Chapter 3407 Killed The Leiguang Race Big Brother


Wang Xian, who had been flying for two months, arrived in front of a city teleportation formation and immediately teleported.

The next moment, he came to a city in the Thunder Cloud Domain.

Clay City is the name of this city, and the Lord Clay is also one of the famous powerhouses in the Thundercloud domain.

Venerable Universe’s peak combat power has a large number of subordinates under his banner, and he can also rank among a dozen cities in the Thunder Cloud Domain.

“Teleport to the Thunder Race!”

Without any hesitation, Wang Xian moved directly to the other teleportation formation and said to the staff on the side.


“You want to teleport to the Thunder Light Race?”

The staff was taken aback for a moment, followed by two steps back, and asked Wang Xian with blinking eyes.

“Yes, time is urgent!”

Wang Xian narrowed his eyes slightly and nodded in response.

It has been a few days since the Leiguang race had a war, and Wang Xian needed to rush over immediately.

“Who are you from Leiguang Race?”

The staff member looked at Wang Xian, his palm moved, and a red ball appeared and asked Wang Xian.

“You Clay City is also involved?”

Wang Xian looked at the staff member, glanced around, and asked faintly.

The surroundings of the teleportation formation were slightly deserted, and the atmosphere was a bit solidified. It was obvious that something special had happened.

Coupled with some news he received, he had a guess in his heart.

“Swish swish!”

At this moment, the figures flew over here quickly.

There are hundreds of people, headed by a young man and an old man.

“Huh? This is?”

When these hundreds of people flew over and saw Wang Xian’s figure, they were also slightly taken aback.

“The big brother of the Thunder Light Race?”

The headed young man’s eyes sparkled, and he couldn’t help licking his lips!

“Oh? Really?”

The old man on the side focused on Wang Xian, with a smile on his face.

“It turned out to be the big brother of Leiguang Race, Young City Lord, he is a purebred dragon!”

“The purebred dragon, the peak bloodline of the universe, and it is also the thunder dragon, young city lord, if we can take it…”

The eyes of the strong disciples of Clay City behind him instantly became hot.


The young Young City Master showed excitement in his eyes, and he let out a low growl!


As soon as his voice fell, the surrounding position, a formation enveloped everyone, instantly enveloping everyone in it.

This formation can prevent people from escaping back to their own gods in an instant.

Wang Xian was taken aback when he saw this scene, and then he smiled.

“It seems that you Clay City is with the Da Lei Yin Academy!”

Wang Xian said lightly.

“Hahaha, it is your Leiguang race who are looking for death on their own. It occupies such a good place. I don’t know if we are divided. If you eat alone, you will have to pay a price. This time, your Leiguang race will pay a terrible price!”

Young City Lord Klein laughed and said when he heard Wang Xian’s words.

“Haha, purebred Thunder Dragon, Shenlong is full of treasures.”

He continued speaking, his eyes hot and full of murderous intent.

The purebred dragon is full of treasures, especially the Thunder Dragon. After beheading it, some of the things he has obtained may be able to make him get a huge improvement.

“Oh? Just you? You want to kill me?”

Wang Xian’s eyes swept over hundreds of them, with a cold expression in his eyes.

“Master Leiguang Race, your strength is indeed very strong, but today you must die!”

There was a mocking look in the eyes of the old man beside the young city lord of Clay.

As he said, he slowly gave up a piece of space to the side.

“Boom boom boom!”

“Hahaha, I didn’t expect that when we were just preparing to go into the army, the senior brother of the Leiguang race unexpectedly died uninvited, so we can only laugh at his life!”

Suddenly, there was a sound of laughter, and a figure slowly appeared beside the old man.

The figure hand Torretta, sitting on a throne of thunder, the whole person is burly and mighty.

A majestic power came from his body.

At the moment he appeared, a large number of figures appeared around Wang Xian and their formation.

They lined up in an army, and their bodies were full of murderous air.

The Millions Army stared here coldly.

The heads of the Clay City powerhouses were full of abusive expressions on their faces.

They also didn’t expect that when they were just preparing to go out with the city lord, the big brother of the Leiguang race would even throw themselves into the net.

In Clay City, many people have seen the big brother of Leiguang Race, and they are also very amazed by his strength.

However, what moved them even more was the dragon body of the purebred dragon.

The corpse of the pinnacle race is priceless.

“Meet the Lord of the City!”

“My father!”

The young city lord of Clay City saw the figure on the throne with a smile on their faces and bowed in prayer.

“Ha ha!”

City Lord Clay smiled, the corners of his mouth cocked slightly, his eyes fell on Wang Xian.

“The potential is endless, but unfortunately, the fault is that you joined the Thunder Race!”

He said lightly.

“Hehe, aren’t you Clay City afraid of revenge by the Thunder Light Race in the future?”

When Wang Xian heard him, he also smiled faintly and asked.

“Wait until the Thunder Race can get through this difficult time.”

The City Lord of Clay spoke calmly, slowly holding up the Thunder Tower in his hand: “All the arrogances who have not grown up are weak, die in my hands, you don’t lose!”


As he said in his mouth, the Thunder Tower in his hand slowly rose, bursting into a terrifying breath.

“Hehe, it’s a pity, Senior Brother Leiguang Race, it was just my father who killed him with a single blow!”

From the side, Young City Lord Clay City looked at this scene with a smile on his face.

“Very well, I declare that your city of Clay is destroyed!”

Murderous aura slowly appeared in Wang Xian’s eyes, and the Five Elements Da Ma slowly appeared in his hands.

“Arrogant, in my city of Clay, you can’t escape!”

City Lord Klei said coldly, and with a wave of his arm, Leita went directly towards Wang Xian’s suppression.

He has seen Wang Xian’s hands and knows Wang Xian’s strength.

The most ninth-order cosmic sages fight.

Such a strong person, when trapped, he can kill him with a single blow!

“Ha ha!”

Wang Xian saw that Leita was attacking him, and he laughed, the five elements in his hand grinded, and he directly attacked Leita.



At the same time, under him, a huge figure slowly appeared.

Purple Razer, his hideous body appeared in front of everyone.

The thunder horn of the innate spirit treasure level gleamed behind Wang Xian.

Wang Xian stood on top of Purple Razer’s head with a sneer on his face.

“Kill them, don’t keep one!”

He ordered coldly.


The purple thunder snake roared and rushed forward without hesitation.

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