2899: Words Crush Variety-Eight

“Boss Wang, take me, take me!”

In the early morning of the next day, in front of the Dragon Palace Teleportation Formation, Wang Xian Tian Formation and Nine Fengshen Dragons were preparing to go to Bahuang Liuhe.

This time, the Eight Desolations and Liuhe ahead, even if the Eight Desolations and the powerful are still there, they are enough in the past.

When Warfare Invincible got the news, he immediately flew over and begged Wang Xian with a grin.

“What did you do in the past? See your girlfriend?”

Wang Xian looked at him and asked playfully.

“Hey, although there is no certainty, but it’s almost there!”

Invincible tactics said with a smile.

“Well, let’s go!”

Wang Xian nodded and stepped directly into the teleportation formation.

Invincible tactics immediately followed.

Nine Fengshen Dragons and Tianzhen also immediately followed.


When they reappeared, they had already come to the edge of the sanctuary, close to the ancient heavens of Heaven’s Punishment.


When the nine wind dragons moved, they immediately transformed into the body of a dragon.


With a low roar, the nine wind dragons flew directly into the sky.

A dragon sedan appeared beside Wang Xian.

Wang Xian moved and stood above him.

“Shenlong pulls out!”

Invincible’s eyes shone, and his eyes were filled with excitement.

“Boy, stand aside!”

Tianzhen said towards the invincible tactics.

“Okay, I know!”

Fighting Invincible smiled and nodded.

Shenlong pulls out, he naturally can’t sit inside, not to mention whether the Dragon King will agree, even the nine wind gods dragons have their own dignity.

As the exclusive car of the Dragon King, in addition to the Dragon King, even the Queen of the Dragon wants to ride, I am afraid that the Dragon King will say hello in advance.

The arrogance of Shenlong still exists.

Tactical Invincible also knows that with the existence of the second-order god emperor of breaking strength, it is not bad for the pinnacle dragon in the universe to carry him.

He stood tall in front of the long sedan chair, his eyes scanned around.


Several dragons let out a roar and flew in the direction of Bahuang Liuhe at a terrifying speed.

“That’s nine dragons, the dragon king is here!”

“Where did they go? Are they going to Bahuang Liuhe? Are they going to destroy Bahuang?”

“Nine dragons are pulling a dragon palanquin, hiss, the dragon king should go on tour!”

Located on a planet not far away, a group of experts and disciples of the sanctuary looked at the direction of Long Yin with shocked faces, and they guessed with doubts on their faces.

“What a terrifying speed!”

But just for a moment, the nine dragons pulled the sedan chair and disappeared into their sight!

Soon, the message of the nine dragons pulling the sedan chair to the ancient heaven of Heaven’s Punishment spread throughout the sanctuary.

There was another discussion in the entire Sanctuary Intellectual Brain.


In the boundless starry sky, nine dragons pulled the sedan chair, and various monsters and wild beasts in the starry sky immediately retreated far away when they sensed their aura.

The speed of the Feng Shenlong is very fast, especially under the leadership of the two god emperors second-order Feng Shenlong, according to Wang Xian’s estimation, it will take up to ten days to cross the Heavenly Punishment Ancient Heaven by flying.

“Oh, this speed is too strong, I can’t see anything.”

Fighting Invincible stood in front of the Long Sedan, squinting his eyes and let out a cry.

If it weren’t for the wind dragon to resist the impact of speed, his body would collapse directly at this speed.

“Ha ha!”

From a side position, Tian Zhen looked at him with a smile, and waved his arm: “Here is a gadget.”


Tactical Invincible took it, looked at something like a mirror, and took it in front of him.

“Wow, this is a good thing, thank you Grandpa Tianzhen!”

Fighting invincible played with the mirror, with a look of excitement on his face.

Through the mirror, you can see very distant places, and can slow down the surrounding scene.

“Ha ha!”

Tian Zhen smiled faintly, and stood aside with slightly squinted eyes.

Tactical Invincible took the mirror and looked left and right.

“Dragon King, it’s time to enter the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Realm. Should we fly over directly or use the teleportation array.”

Two days later, Tianzhen asked Wang Xian.

“Pass the teleportation array!”

In the Longjiao, Wang Xian was conceiving the Five Elements Great Mill, pondered for a moment, and said.

Although the teleportation array is more troublesome, it is also faster than flying directly.

About half of the time can be saved.

“It’s the Dragon King, you just sit in the Dragon Sedan, Dragon King, you don’t need to come out.”

Tianma nodded and responded.

“Ao Feng, I will convey a route to you, we will go from the planetary teleportation array!”

Tianzhen said to the boss of Fengshenlong.


Ao Feng nodded.


Soon, a message reached Ao Feng’s mind, and he scanned the surroundings.

“Go to the planet on the left.”

Toward his brothers and sisters, the nine wind dragons flew directly to the nearest planet.


When the life planet appeared in front of them, the nine wind dragons roared and came to the sky above the planet in an instant.

With a sweep of their minds, they sensed the position of the teleportation formation, and their bodies moved.


The next moment, they appeared in the sky above the teleportation array.

The huge figure formed a shadow below.

“what is that?”

“Hi, what is this? What a terrifying power!”

“Oops, is this a star behemoth? Be careful!”

“What is this? They are still pulling a sedan chair behind them!”

The sudden appearance of the nine wind gods made all the people on this planet look nervous and frightened.

“The Dragon King travels, the eight wildernesses ahead, borrow your teleportation array here!”

Compared with other star regions, the information of the ancient sky of Heavenly Punishment was even more backward. The Heavenly Formation stood on the side of the Long Sedan, and said, the voice spread around the teleportation formation.

“Swish swish swish!”

“Meet Lord Dragon King, and Lord Dragon King!”

“We will immediately clean up the teleportation formation. It is our honor to be able to come to our planet, Lord Dragon King!”

In the next moment, in the rooms below, a strong man flew out with panic and awe on his face.

They bowed and shouted respectfully.

I just got down on my knees.

“Don’t be so troublesome!”

The sky array said, the nine wind dragons moved and flew directly towards the position of the teleportation array.

The teleportation array of each planet occupies a very large area, but the figure of the nine wind dragons is too terrifying.

They shrunk slightly, and went directly towards the teleportation formation.


Energy packages, according to the route, they transmit instantly.

Soon, their figures slowly disappeared.

From arrival to departure, no more than one minute.

“Shenlong, those are the nine dragons of the Dragon Palace, and the dragon king must be the dragon king.”

“That power is simply terrifying, is this the power of the Dragon Palace? Is this the power of the Shenlong?”

“Nine divine dragons are pulling the dragon palanquin. Did they go to Bahuang Liuhe to destroy Bahuang?”

At the side position, a dozen strong men shouted in a low voice, shaking their faces.

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