Chapter 3457 Four Big Cities Are Destroyed, The Hundred Cities Alliance Shakes 1


The strength of the city lord of Tianheng City is very strong, and he also possesses the innate spirit treasure in his hand.

But in front of Wang Xian, it was still not enough.

With Wang Xian and the Five Elements Great Mill, it is very difficult to escape at the same level.

Unless he still has a treasure like the wings of the King of Angels.

But obviously, they can’t have too much of this kind of treasure.

Wang Xian’s dragon claw penetrated the body of the city lord of Tianheng City, and a cold color appeared on his face.

Two cosmic rulers in Tianheng City were killed, which also represented the destruction of the entire Tianheng City.


“The city lord is dead, the whole Tianheng City is over, the whole Tianheng City is over.”

In the position below, those who could instantly escape back to their own God’s country all escaped.

Even if he couldn’t escape instantly, he flew outside in horror.

They are afraid that the strong above will directly destroy the entire city.

This is not impossible.

Throughout the city, countless people flew around and fled.

Wang Xian did not chase them down, and it was enough to destroy the powerhouses in Tianheng City.

“Dragon King!”

At this moment, the figure of Ao Yao Baqi flew over here, and their faces showed excitement.

“Dragon King, I have mastered all the heavens and blessings, and several of the guys inside have also been attacked and killed by me.”

Baqi said with a smile on his face.

“Well, very good, how is the resource collection in Tianheng City?”

Wang Xian asked with a smile on his face.

“Everything is under control, Dragon King, or war can make us improve quickly. The resources in Hengcheng are too rich this day.”

Yaki said with some excitement.

Tianheng City has a lot of resources, much more than that of Dragon Palace.

Enough for them to make a huge improvement.

“Enough for me to break through!”

Wang Xian needed a lot of resources to break through. The last time he wiped out the Da Lei Yin Academy and their forces, he put away some divine herb medicines and the like.

Coupled with the resources of Hengcheng on this day, it is more than enough to enhance the strength.

However, it may be a little troublesome to break after the breakthrough.

But he was not in a hurry.

Destroying Tianheng City this time and finding the Lord of Tianheng City and the Kingdom of Heavenly Stars will enable Dragon Palace to add three first-tier cosmic masters with strong combat effectiveness.

The remaining large number of corpses can increase the Dragon Palace a lot.

War can make Dragon Palace improve quickly.

But this improvement is also a huge risk.

If the Hundred Cities Alliance knew that it was the Dragon Palace, the Hundred Cities Alliance could destroy the Dragon Palace before the Dragon Palace could prove that Tianheng City was involved in the hunting of the Ancestral Dragon.

Everything is forced to increase strength by war.

Wang Xian wanted to blaze a trail of blood to reach the angels.

“Order all members to put away all the corpses, collect all the treasures, and leave Tianheng City as soon as possible.”

Although the teleportation formation of Tianheng City has been cut off, in order to prevent accidents, Wang Xian and the others need to leave here as soon as possible.

After all, what they are facing now is the powerful Hundred Cities Alliance.

“Go on, next goal.”

Two hours later, Wang Xian and the others left Tianheng City. He did not stop, nor did he improve his strength.

Just now, Wang Xian got good news and bad news.

The bad news is that the fellow Water Touch King has swallowed a lot of resources, and the resources he has improved may not be enough.

The good news is that her strength is restored to the first-order combat effectiveness of the Cosmos Domination, and she can become a powerful helper.

Wang Xian did not linger, but directly killed another city.

Dahou City, on the bright side, there are two cosmic rulers with strong first-order combat effectiveness.

Now the evil spirit has penetrated into them.

According to the news that Mo Sha received, there were only two strong men in Dahou City.

One of them has been determined, seriously injured, and healed in the cave.

In order to prevent accidents, Wang Xian was prepared to act vigorously, to see if he could wipe out all the four major cities at once.

In this case, the strength of the Dragon Palace will increase a lot.


At this time, An Lie quickly shuttled, leading Wang Xian quickly towards Dahou City.


Arriving in a city, Wang Xian entered the teleportation formation and came to Dahou City.

At this moment, only four hours have passed since the demise of Tianheng City.

Within four hours, Dahou City had received news of the demise of Tianheng City.

The Hundred Cities Alliance had already received news at the moment when Tianheng City was destroyed.

“Tianheng City was destroyed? Was it the origin of Zulong?”

“According to some sources, it is said that the strong people of the Ancestral Dragon line did it. They assassinated a large number of strong people in Tianheng City. Both the Tian Heng City Lord and the Hidden Master Tian Xing were beheaded by the strong, but all this is still uncertain. According to our analysis, the Zulong line does not seem to have any powerful assassins.”

“Of course, the possibility of the Zulong line is still very high, but it does not rule out that other forces fish in troubled waters, deliberately planting things on the Zulong line.”

At this moment, in the city lord’s mansion of Dahou City, the lord was sitting on the throne, and the powerful people below reported information.

The demise of Tianheng City is not a trivial matter for the entire Hundred Cities Alliance.

They must find out.

Obviously, Tianheng City did not participate in the hunting of the Ancestral Dragon line, and the strongmen of the Ancestral Dragon line could not kill the members of their Hundred Cities Alliance at will.

“From today, let all the legions and the strong city guards defend to prevent accidents.”

Dahou City Lord said.


At the position below, all the subordinates immediately responded.

“Will it be the revenge of the powerful Ancestral Dragon? Could it be that the last time we besieged Azure Dragon Moon and what we did secretly were discovered by the Ancestral Dragon?”

“No, the chance of discovery should be very small.”

The lord of Dahou City muttered.


At this moment, he felt something in his heart and immediately looked towards the lower position behind him.

“What’s the matter? Someone opened the defense formation of Dongtianfudi!”

His expression changed slightly.

The City Lord’s Mansion is located in Dongtianfudi, which is a defensive type.

Once it is turned on, even the second-order combat power of the Cosmos Dominator will never break open.

But this cave sky defensive formation will only be opened at the last juncture.

Why is it suddenly opened now?

Moreover, in Dahou City, there were only five people who knew how to open the formation and could enter inside to open it.


At this time, City Lord Dahou sensed a terrifying attack towards him.

The sudden attack made his face change drastically.


With a move of his palm, a staff appeared in his hand.


But his speed is a bit slow.

The extremely sharp claws tore most of his body, and there was a look of horror in his eyes, wanting to escape.

But at this moment, a tentacle penetrated his body.

Instant kill!

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