Chapter 3446 The Rescue Appears Again, Behind The Scenes


The water god dragon and the blue dragon roar.

The leader of the Dragon Palace Water Dragon, Qing Longyue and the others roared and directly attacked the four.

The Five Elements Great Mill and the Nine-Rank Water Lotus also burst out with terrifying power in an instant.

Wang Xian stood behind, licking his lips, the startless holy wing instigated, and disappeared instantly.

“Huh? Be careful!”

When the four of them saw Wang Xian disappearing, they sensed the location of the Five Elements Great Mould, with shocked expressions on their faces.

The four of them gathered together and quickly propped up a strong defense.


Wang Xian shouted, his arms turned into dragon claws, and the gray energy directly impacted away.




The burst of energy from the Azure Dragon Moon, Sky Formation, Water Dragon Leader, and Five Elements Great Moshui Lotus rushed towards them.

Looking at the shock coming from the attack, the four faces changed slightly again.

“No, their attack is terrifying, resist it with all your strength!”

The figure holding the staff roared in anger.

Four to four, in their opinion, there is no danger at all.

Even if the guy who emerged had killed the Lord of the Water Cavern, it seemed to them that there were two other strong men sneaking up.

But sensing this terrifying attack, they knew it was not.

Whether it was the weird array mage attack or the attack full of dead energy discs, they felt terrifying.

They absolutely couldn’t resist this attack one-on-one.


One of the figures wearing a light mask also roared wildly, and one arm became larger and resisted in the front position.

The other three had their hearts beating violently, taking out the most powerful innate spirit treasure, and the acquired treasure to resist.

“Brother Wang Xian is so strong, is this his subordinate? They are equally powerful!”

Qing Longyue felt the attack from her surroundings, and her face was happy.


There was a terrifying collision, and the energy in the entire sky impacted in all directions.

“Huh? What, the battle in the sky seems to have changed, and there is still a strong presence on Qinglongyue!”

“Qinglongyue has a helper, it seems that their Ancestral Dragon line is ready!”

“Great, we still have strong people here, great!”

Shocked and exclaimed sounds came from below, and they watched the terrifying collision in the sky, shaking them extremely.

This terrifying energy fluctuation makes even a group of Dongzhu palpitations.

“The new cave master is so strong, was the water mage cave master killed or escaped?”

Several cave owners raised their heads and looked at them. They were so far away that they couldn’t see clearly.

But they can feel that there are at least eight first-tier fighters in the sky that dominate the universe.


Located in front of a cave mansion, an old man looked at the sky and his brow jumped.

His body trembled, and the identical figures separated from the body and disappeared instantly.

“Puff puff!”

Walking with this, located in the sky above, blood was sprayed from the mouths of four figures wearing bright masks, and their faces were full of astonishment.

Under the terrifying blow just now, they were directly hit hard!

The opponent’s attack was terrifying.

They felt that they were not facing the four first-tier powerhouses of the universe, but ten or more.

“Invincible, the opponent’s Array Mage has already sealed off our space!”

The four of them glanced at each other, and said with an extremely ugly expression on the face of the figure holding the staff.

“Break the blockade for us!”

One of the burly figures gave a low growl, and the voice spread far and wide.


Wang Xian squinted his eyes slightly when he heard the roar.


His figure flickered, and instantly came to the side of the strong man holding the staff, and the dragon claws grabbed it directly.

“The speed is so fast, no wonder the water mage Dongzhu was killed. His speed can be comparable to the power of the second-order combat effectiveness of the universe dominates.”

The face of the figure holding the staff changed wildly, and he raised the staff of the innate spirit treasure in his hand to resist.


The terrifying collision came again, and the figure holding the staff flew out, spitting out a lot of blood again.

Wang Xian’s figure flickered, and instantly came to his other side.

“save him!”

The other three shouted immediately.

A channel of energy covers the surroundings of the strong holding the staff.


The sky array gave a low cry, waved the palm, and the formations condensed in an instant, attacking them.

Qinglongyue and the leader of the water dragon swayed their huge bodies, and the dragon’s tail swept directly.

The dragon’s tail formed by condensing attributes is blocking the world.

“No, we are not their opponents at all, defend, defend again!”

The burly figure roared angrily.

“Quickly break through the defense of the formation, quick!”

He continued to roar sharply, his eyes full of anxiety and horror.

Not an opponent, not an opponent at all.

If you drag on, they will be killed!

The four directly gathered together back to back, propping up defenses.


Another attack fell on them.

The arms of the two raised their arms instantly collapsed and dissipated.

“Keep on killing, it seems that there are still accomplices!”

Wang Xian roared and continued to attack.


But at this time, a roaring sound came from the rear.

“Dragon King, outside Youyu Zhou dominates the first-tier powerhouse to break the formation!”

The sky array swept away immediately and shouted in a deep voice.


“We will do it as soon as possible!”

Wang Xian yelled and glanced at Qing Longyue.

“Die to me!”

Qing Longyue’s eyes were full of violent expressions.

This time, in order to kill him, so many first-tier existences of the universe ruler were dispatched.

If it hadn’t been for Wang Xian, he would definitely die today.

“No, Dragon King, the formation has been broken, and the opponent has an innate spirit treasure.”

At this time, the voice of the sky array came.

“Keep on killing, don’t even want to run away if they break open!”

The thunder on the Wu Shi Sheng Wing behind Wang Xian blew up and turned into thunder needles, directly attacking the four people.

“The wings of the King of Angels, escape!”

“You wait, your ancestor dragon will be destroyed!”

At this time, a bright wing suddenly rose in the center of the four.

Bright wings completely enveloped them.

Wang Xian’s thunder attack fell on it and was directly blocked.

The Spear of Annihilation of the Great Mould of the Five Elements impacted on it, but it still didn’t shake it.

“The defense of the angels!”

Qing Longyue looked very embarrassed when she saw the bright wings of defense.

The other party has such a powerful light attribute life-saving treasure, which is enough to represent that even if the angels did not directly participate in it, they also indirectly participated in it.

After all, this kind of defensive escape treasure is not so easy to obtain!

Under the envelope of the wings of the King of Angels, the four figures slowly disappeared.

They fled back to their own God’s country.

“The Angels!”

Qing Longyue trembled as she watched that Guangming Winged body trembled, her face extremely embarrassed.

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