Chapter 2838 Entering The Eight Desolation Six Combinations

“Jie Jie Jie, it’s really cool, it’s cool to have strength!”

The sound of laughter came from Baqi’s mouth, which is also a rare pleasure for them to fly in the past few months.

“The strongest thing in our bright starry sky seems to be the third-order existence of the Void God Emperor. As long as you can achieve this combat power, the entire bright starry sky, you can walk sideways!”

Tian Zhen said with a smile on his face.

“Really, we are going to Bahuang Liuhe now, maybe when we come back, we will be able to reach the third rank of the god emperor’s combat effectiveness, Jiejie, when the starry sky is bright, we will be the boss!”

Demon Sha said excitedly.

“Then I hope you can get this opportunity!”

Tianzhen said with a faint smile.

“That may be true!”

In the words of Demon Sha Qi and the others, Wang Xian and the others continued to fly for half a month.

Half a month later, they flew out of the ancient heavens of Heaven’s Punishment, and continued to fly forward.


After two or three months of rushing on the road, I was finally approaching Bahuang Liuhe.

“It’s just ahead!”

After flying for an hour, Wang Xian and the others felt that they had come to another world.

They have been flying for two or three months and shuttled between two major areas, which can also be said to be well-informed.

Including the starry sky over the Emperor Star Territory, there is one characteristic, that is, there is generally not much stuff above and below the starry sky.

Even if there are, not many.

But the front position gives people a three-dimensional feeling.

From a distance, you can see that ahead, there is a planet in the sky, and a continent below it.

There may be a void ocean below, or flames.

In the depths, huge suns are floating, and there are various planets, continents and so on around the sun.

This is the literal meaning, “Bahuang Liuhe”.

In the front position, people can be seen very well.

Moreover, we can also see that there are human beings living on some planetary continents at the edge.

“There are a lot of people!”

The evil spirit stared at the front and said with a face full of surprise.

“Bahuang Liuhe is a place where crises and opportunities coexist. As time goes by, there are more people, and some people have been promoted to the emperor, so powers have formed here.”

“Among the seven major forces in the past, one of them was in Bahuang Liuhe, and the name was Bahuang Liuhe. At the beginning I was called Sweeping Bahuang Liuhe. Another point is that I had some small conflicts with Bahuang Liuhe. , Got up with them.”

“At that time, a dozen or so god emperors in Bahuang were besieging me, but I easily blocked them and frustrated them, ha ha.”

Tianzhen smiled faintly, with a hint of pride on his face.

“It seems that there are not many of them of the second rank of the god emperor.”

Baqi said.

“There was only one, and the old man was also very good at that time. You can easily get rid of it!”

Tian Zhen glanced at Baqi.

“I haven’t been pitted by my apprentice!”

Baqi curled his lips and murmured softly.

“Let’s go directly to the Windless Forest!”

Wang Xian smiled and said to the sky array.

“Good Dragon King, I will take you over!”

Tianma nodded.

A group of people continued to fly towards the front, into the Bahuang Liuhe, an ancient breath rushed in.

Wang Xian glanced around and looked around.

It has been flying towards the inside, and at a glance, it feels very messy.

Special stars, huge starry sky peaks.

Growing out of thin air in the woods in the void.

Etc., etc.

Everything looks messy!

This is like a garden being broken directly and suspended in the void.

“No wonder some people guess that this is the battlefield of ancient races.”

Wang Xian murmured.

“The Windless Forest is in the abyss. The deeper you go, the more dangerous it becomes!”

“A variety of powerful wild beasts exist in the Eight Desolation and Liuhe, and there are some restrictions on some planets, and there is even a god emperor and kingdom floating there!”

“That kingdom of God contains many restrictions. There was a god emperor who broke in without permission and fell directly there. It is estimated that the owner of that kingdom of void god was the existence of the peak of the god emperor.”

Tian Zhen explained to them about the Eight Desolations and Liuhe.

“Wouldn’t it be possible to enter the country of these Void Gods and have the opportunity to gain the inheritance inside?”

Mo Sha said in surprise.

“Yes, but you have to know in advance whether there is any inheritance in the Void God Kingdom. Maybe the Void God Kingdom is a cemetery. The owner of the Void God Kingdom does not want to be disturbed by the death. Unless you are stronger, there is no death. pregnancy.”

“Void God Kingdom, it may be the treasure of the medicine garden, Dongtianfudi, etc. have all existed here.”

“Windless forest is also a blessed place, but it is very dangerous, there are tornadoes, typhoons, hurricanes, and the most dangerous is the trees there!”

“As a windless forest, there is no wind blowing or howling, but there are countless trees. Everyone does not know how big the windless forest is, but many of the trees in it have powerful attack power.”

“With the particularity of the windless forest, apart from the wind attributes, few people step into the strong people who enter it, because there is no treasure found in it.”

“But I heard that there is a Nausicaa inside. Whenever it is opened, it will attract a lot of strong people. I am not very clear about the specifics.”

Tianzhen said in detail.

Wang Xian on the side nodded slightly.

The five people moved forward quickly, and Tianzhen was also explaining some things on the side.

Around, Wang Xian found that there were a lot of people living in many places, and many of them were people who were not very strong.

These are the people of some forces.

The range of the Bahuang Liuhe is very large, and the sky formation took them to fly for three days.

“Dragon King, much of the area in front of you has not been explored. There may be dangers inside. We have to be careful!”

Three days later, Tianzhen reminded.

Wang Xian nodded their heads.

“That’s it!”

With the strength of Wangxian and the others, they could easily avoid some troubles. After ten hours, they came to the front of a forest.

On the cyan trees, numerous cyan leaves grow densely, and their cyan roots are directly stuck in the void, and you can see clearly.

The entire forest seemed extremely silent, without the slightest living creatures, only the blue trees.


At this moment, Wang Xian suddenly sensed that his position behind his back trembled, and a message appeared in his mind.



With a move of his mind, Wu Shi Sheng Wing appeared directly behind him.

From the beginningless holy wings, in the depths of the forest ahead, there is something connected by blood.

“It can be sensed, it’s inside!”

Wang Xian’s eyes shone slightly.

Once Wushi Holy Wing merged with the feathers of the wind attribute, he could also control the wind attribute, and then the power of Wu Shi Holy Wing would be able to show.

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