Chapter 3108 Treasure

“Congratulations, Junior Brother Wang Xian!”

On the fourth floor of the Crescent Moon Secret Realm, when Wang Xian took the crescent moon in the air and walked towards the surrounding books, Senior Sister Lingxin and the others walked over and congratulated him.

“Good luck, thanks to you this time, if I hadn’t notified you, I wouldn’t have gained so much!”

Wang Xian walked to the front of some books, turned his head and said to Senior Sister Lingxin and the others.

This time it was indeed thanks to all the disciples of the Liushen Taoist Temple. Without them, I would not even be able to enter here, let alone gain so much.

He was going to give them some resources after the meeting.

After all, Wang Xian had more than 10,000 battle angels in his hands.

“That’s also Big Brother Wang, your strength is strong, if we didn’t have you, we wouldn’t want to have the current gains!”

Some disciples of the Liushen Taoist Temple said with a smile.

Wang Xian smiled and looked at the book ahead.

Galaxy Note!

Information about the Galaxy Skeleton Clan!

Galaxy Turtle Blazing Beast Information!

He glanced across books one by one, which contained XX information and XX notes.

When he saw these books, he raised his brows slightly, his eyes gleaming.

“Junior Brother Wang Xian, this is the information that Crescent Moon had originally mastered. There are detailed information on the various races of our galaxy and the places of mystery. The Crescent Moon created by Venerable Crescent Moon has made many ethnic forces jealous.”

Senior Sister Lingxin came over, scanned the surrounding books, and said with surprise on her face.

These materials are extremely precious.

Even if it has not been updated for millions of years, the value of these materials is still very scary.

However, this information is not too important for them.

“Please don’t move the information here, I’m useful, let’s go to the fifth floor to have a look.”

Wang Xian said toward the group of disciples in the Liushen Taoist Temple, looking at the entrance of the fifth floor.

“Good Brother Wang!”

“Walk, go to the fifth floor to see if there are any treasures, I guess the fifth floor should be the place where Venerable Crescent Moon lives!”

A group of disciples from the Taoist Temple of Liushen immediately responded and followed closely behind.

“Five floors!”

At a side position, Senior Brother Lu gathered in front of the old man’s corpse and their faces changed when they heard the conversation next to them.

“Put the corpse away, let’s go over and take a look.”

He said in his mouth and immediately flew towards the entrance of the fifth floor.

The gentleman brother Kong and the others looked at each other and followed behind.

This time, Senior Brother Kong and Brother Xu’s gains can be said to be pretty good.

Originally, Senior Brother Lu and the others had a good harvest, but one of their clan powerhouses recklessly entered the fourth floor and died directly here.

The death of a strong man at the peak of the god emperor caused heavy losses to them.

The gain this time may be less than the loss.

Brother Gentleman and the others moved immediately and immediately followed behind.

A group of people entered the fifth floor without any hindrance.

Just as some disciples guessed, the fifth floor is the place where Venerable Crescent Moon lives.

Wang Xian and the others entered inside, scanning the surroundings.

The disciples of the Liushen Taoist Temple also looked fiercely.

They are in a crescent shape, so on the fifth floor, the surrounding space is not very large.

His eyes fell on a training futon in the center, slightly narrowed his eyes and waved his arm.


The energy of Wang Xian swept away, and the futon immediately burst into a powerful brilliance, with a trace of coercion.

“This is…this is a training futon at the level of the sage of the universe, an absolute treasure!”

A hurried voice came from the mouths of Senior Brother Lu and the others, their eyes were fiercely staring, and their bodies trembled a little.

However, the futon was obtained by Wang Xian, and they did not dare to snatch it.

“Let’s check it out!”

Senior Brother Lu let out a low cry, and the dozen or so men behind him moved and flew inside.

Wang Xian swept his eyes, and said to the group of Liushen Taoist disciples beside him: “You should also search to see if there are any treasures.”

According to his feelings, the most precious thing in it is this practice futon.

However, as the living room of the Venerable, anything is very valuable.

“Thank you, Brother Wang Xian, haha, brothers, all the things here are treasures!”

A disciple of Liushen Daochang laughed, and immediately flew forward.

“Fuck, Brother Liu, you guys are too fast, leave something for my little brother!”

“Hahaha, I can consider giving it to you if I don’t need it.”

A group of disciples from the Liushen Taoist rushed over, searching for all kinds of things.

Even the seats and the like are put away directly.

The seats outside are also extremely precious.

The gentleman brothers also moved.

They can see things that Wang Xian doesn’t like.

Seeing all the disciples in the Liushen Taoyuan searching for various treasures, Wang Xian smiled and did not make a move.

The harvest this time is scary enough.

“Next, it’s best to get the entire Crescent Moon Universe Divine Kingdom, let Ao Xie and the others swallow it, let alone raise him to the second-order position of the Universe Venerable.”

He muttered, thinking in his heart.

“I found a medicine bottle, I found a medicine bottle!”

At this moment, excitement sounded.


Wang Xian’s face also showed a look of surprise.

Venerable Crescent Moon’s medicine bottle, the pill value in it is definitely not low.

“Swish swish!”

“Is there really a medicine bottle? Is there a pill in it?”

One by one, the figures flew over immediately, with a glowing expression in their eyes.

Wang Xian also walked over and looked around.

“Yes, you see, brother gentleman, there are a dozen pills in it, it’s so rich.”

The middle-aged disciple who obtained the medicine bottle opened it, flushed and said, and handed it to the gentleman brother.

“The elixir of Venerable Universe’s level should be Venerable Tier 1, used for cultivation and recovery from injuries.”

Brother Junzi looked at it, and there was a fiery expression in his eyes.

These pills are of great value.

“Universe Venerable Level Pill? This…this is too strong, but I only have the seventh rank of God Emperor now, and I can’t use it.”

The middle-aged disciple smashed his tongue and said excitedly.

“Can Brother Gentleman use it?”

Wang Xian approached, looked at the gentleman brother on the side, and asked.

“If you don’t need it, I’m still some distance away from the realm of the Universe Venerable.”

Senior Brother Junzi shook his head: “Wang Xian Junior Brother, can you use it?”

“Give it to me, wait a while and you can exchange it with me for equivalent treasures, battle angel weapons, and some treasures that you can use.”

Wang Xian said to the middle-aged disciple.

“Good Brother Wang Xian!”

The middle-aged disciple nodded happily.

He didn’t worry that Wang Xian would cheat him. In this five-layer space, Wang Xian said that he wanted everything, and the others were not qualified to snatch it.

It’s better to be able to exchange for some treasures, and so can battle angels.

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