2921: Wordscapes Uncrossed Mountain-Fjord 7 Answers

Youxie is the name on the other side of the earth.

In the bright starry sky, it is sometimes called the evil spirit, or the evil spirit, the evil spirit, and Wang Xian does not know why it is called this way.

Demons have a very powerful ability, they can be summoned out in a certain way.

Summoning is not limited by distance.

The summoned evil spirit is constrained by the summoner, but the evil den of the evil spirit will be summoned along with the evil spirit.

This magic cave possesses a terrifying ability, capable of assimilating a creature into a demon and degrading its sanity.

A large number of evil spirits were summoned out, assimilated the summoner, messed up the emptiness of one party, and increased their strength.

And this time the crisis of the Glazed Glass Domain was because the evil spirits that had been summoned out of the Glazed Glass Domain had returned.

The evil spirits are very strong. In a demon cave, there are a large number of evil spirits, and there is a evil spirit leader.

The battle of evil spirits is usually carried out with a large number of evil spirits invading the cave.

But this also has a fatal weakness.

That is, once the opponent’s strength is strong, he can counterattack into the devil’s cave and behead all the evil spirits.

The reason why Wang Xian agreed to the invitation of the Liuliyu was for their reward, and the other was the evil spirits in these devil caves and devil caves.

If the Dragon Palace wants a huge improvement, it can only go through wars and fights.

Obviously, Demon Domain is a good choice.


At this time, Tactical Invincible sent a location, with such a message attached to it.

When Wang Xian saw this message, he stood up immediately.

“Prime Minister Turtle, this time I personally rushed over, after the past, I will build a dragon palace in the ocean of the glazed glaze domain, and then wait for orders.”

He ordered to Prime Minister Turtle.

“It’s the Dragon King!”

Prime Minister Turtle nodded.

When Wang Xian moved his body, he disappeared in an instant and appeared in front of the Dragon Palace Teleportation Formation.

Stepping into the teleportation array, Wang Xian came to the sanctuary, a life planet located near the central area of ​​the sanctuary.

Nowadays, Dragon Palace has established Dragon Palace on dozens of planets in Sanctuary, and communication is much more convenient.

Flying out of the Dragon Palace, Wang Xian quickly flew towards the border between them and the Glazed Glass Region through the teleportation array of the Sanctuary.


Having come to a planet on the boundary between the sanctuary and the glazed glaze region, Wang Xian’s figure jumped and appeared directly in the void.

Unstarted Holy Wings unfolded, he looked forward, squinted slightly, and his pupils showed an eager look.

“I don’t know how fast I can fly at full speed.”

His wings stirred slightly, and the next moment, he disappeared into the sky in an instant.

According to some records, it would take ten days for a powerhouse of the first rank of the god emperor to reach the nearest life planet in the glazed region from the boundary of the sanctuary.

But at the speed of Wang Xian, this time should be shortened several times.

Wang Xian was in the void, shuttled at a terrifying speed, directly breaking through the space, flying between the space.

He gallops fast like a ray of light.

An hour later, Wang Xian slowed down and came out from the crack in the space. He looked at his position, with a smile on his face.

“One hour, my speed is really terrifying!”

Wang Xian looked at the time and the distance, the corners of his mouth cocked slightly.

He continued to fly for three minutes, and a life planet appeared in front of him.

In response, he came to the iconic building on this planet, a tall tower.

At this moment, a group of people are arranging something on the tower.

At the next moment, Wang Xian stood on the high platform, and the people on the side had not noticed his arrival.

“I heard that the Dragon King will come to us later, the Dragon King of the Dragon Palace, we will be fortunate to see it later!”

“Do you say that the Dragon King is great, or our domain master is great?”

“Of course it is our domain master. Our domain master has become a god emperor 50 million years ago. He covers the sky with only one hand and is extremely powerful. Even the creator of the weapon emperor domain is afraid of our domain master!”

“The Dragon King should also be very powerful, but I didn’t expect that the battlefields between our Glazed Glass Domain and the Dark Charm Domain were in such a crisis, and we were forced to request support. Fortunately, the Dragon Palace was willing to support us!”

“The main reason is that our domain owner and a group of powerful people are sitting on the border of the weapon emperor to prevent the attack of the emperor of the weapon, otherwise we can easily solve it!”

“Now the kid on Zhi Nao called Fighting Invincible is simply too arrogant. He even said that we are inferior to Dragon Palace, saying that we are rubbish and pissed off Laozi. If Laozi sees him, he must be beaten!”

“That kid is indeed smelly like eating shit, but he killed two god emperors first-order evil spirits. This is true. It seems to be killed by the Supreme Treasure. Moreover, this kid is very capable of taking pictures with all of us god emperors. !”

“I heard from the front-line soldiers that the kid is a lot arrogant, but this guy has arrogant capital, but I heard that many grandpas are going to clean up the invincible tactics, saying that as long as he eats in the glazed area, he will find someone to him. Put shit in the meal, I think this is the way to deal with this kind of guy!”

“Puff, shit, hahaha!”

On the high tower, a crowd of people arranging things laughing and chatting.

Wang Xian stood by when he heard what they said, and he was very speechless.

How long has this tactical invincibility arrived in the Glazed Glass Domain?

It’s so famous in the entire Liuliyu domain, why do you want to put shit in his food?

Niubi Niubi!

“You…who are you, who are you!”

At this moment, someone suddenly noticed the existence of Wang Xian, and he was completely stunned, staring with wide-eyed eyes and full of vigilance.

“Where is the emperor of your Liuli?”

Wang Xian asked them lightly.

“The God Emperor of Liuli?”

Hearing Wang Xian’s words, the group of people who were setting up on the high platform were slightly surprised. They stared at Wang Xian with wide eyes.

He wears a colorful crown on his head with the symbol of Shenlong.

She wears eight colors of dragon costumes, giving people a deep feeling.

“You… are you the Dragon King?”

An old man shrank his pupils slightly and asked tentatively.


Wang Xian nodded faintly, and asked again, “Where is the emperor of Liuli?”

“See the Dragon King, and see the Dragon King!”

The old man trembled and knelt down immediately. The crowd next to him reacted, shaking his body and knelt down.

“Lord Dragon King, our Lord God Emperor is rushing towards us. Lord God Emperor said you want to come over, let us prepare. I didn’t expect… I didn’t expect you to be here so soon!”

The old man spoke in awe.


Wang Xian nodded, with a smile on his face. It seemed that he was moving too fast and he arrived early!


But at this moment, he looked down at a place, and the three god emperors rushed towards this side quickly.

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