3405 Born-18 May 1984

“The powerhouse of the god tiger clan has attracted the powerhouse of the god tiger clan!”

“Hey, the temptation of Xiantian Lingbao is really great, the strong of the god tiger clan can attract it!”

“After all, it is an innate spirit treasure, and it is also a treasure in the pinnacle race!”

When the powerhouse of the Shenhu clan arrived, everyone around him immediately looked at him, with a look of awe in his eyes.

The god tiger clan, this is the top existence in the universe.

Wang Xian heard the sounds around him, looked at it, his eyes shone with luster.

In sight, more than a dozen figures in the form of gods flew over, their bodies flashing thunderously, and their bodies were not burly, but rather slender.

It looks more like a large cat!

Located on their foreheads, there is a king character, and the whole body is very long. They look like cute and beautiful pets.

But no one in the universe can underestimate them.

Speed-type god tiger!

The absolute royal family exists.

“Venerable Universe Tier 8 combat power, Venerable Universe Tier 9 combat power!”

Wang Xian looked at their dozens of figures and said in his heart, slightly disappointed.

No strong man from the Shenhu clan came over.


More than a dozen gods and tigers flew over and turned into human forms.

At the position in front of the booth, a group of strong people immediately gave way to a position.

There are more than a dozen divine tigers, both male and female, all of whom are middle-aged.

Even in the pinnacle race, it is not too young to be able to reach the 8th and 9th rank of Venerable Universe.

The strength and potential that Wang Xian showed in the Thunder Light Race at the beginning is also the peak when placed in the Peak Race.

It’s good to have one or two in a race.

“It’s really an innate spirit treasure!”

More than a dozen powerful men of the Divine Tiger clan arrived, and their eyes fell on the innate thunder clock, with a fiery look in their eyes.

They are also very greedy for such a treasure.

“How many sacred stones does this innate spirit treasure sell?”

A middle-aged member of the god tiger clan asked.

“This is an offensive Congenital Lingbao, the price of a normal Congenital Lingbao!”

When Wang Xian heard them inquiring about the price, he said lightly.

Wang Xian has already understood the price of Xiantian Lingbao. He doesn’t ask for a high price this time, as long as the price of ordinary Xiantian Lingbao is sold.

This price is also enough to make his strength break through.

“Brother Yin, even if all of us pool together money, we can’t afford it.”

Hearing Wang Xian’s words, a middle-aged god tiger clan shook his head.

The middle-aged man named Yin Ge frowned slightly.

“This stall owner, you should be a thunder attribute cultivator, I can invite you to enter Tiger Howl Cliff to practice for ten thousand years, can this innate spirit treasure be sold at a low price?”

The middle-aged Shenhu clan asked.

“Hu Xiaoya? A cultivation treasure of the Shenhu clan, this is a blessed place for the inner members of the Shenhu clan to cultivate!”

“Hiss, the training time of Wannian Huxiaoya? This…”

All the disciples of the strong men around him were slightly surprised when they heard the words of the middle-aged Shenhu clan.

“No, only in exchange for resources!”

Wang Xian shook his head, his aura spread slightly.



Feeling Wang Xian’s sudden eruption of power, the people of the Shenhu clan were slightly surprised, their faces full of surprise.

“Venerable Universe Peak Power!”

Some strong people around also felt it instantly, and their hearts were shocking.

Venerable Universe is the pinnacle powerhouse, with such strength, placed in the high-level races of the universe, it is also a pillar of existence.

No wonder he was able to obtain the innate spirit treasure.

“forget about it!”

The middle-aged Shenhu clan shook his head disappointedly and looked at his surrounding companions: “I can’t afford it. Tell some elders, some guys with resources, and see if they can buy it!”


The powerful Shenhu clan next to him nodded.

More than a dozen members of the Shenhu clan didn’t stay for long, after a brief look at it, they left directly.

When Wang Xian saw them leave, he also relaxed some of his vigilance.

He was really afraid that the strong of the Shenhu clan would be ready to buy and sell.

In that case, he can only change a place.

As time passed day by day, half a month’s time was fleeting.

Wang Xian was not in a hurry, but sat there quietly and waited.

Now the fact that he is setting up a stall here to sell innate spirit treasures has basically been passed on to the ears of the big powers.

From the words of some strong racial powers around, he also learned that some strong are coming here.


At this time, Wang Xian sensed a figure with a powerful presence in his body flying towards this side.

He squinted his eyes slightly and raised his head to look forward.

A purple old man with a pair of purple antennae fell in front of him.

Wang Xian felt an energy that made his heart palpitations from his body.

Better than him!

The old man glanced at Wang Xian, his gaze fell on the innate thunder clock, his heartbeat expression made no secret.

“I want this innate spirit treasure!”

The old man said.

“The price is moderate, just sell it!”

Wang Xian said lightly.


The old man nodded and moved his palm, and a spatial ring appeared in his hand.

“This innate spirit treasure, this girl wants too!”

At this moment, an abrupt voice suddenly came, making the old man stunned slightly.

Some of the strong disciples who were onlookers were looking at the old man in amazement, and the sudden sound made them extremely shocked.

“Ring Ling Ling!”

There was the sound of walking, accompanied by the sound of bells shaking.

Wang Xian stared at him, he was taken aback for a moment, his gaze fell on that figure.

A girl, barefoot, with a bell tied to her feet.

Make a noise as soon as you walk.

There is a purple king character on the girl’s forehead, and her purple pupil has a pair of very eye-catching tiger teeth.

There are three purple stripes on the two small faces, which look a bit like characters in anime.

Behind the girls, there are more than a dozen young middle-aged people, and even two elderly people.


“This girl is…”

The people around looked at this girl with surprise in their eyes, and their expressions changed slightly.

The king character on this forehead should be a disciple of the Shenhu clan.

Wang Xian looked at the girl, and his eyes fell on the bell on her ankle again.

This is an innate spirit treasure, although it did not explode with power, he was able to sense it.

The purple-skinned old man in front saw the girls and the crowd, his face also changed slightly.

“This girl, let’s get the one with the higher price!”

He spoke to the girl.

“Hmm, there is no problem. Whoever has the higher price belongs to the Innate Lingbao. You should pay your highest price first. I will be higher than you anyway.”

The girl looked at the old man and said with a smile.

The old man was stunned, pursed his lips and shook his head, took out three more treasures of the day after tomorrow, and then handed the space ring in his hand to the girl.

“These treasures, plus the three acquired treasures in my hand, are my highest price. If this girl is higher than me, then this congenital spiritual treasure belongs to you, girl!”

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