Chapter 3413 Killing One After Another, Fighting Against The Peak Of The Six Universe Venerables Part One


With a loud explosion, Wang Xian’s figure appeared on the side of the city lord of Shenlei City. He stretched out his dragon claws and grabbed his upper body directly.


The upper body of the city lord of Shenlei City was caught, and he let out a terrible cry.


At this time, his lower body, where he wanted to flee, was also directly locked by the Five Elements Great Mill, blocked by a wave of energy.

“With this strength, you still want to kill me? Ha ha, go and accompany your son!”

Wang Xian stared at the city lord of Shenlei City with a disdainful expression on his face. With a wave of his arm, a wave of annihilation poured into his body.

At the side position, the Five Elements Great Grinding also directly consumed his lower body.

The famous Lord of the Thunder City in the Thunder Cloud domain has fallen!

Venerable Universe’s peak combat power has fallen!


At this moment, the entire battlefield was strangely silent.

Everyone looked over here with incredible faces, with shocked expressions on their faces.

The lord of Shenlei City actually died.

Killed by the big brother of Leiguang Race!

This is the leader of the second force in the Thunder Cloud Domain, and he is not an ordinary cosmic Venerable Peak powerhouse.

However, it didn’t last a minute in the hands of Senior Brother Leiguang Race.

“This… how is this possible, the city lord of Shenlei City was killed by him, and he still has an extremely powerful battle pet!”

“Santo! Lord Santo!”

The Dean of the Great Leiyin Academy, located in the center of the battlefield, and the peak powers looked over here, their expressions changed drastically.

A strong man who can kill the city lord of God Thunder City in seconds, and a strong man with the peak battle pet of the Universe Venerable.

This will cause them great trouble.

Especially a group of strong disciples of Shenlei City, their faces were extremely embarrassed when they saw their city lord being killed.

This is their city lord!

“So strong, so powerful, this strength is stronger than me!”

The patriarch of the Leiguang race looked at him, with an expression of excitement in his eyes.

In a one-on-one situation, he was able to completely suppress the Lord of God Thunder City, but it was very difficult to kill him.

However, Wang Xian was able to kill him. The most important thing is that he still has a battle pet of the pinnacle of the cosmic venerable.

There is also an innate spirit treasure on that battle pet, what else can he say?

It can only be said that the beef batch!

“Hahaha, long live big brother, big brother is invincible!”

“Big brother is invincible, kill these guys!”

All the disciples of the Leiguang race cheered with excitement when they saw Wang Xian beheading the city lord of God Lei City.

In an instant, the morale of the Leiguang race skyrocketed.

Wang Xian smiled faintly, his figure moved instantly, and he targeted the pinnacle powerhouse of the Universe Venerable who was struggling with the purple thunder snake in Da Lei Yin Academy.

“Damn it!”

“Chairman, support me!”

The strong man saw Wang Xian rushing towards him, with a look of horror on his face, he immediately roared loudly.

At present, he was completely suppressed against the purple thunder snake, and now the guy who killed the city lord of the gods thunder city is rushing over, he has no room for resistance at all.

Even be easily beheaded.

“Oops, go and support the third ancestor!”

The Dean of Da Lei Yin Academy looked around, his face changed wildly, and he roared loudly.

“Kill kill kill!”

The patriarch of the Leiguang race roared wildly, and the thunder tomahawk in his hand slashed towards the front.

Several elders also burst out the most violent attack instantly, preventing them from going to support.

“Leiguang Race, you are looking for death!”

The Dean of the Great Leiyin Academy roared wildly, with a violent murderous look in his eyes.

Although the patriarchs of the Leiguang race tried their best to stop them, the number of Da Lei Yin Academy and the others was much larger after all. The two Cosmos Venerable Peak powerhouses immediately killed out and moved towards the support of the Da Lei Yin Academy powerhouse.

“Two, not enough to see!”

Wang Xian saw the two Cosmos Venerable Peak Powers rushing over with a smile on his face.

With a wave of his arm, the Five Elements Great Mill directly greeted the two Cosmos Venerable Peak Powers.


Located on the Great Mould of the Five Elements, the five dragons leaned out, and the energy of the five elements attacked them.


“What kind of treasure is this, how can such a terrifying attack erupt?”

The two Cosmos Venerable Peak Powers who rushed over felt the attack of the Five Elements Damo, and their expressions changed wildly.

They felt a threat in the Great Moment of the Five Elements.

Threat of death!

This makes them feel a little weird!

This treasure is not controlled by anyone, and can it be so strong even if no one controls it?


At the moment when Wang Xian threw the Five Elements Great Mill, Wu Shi Sheng Wing instigated his speed to the limit, and directly attacked and killed the strong man who was fighting with the purple thunder snake.

His speed came to one side in an instant, passing a blue-purple shadow, and attacking him.

“Dean, help, hurry up and save me!”

The strong man saw Wang Xian’s shadow, and his heart trembled violently.

One-on-one is not the opponent of Purple Razer, now coupled with a king immortal with terrifying speed, he can’t hold on for a few seconds at all.

Once the support is slow, he will die here.

“Damn it, how is this possible, Dean, this treasure is too strong, it can contain the two of us!”

Hearing the three ancestors’ fearful cry for help, the two peak powerhouses supported by the rear also roared with embarrassment.

They were actually blocked by a weapon!


The Dean of the Great Leiyin Academy saw it, his eyes were cracked.

There were originally 18 Cosmos Venerable Peak Powers on their side, but City Lord Clay did not come for some reason, and City Lord God Thunder was killed.

Sixteen left!

One was besieged and killed by Purple Thunder Snake and Wang Xian, two were held back by that terrifying treasure, and there were thirteen on their side.

But now a group of strong people of the Leiguang race are going crazy to stop them, and it will take a few seconds to get out.

In the past to support, that is to say, there must be at least seven or eight seconds.

“I hope nothing happens!”

The Dean of the Great Leiyin Academy prayed in her heart and stared at the two powerhouses in Shenlei City: “You go to support, and you must save our three ancestors of the Great Leiyin Academy. Here we will resist!”

He roared loudly.


The two powerhouses of Shenlei City gritted their teeth and immediately responded.

Now that they are in the same camp, the appearance of Wang Xian completely disrupted their deployment.

Next, you must not be the peak powerhouse of Venerable Youyu Zhou, otherwise they will be in great trouble.


The dean of the Great Leiyin Academy held a thunder stick, and the nine light spots above his head burst into purple light.

“Boom boom boom!”

The huge and incomparable innate treasure thunder bell burst out loudly in the rear.

The two gods of Thunder City got away and went towards the support of the three ancestors of Da Lei Yin Academy.

“Two, not enough!”

Wang Xian sensed the situation there and didn’t let out a cold snort. He fixed his gaze on the peak powerhouse of Venerable Universe in front of him and attacked directly.

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