The 3486th chapter changes in the roots of the ancestor tree, take root in the place of blood plasma

Wang Xian still has some gratitude in his heart for the actions of the spirit demon king and the spirit red bone.

Although it was said that Wang Xian helped them first, the other party’s return was heavy enough.

He does not hesitate to be an enemy of the same line as Shenglong, willing to shelter him in the Dragon Palace.

This return is not unimportant.

And the price for the other party to trade the pink skull palm with him is also relatively high.

Wang Xian was going to the Plasma Land to see if he could get the parts of the pink skull for him.

After chatting with Ling Honggu for a while, Wang Xian left directly.

This time, Ling Hong Bone gave him more detailed materials and information.

More detailed information about Plasma Land.

Including some of the dangers of the Plasma Land, it was more detailed than the information he obtained from the genie race.

Wang Xian flew out from the genie race and arrived at the plasma land ten days later.

This is a blood-red ground, where there are no dead bones, only endless blood.

However, the blood has lost its energy. In it, there are demons and skeletons, and they are looking for some blood with energy.

These essence and blood are often extremely precious treasures, and some can even directly elevate the realm of a creature.

The ground of Plasma Land is soft and can be drilled directly into it.

Wang Xian came to the sky above the Plasma Land and looked down.

A blood-red mist filled the sky above the plasma land.

Even after tens of billions of years, there is still a trace of blood in the air.

Wang Xian stared down and flew over.


The land of blood plasma was extremely soft, and Wang Xian easily penetrated into it, burrowing downward at a terrifying speed.

According to Ling Hong Bone, there are basically no demonic skeletons or skeletons in the shallow part of the Plasma Land.

Because of the superficial position, there will be no essence and blood, only the deep part.

So if you want to gain something, you must go deep inside.

After Wang Xian entered inside, he kept going deep into it.

Twenty minutes later, Wang Xian’s body suddenly paused, with a look of surprise on his face.

At this moment, his position is already in the deeper position of the Plasma Land.

Here, he sensed that the ancestor tree in his body had unexpectedly moved.

This surprised him.

This is the first time the ancestor tree has undergone such changes.

He moved his mind and felt it.


The next moment, the roots of an ancestor tree drilled out of Wang Xian’s chest and took root directly in the land of plasma.

Wang Xian vaguely sensed that a burst of energy entered the roots.

“What’s happening here?”

There was a look of surprise on his face. What was the reason for the roots of the ancestor tree rooting in the blood plasma?

Absorb energy?

His mind moved, and the King of Water Touch appeared in front of him.

“Dragon King!”

When King Shui-touch saw Wang Xian, he immediately shouted.

“Do you know this situation?”

Wang Xian looked at the Water Touching King on the side, and asked her.


The King Shui touched his gaze and looked around carefully.

“Dragon King, there is a dried up blood pool around here? Where is this place?”

She looked at the ancestor tree, looked around curiously, and asked.

“The plasma land in the land of the devil bones is not very far from the skeletons!”

Wang Xian replied.

“The land of plasma? The blood dries up, and the energy disappears. One part dissipates in the heavens and the earth, and the other part merges with everything around. The ancestor tree should have sensed that the nutrients here are richer and want to absorb the energy here.”

King Water Touch guessed: “Dragon King, sneak into the deepest part of this plasma land. A part of the blood’s energy is integrated with the earth. This causes a slight change in the earth. The ordinary god tree and god grass can’t absorb the energy in this land. , But as the ancestor tree of Tianyuan’s good fortune level, it is fine.”


Wang Xian nodded, moved his body and continued to drill down.

Half an hour later, he came to the deepest of the plasma land.

Sure enough, that strand of ancestral branches penetrated into the ground, and Wang Xian could sense a red energy pouring into the ancestral tree.


Wang Xian murmured: “I just don’t know what will happen to the ancestor tree, or what will happen to this branch.”

The change of the ancestor tree dispelled all his plans, and Wang Xian sat there, waiting quietly.

As time passed, the branches of the ancestral tree slowly turned blood red.

One month later, Wang Xian found that a small fruit appeared on this branch.

The fruit is small, blood-red, and exudes a pure luster.

Wang Xian was taken aback for a moment and looked carefully.

The King of Water Touch also looked curiously.

In a blink of an eye, a year passed, and the little fruit grew to the size of a fist.

Wang Xian could sense that this fruit should be about to mature!

This filled his face with a look of expectation.

What are the effects of ripe blood-red fruits?


On this day, Wang Xian suddenly received news from the Eight Qi Demon Sha and the others.

When he saw the news, he squinted slightly, his eyes gleaming.

There has been news from the Baqi Demon Sha, that they have taken control of the bodies of the four Hundred-City Alliance universe masters with strong fighting power.

In other words, you can now use your hands to destroy the four cities of the Hundred Cities Alliance.

After destroying the four cities of the Hundred City Alliance Dahou City Tianheng City, the Dragon Palace Universe Ruler’s first-tier combat power reached seven.

Later, Wang Xian destroyed the two first-tier cosmic masters in Xingjiu City. The first-tier combat effectiveness of the Dragon Palace cosmic master does not include the Devouring Dragon, and has already reached nine.

And these nine are the Sky Formation, the Water Dragon Leader, the Ao Yao, the Eight Qi, the Demon Sha, and the Venom Horny Dragon, and the Stinging Dragon Dragon.

The resources obtained from the four major cities also star the old city are mainly used to upgrade the venom horned dragon and thorn dragon.

After several years of time, the Eight Qi Devil and the others finally completely parasitized the four cities of the universe dominates the first-order combat power.

After the parasitism is successful, it is easy to destroy the city.

Wang Xian replied a message waiting for an order to them, and then continued to look at the blood-red fruit.

Waiting for it to mature.

After a month passed again, he suddenly felt that the fruit was ripe.

Wang Xian put his hand on it, and Ancestral Tree sent a message to him.

The fruit of refining blood: It can refine the bloodline and guide the strongest bloodline in the body.


When this information was transmitted to Wang Xian’s mind, his whole person was taken aback for a moment, and a glowing expression slowly bloomed in his eyes.

Fruit of Blood Refining, a very common name, but this effect made Wang Xian’s heart a little shocked.

Refine the blood, and guide the strongest blood in the body.

what does this mean?

This means that as long as Yalong swallows it, he will have the opportunity to evolve into a pure blood dragon, a true dragon.

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