Chapter 3422 Breakthrough

“Attack, all the disciples immediately attack and defeat their defense!”

The roaring sound rang in front of the main hall of the Thunder Light Race, followed by a series of terrorist attacks brewing in the sky.


Inside the defense, all the disciples of the strong disciples of the Leiguang race put energy into the formation, and added a powerful defense to the defensive formation.

“Boom boom boom!”

A terrifying collision sounded.

At the upper air position, the black cloud moved quickly, at a terrifying speed, like a jet black sea, directly hitting the Thunder Race’s defenses.


The Leiguang Race’s defense began to vibrate violently, and ripples appeared.

Fortunately, the defense of the Leiguang race resisted.

After nearly ten billion years of operation of the Leiguang race, this Dongtianfudi has been blessed on the basis of the Dongtianfudi.

It is not so easy to destroy.

“Boom boom boom!”

Heiyun did not give up, and his attacks fell on the defense of the Thunder Light Race.

The entire defense formation trembled violently, but that line of defense was unbroken.

“Just can block it!”

At the same time, in the palace where Wang Xian lived, he passed the formation in front of him, watching the scene in front of the main hall, and muttered.

This formation method was that he let the Thunder Light Race install it, and it was also convenient for him to understand the specific situation.

After seeing that there was no major problem, he began to continue to absorb resources, and soon, he was about to break through.


In front of the main hall of the Leiguang Race, the Dean of the Great Leiyin Academy looked a little ugly when they saw the terror attacks from the black cloud again and again.

“Now we can only completely suppress them and take out the treasures of suppression.”

The Dean of the Great Leiyin Academy immediately ordered.

Over the sky, the black cloud attacked a dozen times in a row. Knowing that he could not break this defense, he gave up and returned to the rear.

He was suspended in the air, exuding a terrible breath.

“It is completely wishful thinking to break through the defenses of our Thunder Light Race. When we come out, it will be the day when our Thunder Light Race will take full revenge, and it will be the beginning of your disaster!”

Leiguang race patriarch roared inside with a murderous face.

“Hmph, never think of it, you will be suppressed here forever!”

The city lord of Casting City roared with a cold face.


“Plant the water of the dead zone!”

“Blocked around!”

A command sounded, followed by trails of pale white dead water being released, rushing towards the surroundings.

Pieces of suppressed treasures are put into the water of the dead zone.

The water of the dead zone, like a name, can create a dead zone.

No attributes can be sensed in the water, only physical power can be exploded.

The water of the dead zone is extremely difficult to cut off, and many suppressed sects use the water of the dead zone.

Naturally, other treasures are also needed.

Even if they don’t know how to form the Great Leiyin Academy, they can still completely suppress the Thunder Light Race here.

Even if the outside world wants to destroy it, it is very difficult.

Of course, there is a limit. The universe dominates the first-order combat power, and they can still do it if they want to destroy.

Various objects of suppression were scattered around, and the methods of suppression began to be deployed.

At the same time, from the Universe Brain, news about the suppression of the Thunder Light Race also spread.

“Da Lei Yin Academy and their four major forces have invited helpers from the first rank of the Cosmos Domination. The Lei Guang race is now afraid to fight and is already being suppressed!”

“Da Lei Yin Academy is still defeated. Facing a powerhouse at the dominance level of the universe, Big Brother is useless!”

“It’s a pity, after all, it is the Da Lei Yin Academy who have stronger power and background. After all, the four major forces have joined forces. This time the Thunder Light Race will be completely planted!”

“Big Brother Leiguang Race didn’t know if he hid or was suppressed, what a pity!”

“Hahaha, great, let the Leiguang race be arrogant, our four forces join forces and easily suppress them, what about the big brother of the Leiguang race? There will be no Thunderlight race in the future!”

On the intellectual brain, a group of powerful disciples commented.

The disciples and children of the four major forces naturally cheered.

Since then, I am afraid there will be no Thunder Light Race. As for whether they will get out of trouble in the future?

The odds are too small!

Leiguang race, they were completely silent.

Day by day, the suppression is still going on.

The black cloud did not leave. According to the contract, he had to wait until the Thunder Light Race was completely suppressed before he could leave.

The suppression does not mean that it can be completed in a day or two days, it will take at least a month.

As time passed, Wang Xian’s dragon spirit also increased crazily.


On this day, in the palace where Wang Xian lived, a terrifying might rushed towards the surroundings.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for upgrading to the fourth rank of Venerable Universe, and comprehending the law of law: the mighty dragon!”

The sound of the system sounded, and in the center of the palace, a dazzling nine-color luster bloomed on Wang Xian’s dragon body!

Name: Wang Xian

Race: Yin Yang Feng Lei Wu Xing Shenlong (man and dragon in one)

Level: Universe Venerable Tier 4 (Shenlong Change Ninth Change)

Origin: 1% (99% is needed before the next breakthrough)

Supernatural powers: dominate the aquarium (ruling the aquarium below its own level)

Phagocytosis (the origin of phagocytic organisms is extracted)

Five Elements Control

Method: Shenlong Transformation

Supernatural powers: contemplating and possessing spirits

Laws and supernatural powers: Dragon Eye Locking Eight Wastes, Five Elements Dragon Claw, Yin and Yang Breaking Realm, Eight Lights Dragon Scales, Sacred Dragon Dragon Shadow, Tianlong Babu, Dragon Tomb, Cloud Mist Dragon, True Dragon Dragon Body

Principles and phases: Octagonal Dragon Column, Eight Dragon Clone, Zhengrong Longjiao, Dawei Tianlong

Rule of Control: Gold, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, Light, Dark, Wind and Thunder

Kingdom of God: Dragon Palace

Owning Dragon Palace: The day after tomorrow.

Dragon Palace members: 1964450


Wang Xian couldn’t help but let out a low growl, the powerful roar shocked the world.

The whole sky is changing color!


Venerable Universe in the fourth-order realm, fighting beyond the seventh-order, can kill the first-order combat power of the universe master.

Stepping into the fighting power of the universe dominance level, he has stepped into the ranks of the top powerhouse of the universe.


Wang Xian roared excitedly again, and the surrounding thunderclouds condensed into the appearance of a dragon.

“Breakthrough, just to solve the trouble on the Thunder Light Race.”

Wang Xian smiled faintly, transforming into a human form.


At the same time, at the location of the main hall of the Thunder Light Race, the Dean of the Great Leiyin Academy and all their strong disciples are deploying suppression techniques.

They suddenly sensed an energy from the right that made their heart palpitations.

“Send someone to check it out!”

Heiyun moved slightly, and a voice came.

“Could it be that the strong Leiguang race is acting as a demon? Let’s investigate immediately.”

The two ancestors of Da Lei Yin Academy frowned, jumped directly onto Lei Shi’s body.


Thunder Lion Pentium, go to investigate immediately!

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