Chapter 3091 One Trick In A Second


Are all here?

When a group of racial powerhouses heard Wang Xian’s words, they were slightly taken aback and looked at him in astonishment.

What does he mean by this?

And why is this guy so plain?

Dragon Palace, they don’t know the current situation of the outside world?

Don’t know the strength of the patriarch of the Mohan clan in front of you?

“I hate you guy so much, so go to hell!”

The mohan clan stared at Wang Xian, with a cold look in his eyes.

He hated the calm young man in front of him.

Since he is so innocent, he can die too.


As he said in his mouth, with a wave of his arm, black words flew out of his body, and the words instantly condensed into a killing word, attacking Wang Xian.

“Venerable Universe Level One? Something looking for death!”

As Wang Xian spoke, his figure disappeared instantly.

When the black killing character just came to the center of them, when the patriarch of the Mohan clan didn’t have any reaction, Wang Xian’s figure had already come behind him.

The dragon claw penetrated his body directly.

At this moment, it seemed that the space had frozen.

The Mohan survivor’s eyes widened, their pupils dilated little by little, and their eyes were full of incredible expressions.

“Cough cough cough!”

After a full second of silence, a special sound of horror came from a side position.

On both sides, the elders of the survivors of the Mohan room opened their mouths wide and made a shocked voice, and their bodies trembled violently.

Turning his head stiffly, staring at the scene that made them feel incredible.

“You provoke people who shouldn’t be offended. Since the Mohan family race has been annihilated, it will disappear forever, and there is no need to reappear.”

Wang Xian’s voice sounded, and there was a wave of deadly energy in the dragon’s claws.

The deadly power of the five elements entered the body of the survivor of the Mohan family, quickly dissolving his vitality.

“No, no, don’t kill me!”

Feeling the disappearance of vitality in his body, the face of the survivor of the Mohan room showed a panic and fearful look.

He roared a little, trying to resist.

However, Wang Xian’s dragon claws have penetrated his body, standing behind him has completely suppressed it.

The Mohan survivor’s eyes widened, full of unbelievable expressions.

He is the Venerable Universe!

He just broke through without a day.

He doesn’t want to die!

“Stop, stop, let go of our patriarch!”

At this time, the elders of the Mohan clan survivors on the side also reacted. They screamed loudly, surging with terrifying power, and attacked Wang Xian.


Wang Xian looked at them, chains appeared around them, and the chains instantly entangled them.


An elder of the survivor of the famous Mohan room widened his eyes, looking at the chains tied to his body, his eyes were full of shock.


At this time, the bodies of the surrounding races trembled, watching the scene in front of them in horror.

What’s happening here?

The powerful and invincible patriarch of the Mohan Clan of the Universe Venerable was instantly killed by the Dragon King of the Dragon Palace!

The other elders at the peak of the god emperors, the dragon king only had a look in their eyes and restrained them.

This scene surpassed his imagination.

How did they expect this scene.

“That… that Dragon Palace Dragon King has the strength of Lord Youyu Universe, and it’s not an ordinary Lord of the Universe!”

“My God, this, this… how is this possible!”

A low growl spit out from the mouths of a group of racial powerhouses, and they kept swallowing and spitting.

Who can imagine this ending?


Wang Xian’s faint voice continued to sound like a trial.

A gray power of the Five Elements completely enveloped the entire body of the Mohan Dynasty survivor.


He threw it casually, like a dead dog, and threw it in front of the chiefs of the Dragon Palace in Baqi, Prime Minister Turtle.

He glanced over the nine elders of the survivors of the Mohan room, and pulled his palms into the void.


“Do not!”

The chain shrank, and a scream sounded.


Similarly, a corpse was randomly thrown in front of the dragon gate.


Seeing the ten strong men were beheaded at will, the strong men of all races couldn’t help taking two steps backwards.

They scanned the corpses and felt their scalp numb.

The strong man with the remaining blood in the Mohan room is already unmatched in their eyes.

The mighty dried seaweed race, one of the top domain-level races in this starry sky, was easily wiped out by them.

However, the strong man who made them unable to resist was casually killed by the Dragon King of Dragon Palace.

There is no resistance at all.

They are still thinking about watching the Dragon Palace be destroyed, now…

“It’s time to talk about our business!”

Wang Xian looked at the powerhouses of the other races, with a smile on his face.


At this time, at the rear, the Emperor Hongtian was pale, and his forehead was full of cold sweat.

His figure slowly began to be illusory.

Wang Xian looked at him. Around him, the space began to collapse, and the Emperor Hongtian who wanted to escape directly back to his own god appeared.


He turned around with fear on his face and wanted to walk outside.


But at this moment, a dragon roar sounded, and an illusory eight-color dragon plunged directly into his body.

“Do not!”

The Emperor Hongtian roared desperately.

Wang Xian waved his hand and threw the body of God Emperor Hongtian directly aside.

Eleven corpses were lying there quietly, and the weakest of them was also the strongest person in the starry sky.

“Bye…bye to the Dragon King!”

The Chuanshan clan’s patriarch shook his body and immediately knelt on the ground and shouted at Wang Xian.

On the side, the other strong men of the Chuanshan tribe also knelt on the ground quickly, shouting: “Well, see the Dragon King!”

“Meet the Dragon King!”

The rest of the racial powerhouses hurriedly knelt on the ground, their bodies trembling a little.

They now know that the sky of this starry sky has changed.

But the owner of this sky is not the Mohan room race, but the Dragon Palace.

They knelt on the ground, awaiting the Dragon King’s trial in fear.

Especially the powerful people of the Shenghun tribe and the brain spirit tribe, cold sweat kept falling towards the ground.

They have an enmity with Dragon Palace!

But now they dare not escape, nor can they escape.

Even the Venerable Universe died in the hands of the Dragon King. By the means of the Dragon King, if the Dragon King wanted them to die, this universe could not accommodate them.

They can only pray in their hearts and pray that the Dragon King will not kill them.

“Everyone of the Tianming Clan, get up, Prime Minister Turtle, they will leave it to you to deal with.”

Wang Xian swept across a group of strong racers who were kneeling on the ground in front, and said lightly.

After speaking, he turned and walked towards the Dragon Palace.

These forces, now he has not cared about them at all, and it is not worthy of Dragon Palace’s too much attention.

His current goal is the Milky Way.

“The people of the Mohan family have brought a lot of resources to the Dragon Palace.”

Muttered in his mouth.

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