Chapter 3427 Stronger Defense

“What happened? Why did Zicheng Liuyancheng raise the alarm?”

“I’m in Zicheng now, and I panicked a lot. According to the news from some brothers in Zicheng, Big Brother Leiguang Race broke through to the first-order combat power of the Domination of the Universe, and the strong one invited by the four major forces was defeated by Big Brother Leiguang Race. Escape, now the four major forces are finished!”

“I’m in Shenlei City now, and I was panicked a lot. I saw a group of strong people in Shenlei City running away with their disciples, and they ran away directly, and the city was no longer needed!”

“This… how could this be the result? Senior Brother Leiguang race suddenly broke through. It was entirely his own power that changed the entire battle!”

“The four major forces have suppressed the Leiguang race for more than ten days, and they are almost completely suppressed. As a result, the Leiguang race master broke through. This… the Leiguang race master is really terrifying!”

“Leiguang Race has begun to fight back!”

The situation in Da Lei Yin Yuan, Purple City, Shen Lei City, and Liu Yan City can’t be concealed at all.

When the strong from Shenlei City fled, and when a large number of strong from Zicheng Liuyan City went to the Great Thunderyin Academy through the teleportation array, it had already caused a huge sensation.

The war, in everyone’s eyes, was over. As a result, no one thought that Senior Brother Leiguang race suddenly broke through.

And also defeated the first-order combat power of the universe master invited by the four major forces.

This sudden change shocked everyone.

After such a change, they also knew that the situation had completely reversed.

Next, it was already time for the Leiguang race to fight back, and it was time for the Shen Leicheng and the others to flee!

And, not surprisingly, the Leiguang race has already begun to march.

“The Dean!”

Not long after, a group of powerful disciples from Zicheng Liuyan City teleported over at the teleportation formation of the Great Leiyin Academy.

A group of powerful people from Zicheng Liuyancheng came to the main hall of the Great Leiyin Academy and shouted with embarrassment.

“Let your disciples enter the cave heaven first, great elder, you go and arrange it!”

The Dean of the Great Leiyin Academy solemnly said to his subordinates on the side.

“It’s the dean!”

The great elder nodded in response.

“Dean, next we… how do we respond?”

The city lord of Zicheng couldn’t help but asked.

“Our Great Leiyin Academy’s Dongtianfudi is stronger than that of the Thunder Light Race. It is completely impossible for the Thunder Light Race to defeat it, but the opponent will definitely suppress us.”

The Dean of the Great Leiyin Academy said with a calm face.

Now, instead, they were attacked.

However, Da Lei Yin Academy is equally confident, their defensive power.

The universe dominates the first-order combat power, and it is unbreakable.

It is possible for the universe to dominate the second-tier combat power.

But they have to think about it for the future.

Is it necessary for the strong to respond outside? Explore some situations?

Or maybe let a group of disciples hide themselves and wait for opportunities.

“President, the magic cards of the two ancestors and Thunder Lion have been broken. It should have been killed by the big brother of the Leiguang race. Venerable Universe is at the peak of fighting strength, and there are only four of us.”

An ancestor of the Leiguang race said with an extremely embarrassed expression.

Since the beginning of the war, the number of the Supreme Masters of the Universe who died in the hands of the Leiguang Race Masters has reached five.

More than half of the powerhouses in their Da Lei Yin Academy.

Now they have added Purple City and Flowing City, but the six Cosmos Venerables are the pinnacle powerhouses.

This force, even if there is no big brother of Thunder Light Race, they are not opponents of Thunder Light Race.

“Patriarch, or I will lead some seeds and elites to hide in the outside world, seeking a breakthrough, and seeking the combat power that will one day be promoted to the level of the master of the universe!”

An ancestor said with a constantly changing face.


The Dean of the Great Leiyin Academy clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

“Three ancestors, fifth ancestors, you two led a group of potential disciples and strong men to hide in the outside world to seek breakthroughs, we seek breakthroughs in the heaven and fortune!”

He looked at the two old men and said.

The two ancestors nodded heavily, with violent murderous in their eyes: “Even if we can’t break through, we will make the Leiguang race uneasy.”

“You immediately lead the disciples to leave. According to the news, they will be able to arrive in five hours at most!”

The Dean of the Great Leiyin Academy leaned on the throne and said slightly tired.

When the first battle started, they thought they were bound to win, but the sudden appearance of the big brother of the Leiguang race made them completely defeated.

They still have 100% confidence in the second battle, and even they have enjoyed more than ten days of victory.

But I didn’t expect the Leiguang Race Master to break through again!

“Everything is because of the big brother of the Thunder Light Race!”

He muttered, his eyes filled with hatred.

But there is more powerlessness in my heart.

There is a strong man from the Leiguang race, although he is not their disciple.

In the Great Leiyin Courtyard, all the disciples and people took action, and they moved all the treasures and things to the cave heaven and blessed land.

This makes the cave heaven and blessed land of Da Lei Yin Yuan slightly crowded.

“The former convenience is Da Lei Yin Academy!”

At the same time, in front of the Great Leiyin Academy, Wang Xian and the Leiguang race arrived by teleporting and flying.

All the disciples were aggressive, with a strong fighting spirit.

Looking at the Great Leiyin Academy that was already in sight, they quickly approached.

“Our Leiguang race has been waiting for this day, waiting for the army of the Leiguang race to step on the realm of the Great Leiyin Academy, and we finally did it today, hahaha!”

Exciting voices came from the heads of the Leiguang race.

“Billions and tens of billions of grievances. Today, our Leiguang race finally got better luck and won the victory. All disciples will enter the Great Leiyin Academy!”

A group of supreme elders, a group of powerful elders roared, and rushed forward.

Wang Xian was at the forefront, scanning the surroundings with a smile on his face.

Looking at the dragon’s eyes, the Great Leiyin Academy looked extremely desolate.

Like the Leiguang race not long ago, all of the strong disciples of Da Lei Yin Academy have already hid in the cave.

They know that they are no match for the Thunder Race!

“Hahaha, Da Lei Yin Academy, you also have today!”

All the disciples roared in excitement, and flew straight towards Da Lei Yin Yuan Zi Shen Yuan.

That is the core of the Great Leiyin Academy, the place where the heavens and the heavens are blessed.

When they came to the front, they roared excitedly.

Inside the Purple God Courtyard, a huge purple energy enveloped the surroundings. Located in front of the Purple God Courtyard, the Dean of the Great Leiyin Courtyard, the City Lord of the Purple City, and the City Lord of the Liuyan City, standing in the front position, looked at the distance with embarrassment. The army of the Thunder Light Race.

At this moment, their mood is worse than that of the Thunder Light Race not long ago.

In the rear, the disciples of Dalei Yinyuan, Zicheng, and Liuyancheng were pale and full of hatred!

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