Chapter 3213 Dragon Palace’s Improved Strength


On the side of the colorful river of the Xingjiang clan, a roar of excitement resounded across the sky.

An Asian dragon with huge wings exuding powerful evil spirits was suspended in the void.

In the front position, a group of powerful people headed by the Xingjiang clan chief, their faces were extremely embarrassed and knelt in front.

Lost, the Xingjiang clan was completely defeated.

The patriarch of the Xingjiang clan has the ability to escape, but once he escapes, the Heavenly Sea Dragon King will slaughter the entire Xingjiang clan.

He didn’t dare to run away, because Sky Sea Dragon King really dared to slaughter countless of their people.

“Our patriarch actually lost, and our Xingjiang clan is going to surrender to that evil dragon!”

“It’s over, we are actually going to surrender to the Sea Dragon King that day.”

“No, no, no, how could this be? He is an evil dragon, a cruel dragon!”

Around, all the people of the Xingjiang clan saw this scene, their bodies trembled violently, and their faces showed extremely embarrassing expressions.

Their Xingjiang clan turned out to be slaves to an evil dragon.

The news that Tianhai Dragon King brought his dragon palace to suppress the Xingjiang clan quickly spread in the Xingjiang starry sky.

When everyone learned that the Xingjiang clan had surrendered to the Sky Sea Dragon King, their faces showed an extremely shocking expression.

Especially when he learned that the Sea Dragon King defeated the patriarch of the Xingjiang clan that day, it shocked everyone.

“The Heavenly Sea Dragon King is not dead, he occupies the body of the Heavenly Dragon King, and his strength is very terrifying.”

“Who would have thought that the Sea Dragon King did not die that day, and was reborn from the house. This… his strength is too terrifying. The Xingjiang clan was defeated by a single move, and it was much stronger than the Dragon King of the Dragon Palace.”

“It is said that the Sea Dragon King was crazy that day. As long as the Xingjiang clan does not surrender, he will slaughter all the Xingjiang clan.”

“The Sea Dragon King was an evil dragon that day!”

Countless people are talking about it on the cosmic brain.

The rebirth of a distant divine dragon seized the house and brought them a powerful shock.

Especially this dragon also suppressed the Xingjiang clan.

“Dragon King, this is the news from Xingjiang Starry Sky.”

At the same time, at the location of the Dragon Palace, the situation of the Xingjiang clan was immediately transmitted to Prime Minister Turtle.

Wang Xian frowned slightly when he saw the news from Prime Minister Turtle.

“What did Sea Dragon King do to suppress the Xingjiang clan that day? For resources?”

With a suspicion on his face, he groaned and continued: “There is another possibility, just to deal with our Dragon Palace.”

“It’s possible, but it’s not so easy for them to destroy our Dragon Palace.”

Prime Minister Turtle said with a smile.

“Always pay attention to the situation in Tianhai Dragon King.”

Wang Xian nodded.

“Yes, Dragon King!”

Prime Minister Turtle nodded.

“Sooner or later, we will fight the Sea Dragon King that day.”

Sitting on the dragon chair, Wang Xian murmured, and with a wave of his arm, the Five Elements Great Mill appeared in his hand.

Pieces of Houtian Lingbao were placed on the Five Elements Mill and were quickly absorbed by it.

Including the two ancient paintings of the ancient painting Zongmen.

Those two ancient paintings belonged to extremely powerful existence among the Houtian Lingbao.

This time, after the Great Grind of the Five Elements swallowed, it should be able to kill the fourth-order powerhouse of Venerable Universe.

As for the level of the Five Elements Great Mill, Wang Xian couldn’t be sure.

The general Houtian Lingbao, the Houtian Zhibao, can only explode with terrifying power only when it is manipulated.

But because there are five avatars of Wang Xian himself in the Five Elements Damo, there is no need to control it by yourself to burst out terrifying combat power.

“After the Five Elements is swallowed by the Great Grinding, it should be comparable to the treasure of the day after tomorrow, right?”

Wang Xian murmured.

The Five Elements Mould can attack the enemy’s Lingbao and attack the enemy by himself when he is fighting with the enemy.

If you meet the Sea Dragon King that day, you may not be able to fight.

But it may be difficult to beat the opponent.

But if the Willow God and Golden Dragon were added, it would definitely suppress the Sea Dragon King that day.

He thought in his heart that a burst of energy poured into the Five Elements Great Mill, increasing the speed at which it could absorb Lingbao.

In the Dragon Palace, the rest of the Dragon Palace members are improving their strength in the Hualongchi.

As time passed day by day, this battle in the Dragon Palace also made all the forces in the galaxy afraid.

Whether it is the mist race or the three-foot race, they are respectful to the dragon palace.

The Dragon Palace has become a transcendent existence on the side of the Milky Way.

And another big thing happened in Xingjiang Starry Sky.

The Dragon King of Sky Sea declared that all races in Xingjiang Star Sky must surrender to him, or they will be destroyed.

As soon as this news came out, it caused a huge sensation in the entire Xingjiang starry sky.

In Xingjiang Starry Sky, the number of primary races in the universe reached fifty or sixty.

Among the weaker universe primary races, there are also two or three universe sages.

There are more than one thousand Cosmos Venerables in the entire Xingjiang starry sky.

And the words of the Heavenly Sea Dragon King wanted more than a thousand Cosmos Venerables to surrender to him.

This caused the entire Xingjiang starry sky to boil completely.

They were a little shocked by the arrogance and arrogance of the Sky Sea Dragon King.

But in their hearts, they were also very afraid of the Sky Sea Dragon King.

What happened to the Xingjiang clan is now understood by everyone.

The Sky Sea Dragon King can really make a move that as long as he doesn’t surrender him, he will destroy his clan.

This made the faces of the junior races in the universe very embarrassing.

There are only two ways now, either surrender or lead the tribe to escape.

Otherwise, what is waiting for them is probably the attack of the Heavenly Sea Dragon King.

The entire Xingjiang starry sky was completely confused because of the Sky Sea Dragon King.

And when the starry sky of Xingjiang was turbulent, in the Dragon Palace, the promotion of a member of the Dragon Palace was completed.

Absorbing the resources of this battle, the strength of the entire Dragon Palace has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The number of Venerable Dragon Palace Universe ranks directly increased by about four hundred.

Among them, the heavenly formation absorbed the resources of the dragon bones in the Dragon Tomb of Tianhai Dragon Palace, and its combat effectiveness increased to the fourth rank of the Universe Venerable.

The rest of the Dragon Palace members and all the leaders have been upgraded to the third-order combat effectiveness of Venerable Universe.

Currently, there are about 500 Venerable Universe in the Dragon Palace.

Five hundred Cosmos Venerables, this number is absolutely very scary.

Even the Xingjiang clan is far from the Dragon Palace.

Not to mention the members of the fourth-order combat power of Venerable Dragon Palace Universe.

In addition to the promotion of Venerable Universe, the promotion of the other members of the Dragon Palace is also extremely terrifying.

This time, the three primary races in the universe were destroyed, and all of their elites were at the level of the god emperor.

Nearly tens of millions of god emperors, all the resources turned into by the corpses, made the disciples of the Dragon Palace a terrifying promotion.

Right now, the weakest disciple of the Dragon Palace also possesses the fighting power of the sixth-order Void God Emperor.

The sixth rank of the Void God Emperor, looking at the Milky Way, is also an elite of the same race, and there is no problem in controlling one or two planets.

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