Chapter 3461 Underworld Ghosts And Breakthrough (1)

“Tsk tusk, I didn’t expect that there are such things in the four major cities, which is really strange.”

The King of Water Touch came to the black bottle, his eyes gleaming.

She flipped through it, looked at the lines on the bottle, and then opened it with her tentacles.


The black bottle was opened, and a phantom floated out of it. The phantom was a child.

The child is gray all over, with a pair of fangs and blood-red eyes.

The most frightening thing is that there are a few blood-red eyes on the center of his eyebrows and on his stomach.

The child feels very uncomfortable.

“Drink and drink!”

The child has no entity, and when he comes out, he makes a ghastly sound.

He stared at the Water Touching King savagely, as if he didn’t know how to be afraid.

“What is this?”

Wang Xian looked at this weird and intangible child with a look of surprise in his eyes.

“This is called the Underworld, the ultimate battle treasure of the Underworld Race, the peak race of the universe. There are many ghosts. That’s what I said!”

The King of Water Touch replied.

“Is this the ghost?”

Wang Xian’s eyes flickered slightly. From the inheritance of the Shenlong line, he knew some information about the ghosts.

The Underworld, the pinnacle race of the universe, this race is very strange and terrifying.

They have no body, and physical attacks have no effect on them.

In other words, immune to physical attacks.

For the dark attribute, they also have strong resistance, very abnormal.

However, their strong bodies and characteristics make their cultivation even more difficult.

In particular, the means of attack are relatively single.

And they have one thing in common with the star beasts, that is, there is no Youyu universe.

Without the flesh, without Youyu universe, it means that everything depends on itself.

But the reason why the Pluto race ranks among the top races in the universe, they also possess a very powerful treasure.

That is the ghost!

Compared with the clone of the Ming clan, the stronger the ghost, the more the ghost, the stronger the strength of the ghost.

But with the same flaw, the promotion of the ghost is also extremely difficult.

The Underworld is the only race within the peak race that is discordant, and has been in the civil war.

Because the Pluto clan powerhouse is promoted, the fastest speed is to devour the same kind.

The weird little boy in front of him is a ghost, a masterless ghost, and very weak.

This ghost ghost wants to improve, one is to devour the soul of the living beings, attract the ghost ghost into the body, and be conceived with its own dark attributes.

In short, raising a ghost is extremely difficult.

It can be said that raising a ghost will make the cultivation process of a dark attribute strong twice as slow.

In addition, not any strong dark attribute can be raised.

In short, it involves many rules and inheritance, which is very difficult.

After all, the underworld is one of the foundations of the underworld.

“It’s a pity that the ghosts are also valuable in the Ming clan, but for others, they are basically useless.”

The King of Water Touch said with regret.

Wang Xian nodded slightly, waved his arm, and the ghost came to him.

The ghost of only half a meter, a bit gloomy and terrifying.

“It’s too weak, and it’s the fighting power of the Void God Emperor.”

Wang Xian shook his head, preparing to put it away.

“Drink and drink!”

Suddenly, the ghost drifted towards the position of the dragon chair.

No, it is floating towards the position of the ancestor tree.


Wang Xian was taken aback for a moment and watched quietly.

This little ghost flew to the branches of the Ancestral Tree of the Returning Soul Tree, staring at a Returning Soul Fetal Fruit with blood-red eyes, and directly opened his mouth to bite.


The Returning Soul Fetal Fruit entered his mouth, making his body exude gray energy.

Wang Xian could clearly sense that the strength of the ghost ghost had been greatly improved.

“This is?”

He narrowed his eyes slightly and watched quietly.

After eating a rebirth fetal fruit, the ghost continued to swallow another fetal fruit.

The second fetal fruit entered the abdomen, and a powerful force swept from the body.

He was promoted to the point where he was the Venerable Universe.

“Dragon King, what kind of fruit is this? It can be absorbed by the ghost and can improve his strength so quickly.”

The King of Water Touch asked in astonishment.

Wang Xian did not answer her, but watched quietly.

The rebirth fetal fruit can absorb the soul, and the ghost is also a soul to a certain extent.

It is normal for the energy of the same source to be absorbed.


At this time, the ghost ghost seemed to be dissatisfied with the rebirth of the soul, he actually bit towards the rebirth tree branch.

Wang Xian was slightly taken aback.

At this moment, the soul-returning wood branches exuded a gray luster, entangled directly towards him.


A horrified and ear-piercing voice came from the ghost, and he was slowly entangled by the Returning Soul Wood, and soon it was completely wrapped.

Immediately afterwards, a human-shaped rebirth fruit was formed.

This human figure is exactly the same as the ghost, but it has shrunk ten times.


Wang Xian looked at this weird scene in surprise, and raised his brows slightly.

He flew over and touched this special rebirth fruit with his hands.

A message came in an instant, causing Wang Xian’s eyes to shine immediately.

According to the information from the Rebirth Tree, if the rebirth fetal fruit is swallowed, a ghost can be split up.

The ghost has its own appearance, has its own strength.

It is a separate existence, but also an existence that depends on itself.

Very strange.

“Tsk, this is a good thing.”

Wang Xian’s eyes shone with lustre, as long as he swallowed it, it meant that he had a clone whose strength was about the same as his own.

Of course, this is still much worse.

The main gap lies in the Holy Wing of Beginning.

If Wang Xian hadn’t had the Beginning Sacred Wing, his strength was about the same as that of the same combat power level.

But in any case, as long as you swallow it, you will have a avatar that dominates the first-order combat power of the universe.

Very strong, very strong!

You know, it possesses the characteristics of the Underworld, ignoring physical attacks.

He swallowed it directly into his abdomen, and the whole special soul-returning fetal fruit instantly spread all over his body.

A special feeling came.

He felt as if he had an extra soul, and he shared with this soul.

It is a little different from his own clone.

His mind moved, and a gray figure exactly like him appeared next to him.

With a movement of his mind, he can easily control his own energy and his energy.

“This…this is so weird, Dragon King, you can actually have a ghost ghost clone in an instant? Is this the horror of Tianyuan’s good fortune level?”

From a side position, King Shui-touch watched this scene with a shocked expression on his face.

The Underworld wants to cultivate a Underworld, it is extremely difficult, but Wang Xian has one so easily?

What kind of power is this?

The power of Tianyuan good fortune ancestor tree?

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