Chapter 3491 Reflect on the Dragon Eye!

Two days later, the lord of the Hundred Cities Alliance hovered over the Jiuxing Lianzhu City with a gloomy face.

Here, the information he obtained was exactly the same as Wucheng.

A wave of terrifying figures rose up, directly destroying the entire city.

The defensive formation in the city was not opened, and the battle did not break out.

It seems that the city is half dead.

For this form, he was a little helpless and had no solution at all.


The City Lord of the Hundred Cities Alliance took a deep breath, took out the Universe Brain, and contacted the Holy Dragon King!

Although the Hundred Cities Alliance entered the battlefield to participate in the war between the sacred dragon and the ancestor dragon.

But the Hundred Cities Alliance cannot be regarded as a running dog in the line of the sacred dragon.

The strength of the leader of the Hundred Cities Alliance is not much weaker than that of the Holy Dragon King.

It’s nothing more than there is no innate treasure, but the weapons it builds are also very terrifying.

Now that the Hundred Cities Alliance has encountered such a thing because of the Shenglong line, he must ask for the support of the other party.

Even, seek the support of the angel family.

If this continues, their Hundred Cities Alliance will collapse.

“Quickly, after receiving the task, deal with some things, we will leave here as soon as possible.”

Day by day, a figure holding a staff and entwined with branches and leaves on his head entered Muyang City.

Muyang City, a huge city located in the forest.

Belongs to the top ten cities in the Hundred Cities Alliance.

The city lord of this city is the second-order cosmic ruler with strong combat effectiveness, and there are more than ten cosmic rulers with strong combat effectiveness.

The core city of the Absolute Hundred Cities Alliance is extremely powerful.

But at this moment, Muyang City was much deserted compared to before.

Some people also came in in a hurry, and came out in a hurry.

Even if the big formation has enveloped the entire city, it still cannot be stable.

The figure entwined by branches and leaves was Wang Xian who had come from the Dragon Palace.

After the Five Elements Damo and Taiji Dragon Disk swallowed those innate spirit treasures, he rushed over directly.

He wants to investigate the specific situation of the Hundred Cities Alliance.

Although the venom horned dragon species has not been exposed, it is still necessary to be careful with the methods of some cosmic powerhouses.

He couldn’t guarantee whether the other party had a way to verify the species of venom horned dragon.

But he felt that if those races at the peak of the universe were 80% sure, he could detect whether a strong man was parasitized by the venom horned dragon.

The parasitism of the venom horned dragon species is not invincible. It is still possible to be discovered if it is parasitic in a person.

At least, with Wang Xian’s current strength, with the help of Dragon Eye.

A venomous horned dragon of cosmic venerable level parasitizes others, and Wang Xian can see some clues.

The means of the strong should not be underestimated.

In addition to this conjecture, he has to look at other questions.

Lingling gave him Wang Xian’s outfit.

Now that Lingling has broken through, he has mastered several auxiliary abilities.

One of them is the heart of nature.

The heart of nature, this is a disguise ability that can give Wang Xian an identity with wood attributes.

This identity completely isolates him from the identity of the dragon.

Today, the aura in his body is from the elves.

Wang Xian found that this concealment method was much more powerful than transforming the body of a real dragon by himself.

This is equivalent to transforming one’s own real dragon’s identity into an elf.

This time, it is estimated that it was the red eye, and it was impossible to lock himself.

Wang Xian came to a restaurant, asked for a room, and waited there quietly.


Time passed day by day, located in the endless light mountain, the Holy Dragon King looked at the leader of the Hundred Cities Alliance in front of him, frowning.

“According to the information we have received, the one who saved the ancestral dragon line of a blue dragon was the strongest of the Dragon Palace race, and now our Hundred Cities Alliance is forced to such a point, we want to let the adults of the angel race take action.”

The lord of the Hundred Cities Alliance looked at the Holy Dragon King and said with a bad expression.

“Of course, if the Shenglong line can help us solve the current crisis, it can be.”

The leader of the Hundred Cities Alliance added.

“This matter is not worth disturbing the adults of the angel family.”

The Holy Dragon King’s eyes flickered, and he spoke.

“Then do we have to wait for our Hundred Cities Alliance to completely collapse before taking action?”

The lord of the Hundred Cities Alliance said with a gloomy face.

“Don’t worry, just a dragon palace.”

The Holy Dragon King spoke lightly.

“How can we not be in a hurry? The last time your son, the Holy Dragon King, personally went to kill the dragon in the Dragon Palace, failed. Now we have nine cities destroyed!”

The leader of the Hundred Cities Alliance said coldly.

“This is a glimpse of the holy dragon. When placed in the city, it can sense any surrounding person with the breath of the dragon and the blood of the dragon. When placed in the city, it can give an early warning, even the king will be sensed.”

With a wave of the Sacred Dragon King’s arm, fist-sized pupils flew towards the leader of the Hundred Cities Alliance.


The leader of the Hundred Cities Alliance waved his arm and left directly with all his pupils.

His face is not pretty.

Because he didn’t even have the qualifications to see the strong angels.

“If it weren’t for what you promised by the Sacred Dragon’s line, it would be difficult for me to refuse, my Hundred Cities Alliance would not be in the same situation as your lackeys.”

The next moment, his figure appeared in the old court of the Hundred Cities Alliance, and his heart was cold.

“Red eyes, providence!”

He sat cross-legged and roared in a low voice.


Soon, Red Eye and an old man flew over and shouted respectfully.

“Take these pupils and check all the dragon blood vessels in all the cities in the Hundred Cities Alliance, and kill them directly after finding them out.”

The lord of the Hundred Cities Alliance looked at them: “In addition, a pupil is placed in a city, and this pupil can sense all the people with the blood of the dragons and the breath of the dragons.”

“It’s the leader!”

Red-eyed Providence they saw the effect of this treasure, their eyes lit up, and they nodded and left immediately.

They brought people to a city and immediately took out a shining dragon eye.

“Huh? There are people of Shenlong blood in this city, kill them directly!”

Seeing the information reflected on the dragon’s eyes, the red-eyed heavenly will immediately flew towards the indicated location, without the slightest confirmation and inquiries, directly beheading the dragon blood.

Soon, the Shenlong bloodlines in the city were quickly cleaned up.

Some of the Dragon Palace disciples who had entered the Hundred Cities Alliance with their hidden aura were immediately caught and killed directly.

The death of a large number of Dragon Palace disciples also attracted the attention of Prime Minister Turtle. After seeing the location of their deaths, he immediately issued a notice that all Dragon Palace disciples evacuated from the Hundred Cities Alliance.

Wang Xian also got the information soon, his eyes gleaming.

It seems that the Hundred Cities Alliance has some special methods, but it is not known whether the venom horned dragon can be found.

“It’s going to be a test!”

Muttered in his mouth.

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