Chapter 3182 Plundering Blood Vessel (2)


In front of the teleportation array, everyone from the ancient painting sect Tianlong clan stepped inside and quickly teleported towards the Milky Way.

This time, they are fully prepared.

Now that the two powerhouses of Dragon Palace Dragon King and Liushen are both located in Tianhai Dragon Palace, the Dragon King has been exchanged by their Heavenly Dragon King.

In the absence of peak powerhouses in the Dragon Palace, their two major forces can easily suppress the Dragon Palace.

Kill the disciples of the Dragon Palace and suppress the purebred dragon.

This is their task this time.

Through the teleportation array, they quickly rushed towards the Milky Way.

At the same time, it is located at Tianhai Dragon Palace.

Looking at the weird black liquid in his palm, Wang Xian suddenly sensed the movement coming from the ground in front of him, his brows furrowed, and coldness and alertness appeared in his eyes.

When he first entered here, he did not sense the breath of creatures.

Who is in the mud?

His dragon eyes flickered.


At this time, the Heavenly Dragon King who was in the mud slowly stood up, and the mud on his body fell directly, revealing his true face.

“Huh? It’s you, Heavenly Dragon King?”

Wang Xian recognized him with a solemn expression on his face. He stared at him tightly: “You inherited this Dragon Palace?”

“Not yet, but I will inherit this dragon palace soon.”

The Heavenly Dragon King stared at Wang Xian with fiery eyes, his face was full of hideous smiles.


Hearing his response, Wang Xian’s eyes flashed with doubt.

“What a strong bloodline, a pure Shenlong bloodline, hahaha, if I can get your bloodline, I will surely be able to make the Shenlong clan rise to the top again!”

“However, this will come true soon, and soon my Heavenly Dragon King will become the most powerful dragon in the universe.”


The Heavenly Dragon King roared ferociously, his body changed.

A huge unicorn, huge wings, a dragon tail similar to a dragon.

This is what his body looks like.

Feeling the breath of the Heavenly Dragon King, and listening to his words, Wang Xian showed a cold look in his eyes.

“Want to get my blood?”

As he said, staring at the black liquid in his palm, the annihilated energy was slightly shaken.


However, the energy swept through, and the black liquid did not dissipate, but changed into a special symbol.

“Hahaha, today, your bloodline is my bloodline. I worked hard and planned for three years, just to wait for this moment, Dragon King, don’t worry, I will carry forward the bloodline in your body!”

“Ho Ho Ho Ho, from the power of taboos, from the most ancient spells, change the pulse, turn on!”

He raised his head and roared excitedly.

Immediately afterwards, within his body, black symbols emerged one by one, spreading towards Wang Xian.

Wang Xian looked at this weird symbol, waved his arm, and the Five Elements Great Grind appeared in his hand.


With a wave of his arm, a Frost Divine Sword slashed directly towards the strange symbols connected together.


However, to Wang Xian’s surprise, the Frost Divine Sword fell on that strange symbol, and it did not fluctuate in the slightest.

Did not stop the slightest.

This made his face change slightly.


At this time, the weird symbol in front of him instantly disappeared into his body.

This made his face changed wildly, and the bad premonition in his heart became even stronger.

“Swish swish!”

When the weird symbol entered his body, the weird symbol that flew out from the body of the Heavenly Dragon King quickly flew over.

The Five Elements Great Mill resisted, but it didn’t have the slightest effect.


The strange symbol entered Wang Xian’s body, which made him feel extremely cold.

This weird symbol connects him with the Heavenly Dragon King.

“Hahaha, worthy of a taboo technique, worthy of an ancient technique!”

“Stealing the pulse!”

The Heavenly Dragon King saw the weird black symbol enter Wang Xian’s body. Through this weird symbol, he was able to sense the power of the surging blood in his body.

This made his body tremble, and the greed and excitement in his heart reached the strongest.


When Wang Xian heard these four words again, the intense anxiety in his heart became more intense.

The face of the Heavenly Dragon King in front of him became more ferocious and excited.

His body shook, but found that the energy in his body could not be mobilized.

This made his face change slightly.

“Go ahead, change your pulse!”

“I will have your blood, I will destroy your dragon palace, carry forward the Tianlong clan, and bring my Tianlong clan to glory!”

The Heavenly Dragon King raised his head and roared excitedly.

“Hahaha, not bad, good job.”

Suddenly, an abrupt voice sounded, making Wang Xian and Tianlong King slightly surprised.

In the next moment, the figure of the Heavenly Dragon King disappeared, a black symbol condensed, and the illusory figure of the body appeared in the front position.

The head resembles a camel, its horns resemble a deer, its eyes resemble a rabbit, its ears resemble a cow, its neck resembles a snake, its belly resembles a mirage, its scales resemble a carp, its claws resemble an eagle, and its palm resembles a tiger.

Looking at the imaginary figure ahead and the black symbol, Wang Xian’s face changed slightly.

This is a dragon, a real dragon.

But it seems that there is no physical body, only that illusory energy.

“I have waited for billions of years, and finally I have waited for a dragon with such a high bloodline, and it is still a mutant dragon that far exceeds the purebred dragon. I have not waited in vain for billions of years!”

This Shenlong phantom roared excitedly.


“Are you the Heavenly Sea Dragon King?”

Wang Xian stared at him, his pupils slightly shrunk, and he said vigilantly.

“Haha, that’s right, it’s the Dragon King. The Dragon King has been here for billions of years. After billions of years, I could have seized the house long ago, but their blood is too rubbish.”

“I have been waiting, waiting for a powerful Shenlong bloodline person to enter, today, I finally waited, finally waited.”

“Emperor Heaven is worthy of hard work, hahaha, I am very satisfied with your blood.”

“Stealing the sky and changing the pulse, condense my body with your blood!”

The Sky Sea Dragon King also roared wildly and ferociously.

In these billions of years, he has endured too much.

But this day was finally waited for by him, and the decoy he released, the Heavenly Dragon King, did not disappoint himself.

Sending myself such a gift.

As long as he can condense his body with his blood, he will be able to completely recover and completely get rid of his current appearance.

See the day again.

Embark on glory.


Wang Xian felt the energy on this weird dark symbol, his face changed drastically, and he raised his hair and let out a dragon chant.

He turned into the body of a dragon, and the mighty energy swept forward.

“It’s useless, this is forbidden power, this is an ancient technique, you can’t get rid of it.”

Tianhai Dragon King laughed and said, seeing the body of Wang Xian’s dragon, a dark light burst into his eyes.

“What a strong Shenlong bloodline, it has so many attributes, very good, very good, now it belongs to me!”

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