi Demon Sha led a group of little brothers wandering in the abyss.

They relied on the insidious, cunning, and meticulous mindset of the Eight Qi Demon Sha to kill the abyss races.

As long as the abyss race group that they are staring at, none of them can escape death.

No way, mainly because they are too insidious.

“It’s a pity, it’s a pity, there is an abyss seed of the 9th-order immortal king, ten immortal kings of the 8th order, and more than 800,000 others in the abyss. It is a pity that our strength is too weak.”

Time passed day by day, and in a place of the abyss, Baqi and Mosha looked forward with blushing faces.

There, there is an abyss race.

Those are huge resources, they can’t wait to kill them directly.

Unfortunately, their strength is still somewhat insufficient.

“Two eldest brothers, half a month has come, we need to contact Dragon King.”

Du Jiu on the side saw the jealous look of Baqi and Mosha, admiring them, and said.

“Well, you take out the formation compass to send a position to the Dragon King. Let’s find a suitable place for the handover.”

Baqi nodded and said to Du Jiu.


Du Jiu nodded immediately.


At the same time, in a remote abyss, Wang Xian hovered in the abyss, looking at the communication stone plate in his hand.

Seeing the information and positioning from above, when he moved his body, he immediately flew towards the center.

After flying for an hour, Wang Xian looked around, determined the location, and let the Baqi Demon Sha and the others come over.

Yaqi and Demon Sha, who received the information, flew over here immediately.

“I and Du Jiu got rid of the parasites, we took the corpse of the abyss, and you are here, Baqi, guarding.”

In order to prevent some special circumstances, they did not fly directly towards Wang Xian.

After all, someone saw that the Dragon King was able to communicate with the Abyss Species, then it was justified and inexplicable.


Baqi nodded.

“We go over.”

Mo Sha and Du Jiu immediately flew towards the outside.

“Dragon King!”

Soon, they met Wang Xian and immediately shouted excitedly.

“How is the harvest? There is no problem, right.”

Wang Xian asked.

“Dragon King, there is no problem, our strength is still too weak and we have not gained much.”

As Mo Sha said, he handed Wang Xian several space rings.

“The Immortal King has six species in the eighth-tier abyss, the Immortal King has nineteen species in the seventh-tier abyss, and forty-five in the sixth step, and there are about a thousand of the immortal king and above.”

Mo Sha continued.

“not bad.”

Wang Xian nodded when he heard his report.

These abyssal corpses are enough to greatly improve the entire drug manufacturing department.

It can add about five eighth-tier members of the Immortal King to the system department.

“These abyss-type corpses, you go to the imperial court to redeem your merits, and all your merits will be exchanged for pill.”

Wang Xian handed them the space ring and said.


Mo Sha nodded: “I and Du Jiu are going over, Dragon King, tell Baqi.”


Wang Xian nodded.

Demon Sha and Du Jiu quickly flew towards the imperial court.

The location here is a little closer to the battlefield of the central imperial court, but at their speed, it still takes more than a day to fly at full speed.

“Welcome the two heroes to the hero’s merits.”

A day and a half later, the two entered the hall of merit on the planet of the teleportation array, and immediately a staff member greeted them respectfully.

“Exchange merit.”

Mo Sha said directly.

“Okay, please come with me. After redeeming the merits, the two heroes will have a chance to be on the hero list. What are the names of the two heroes?”

The staff asked respectfully.

“Heroes? Jie Jie, just keep one, poison nine!”

Mo Sha said directly.

“Huh? Brother, I…”

“Okay, don’t be jumbled, your two eldest brothers don’t care about this thing.”

Du Jiu was stunned when he heard what Mo Sha said, but was interrupted by Mo Sha before he finished speaking.

He handed the space ring to the staff casually.

“This… a lot of corpses in the abyss, please wait a moment, my lord, we will count them now.”

The staff member was slightly startled when he saw the corpse of the Abyss, and said quickly.

“All the merits will be exchanged into pill.”

Demon Sha said.

“Good lord.”

The staff nodded respectfully.

After the exchange was completed, the two flew directly to the outside.

“Jie Jie, Po Ji Jiu, look at your name.”

The two flew out of the main hall, and the evil spirit looked at the heavenly hero list on the side, and said towards Du Jiu.

Du Jiu looked at it, and there were a hundred names in Tongtian’s list of heroes.

And at the fifth name, there are two very eye-catching children.

Poison nine.

This made him a little dazed.

Once upon a time, he was just an immortal king powerhouse of the ordinary race of the Emperor Star Territory, and now his name has jumped to the fifth place on the list of heroes.

It can be said that soon, his name will spread throughout the entire Emperor Star Territory.

Become famous in World War I, and the world knows it!

“Jie Jie Jie, let’s go, your name will be on top in the future.”

The evil spirit screamed, and the two quickly flew back.

“Dragon King, has already exchanged all the abyss-type corpses into pill.”

A day and a half later, Demon Sha and the others came back and passed the pill.

“Call the rest of the Narcotics Department over for promotion.”

Wang Xian looked at the pill and said directly.

“It’s the Dragon King!”

Mo Sha Po Nine nodded, and immediately flew towards the abyss.

Wang Xian took out the pill and swallowed it directly into his abdomen to transform into dragon energy.

Ten minutes later, five hundred members of the drug manufacturing department flew over under the leadership of Yaqi.

“Dragon King.”

The members of the Dragon Palace shouted respectfully.

“Okay, Baqi, you should know a little bit about all the resources, and you decide how much they improve.”

Wang Xian said directly towards Baqi.

“It’s the Dragon King!”

Baqi nodded.

With a wave of Wang Xian’s arm, a wave of dragon energy flew out of his body and landed above them.

Under the distribution of Baqi, Wang Xian directly injected these dragon qi into the body of the members of the drug production department.

This time, the resources are enough for every member of the Drug Production Department to have the fighting power of the Immortal King.

Moreover, the fighting power of the immortal kings above Tier 4 reaches thousands.

After the first group of members were successfully promoted, Baqi brought the second group of members to be promoted.

“Okay, all improved.”

After consuming all the dragon energy of the medicine pill, Wang Xian said towards Baqi.

“The Dragon King, we continue to fight, this time, we can hunt down more Abyssal Seeds.”

A lustrous glow appeared in Hachi’s eyes.

This time their poison production department all possessed an immortal king-level battle, plus the eighth-tier battle strength of the poison nine immortal king reached six.

You can plan a more powerful Abyssal Race.

“Little ones, prepare for Laozi. Let’s plan that group with the 9th-order Abyss of the Immortal King and kill them.”

Baqi flew back and roared with high spirits.

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