Chapter 3030 My Hongtian God Emperor, I will die if I disobey 1

“Hongtian Divine Emperor, Red Mist Domain Level Race!”

In the Dragon King Palace, Wang Xian looked at the Universe Brain, searching for all the information about the Emperor Hongtian.

For the Emperor Hongtian, Wang Xian knew one thing or two.

In addition, he also killed many apprentices of the Emperor Hongtian.

However, the last time the opponent tried to kill them.

For the Emperor Hongtian, he didn’t have much favor.

This time the Red Mist race established a clan, if it weren’t for seeing the various races, if it wasn’t for the Dragon Palace to truly step into the center of the universe, he might not go.

And the reason why he rushed past was mainly based on the magical powers he had obtained.

Yin and Yang break the world!

Yin and Yang break through the boundary and can break through the blockade of the lock-in formation, even if it is really dangerous, they can directly escape.

Secondly, although Dragon Palace has offended the Ancient Rare Race and the Brain Spirit Race, the other party may not dare to deal with them.

What’s more, when the Hongtian Divine Emperor established a race, at this time, the forces that came would give them the Hongtian Divine Emperor’s face and would not make trouble at this time.

But what Wang Xian didn’t know was that he had already learned about the beheading of the apprentice of the Emperor Hongtian.

And a wanted order has been issued.

However, the original wanted order was limited to the disciples of the Emperor Hongtian, and it was not announced.

This was also to prevent Wang Xian and the others from revealing the method of entering the planet of God’s Garden, so they did not send wanted information on Zhi Brain.

As time passed day by day, the days when the Red Mist race became a clan gradually approached.

“Welcome to the elders of the Tianyan Clan, and thank you all for coming.”

“Welcome the Xingyue Patriarch of the Xingyue Clan, and thank the Xingyue Patriarch for coming in person.”

Half a month later, on a planet in the center of the Mohan room race site, in the starry sky, a group of extremely powerful races rushed over here.

There is a strong man of the Tianyan clan who exudes flames all over his body, like a Vulcan.

There are strong men sitting on the crescent-like artifact.

There are also strong men who ride various mounts.

Every group of them exudes an aura of terror.

Any team, at least a strong man with the seventh rank of God Emperor, sits in town.

In the void, a strong man of the Red Mist tribe wearing black and red costumes greeted such a group of people with a smile on his face.

Today, it is the grand ceremony of their Red Mist clan.

Half a month ago, the Red Wu tribe invited all major forces.

For a domain-level race that has just been established and is still in this starry sky, they naturally have to go and learn about it.

Whether it’s a good deal or a thorough investigation.

The birth of a domain-level race is bound to receive the attention of all major forces.

Those weak groups and domain-level races sent the top powers of the clan to come and bring gifts.

“Dragon King, there are a lot of strong people here. At a glance, all of them are the top strong people in this starry sky.”

In front of the planet of the Red Mist Clan, the Eight Qi Demon Sha of the Sky Formation followed Wang Xian’s left and right, their eyes swept around, and the sound transmission said.

“The power of the wizard at the peak of the god emperor is still very sensational here. In this void domain, no domain-level race has been born for nearly a billion years!”

Wang Xian smiled, thinking of the information he had seen from the cosmic brain.

Leaping from a group to a domain-level race is not that simple.

At least, to have two powerhouses of the 9th rank of God Emperor.

The second is the background.

There are only a dozen domain-level races around the ethnic ruins of the Mohan Chamber, of which only four are relatively strong domain-level races.

In these four domain-level races, the powerhouses with the peak of the god emperor are in charge.

The strength of a power represents the amount of resources it can divide up.

On the other hand, the rising of a powerful force in the starry sky has a considerable impact on the surrounding forces.

“Several people, which force do you come from?”

In the void of the planet, a fifth-order wizard of God Emperor swept across Wang Xian and the others, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes, and he immediately greeted him and asked with a smile.

“Dragon Palace!”

Baqi said lightly.

“Huh? It turned out to be everyone from the Dragon Palace, please inside, please inside!”

The strong man of the Red Mist tribe showed a surprised look on his face, and immediately stretched out his hand to signal.

“Dragon King, this guy should have recognized us, acting!”

The evil spirit looked at the strong man of the Red Mist tribe, and spoke towards Wang Xian.

Wang Xian raised his brows slightly.

“Lead the way!”

Yaqi continued.

“Huh? Dragon Palace?”

“That is from Dragon Palace? How dare they come?”

“It seems that the Emperor Hongtian invited the Dragon Palace on the Universe Brain, and why didn’t they dare to come? Now many powerful forces are afraid of this Dragon Palace!”

“It’s the first time I saw the strong in the Dragon Palace, do they have the blood of the Shenlong? Is the Dragon King of the Dragon Palace coming?”

“This is the Dragon Palace?”

The words of the wizard of the Red Mist tribe immediately attracted the attention of the surroundings, and some people looked at them with curious and surprised expressions on their faces.

Today’s Dragon Palace is not unknown in this area, and its terrifying assassination methods make all races jealous.

Seeing Wang Xian and the others, the powerful men around them were full of curiosity.

“Dragon Palace, are those from Dragon Palace?”

At the same time, at the rear, more than two dozen strong men flew over here.

They have huge heads, thin limbs and thin bodies, and their eyes are full of murderous aura, looking towards Wang Xian and the others.

These twenty-odd people are strong in the brain-spirit clan.

This is the first time they have seen a strong man in Dragon Palace.

Speaking a little aggrieved.

The other party has assassinated two thousand god emperors of them.

The immortals and the others, who were falling towards the planet below, sensed the murderous aura behind them, and turned their heads to look.

“Jie Jie Jie!”

Eight Qi Mosha, they saw the huge-headed race, and immediately recognized it.

They put their hands on their necks, touched them provocatively, and then turned their heads.

“Ha ha!”

Wang Xian also smiled faintly.

Today’s Dragon Palace does not put the brain spirit tribe in its eyes at all.

If it weren’t for fear of the other party’s death and the net breaking, if it weren’t for fear of causing revulsion from other forces, they already had the power to destroy the brain spirit race.

“The people in the Dragon Palace are so arrogant!”

The surrounding groups and races were paying attention to the situation here, and they whispered when they saw the provocative gestures of the Yaqi Demon Sha.

“This Dragon Palace also has arrogant confidence. A power in a remote starry sky has been exposed to sub-dragons and divine dragons. Many powers are coveting them. Now it makes all the powers jealous. They are very powerful.”

Some powerful people talk about it.

“Everyone from Dragon Palace, please here!”

The strong red mist tribe leading the way smiled and guided.

Around, some strong Red Mist tribes looked over, their eyes glittering.

Soon, the news about the arrival of Wang Xian and the others was passed to the hands of the strong men of the Red Wu Clan.

Good news, the people from Dragon Palace are here!

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