Chapter 3493 The thorn dragon shots to warn the world


A few months later, Wang Xian came to the Plasma Land and sat cross-legged in the deepest position with a smile on his face.

The branches of the ancestral tree plunged deep into the ground, and he sat there quietly.

As time passed day by day, the fruit of refining blood began to condense little by little.

However, up to now, the war between the Dragon Palace and the Hundred Cities Alliance has really broken out.

In the past, Wang Xian just used the venom horned dragon seed to obtain information one by one, and then destroyed each city.

But now, replaced by a competition of strength, assassination in the dark.

This is already head-on.

Located around each city, two hundred thousand thorn dragon dragon species are distributed in the surrounding locations.

There are still ninety-five cities in the Hundred Cities Alliance today.

Ninety-five cities, each with more than 2,000 species of spiny dragons.

This is already relatively scattered.

They concealed around the Hundred Cities Alliance City, monitoring the entire city.

The weakest of them is also the third-order combat power of Venerable Youyu Zhou.

Fifty percent of the resources of the nine cities that were destroyed were concentrated here on the Dragon Seed.

When disciples and strong men from the Hundred Cities Alliance flew out of the city, Ao Yao and the others carried out an assassination.

How vast is the surrounding city.

It is impossible for the disciples of the Hundred Cities Alliance to stay in the city and not come out. They also need to improve and survive.

Is it possible to let all the disciples of the Hundred Cities Alliance stay in God’s country and not come out?

What is the difference between that and being suppressed in Dongtianfudi.

When they flew out, they were assassinated.

“Puff puff!”

Located in the sky above a city, a dozen people flew out of the city and flew in one direction.

Suddenly, piercing dragons appeared around them, cutting their necks and beheading them.

The assassination was going on.

Even if there are very few disciples in the Hundred Cities Alliance cities today, the number of people entering and leaving more than 90 cities can reach tens of millions.

After all, the base of the disciples of the Hundred Cities Alliance is too huge!

But now, suddenly, at the gate of the Hundred Cities Alliance, a large number of disciples and strong men who entered and exited were beheaded.

Especially afterwards, after some disciples escaped from the thorn dragon dragon seed, they spoke on the cosmic brain for the rest of their lives.

“I was assassinated when I was out of the city, and all of our companions were killed!”

At the beginning, this kind of sporadic news did not attract the attention of many people.

But slowly, with the passage of time, half a year later, more and more people are publishing this kind of information on the Cosmic Brain.

The number of people publishing this kind of information has reached several thousand.

Thousands of data were not a lot of data, but these thousands of people realized that something was wrong, gathered together on the cosmic brain, and collectively published the news.

“Four months ago, a dozen of my companions and I came out and were suddenly assassinated. Only I survived!”

“It was also more than ten days ago. Hundreds of people and I were planning to hunt some wild beasts and suffered a terrible attack. A terrifying light and dark figure appeared out of thin air, and I was the only one to escape!”

“My family and I were also assassinated. All my family members were killed. Only me is alive.”

“It’s horrible. As far as I know, in the past six months, few people who went out of the city came back alive.”

“I always feel that the outside of the city is suddenly very terrifying, and all the friends who go out of the city have lost their contact information.”

One by one, the information spread within the Hundred Cities Alliance, because the increase in the number of people quickly attracted the attention of some people.

“That said, our bounty team went out of town two months ago, and there is no news!”

“It’s the same on my side, relatives who are out of the city can’t get in touch at all.”

“Someone was assassinated around our city!”

There are a lot of people going in and out of the Hundred Cities Alliance every day, and within half a year, the number of missing has reached a terrifying number.

The experience of thousands of people has aroused more people.

Because of their relatives and friends, many of them lost contact after leaving the city.

The number of this group of people is still very large.

In just a dozen hours, the number of missing relatives and friends revealed by someone on the Universe Brain had reached tens of millions.

When everyone saw this number, the sensation began.

“Someone is assassinating all the disciples of our Hundred Cities Alliance who are out of the city, and some are shooting us!”

“What the hell is going on, did our adults in the Hundred Cities Alliance find out the news? What is going on?”

“Is this true or false, is Dragon Palace deliberately creating panic, or is it true?”

One question after another appeared on the cosmic brain.

“I have a picture of assassinating our killer here, this is it, this is it!”

As time progressed, someone suddenly exposed photos of the spine dragon species.

A horrible existence of light and dark, half light and half dark, hidden in the void.

Looking at it quietly, it’s unusually terrifying.

“This is the thorn dragon species of the Shenlong clan. The peak race within the Shenlong, the terrifying killer, was also the terrifying assassin among the peak races. Even at the peak of the Shenlong clan, their number was very small. Less than 10,000.”

Immediately, someone recognized the thorn dragon dragon species, and popularized science on the cosmic brain.

Spiny dragon dragon species?

“This is definitely the powerful dragon seed of Dragon Palace. According to the history of Dragon Palace’s development, their Dragon Palace possesses powerful assassins. They are definitely the hand of Dragon Palace’s Thorny Dragon Dragon Seed!”

“Hey, a dragon at the pinnacle of the gods, who also assassinated our disciples from the Hundred Cities Alliance, this…this…”

The disciples and strong men of the Hundred Cities Alliance felt chills when they saw this information.

The pinnacle dragon species, this can be said to be the pinnacle racial creature.

And it is the top assassination existence in the universe.

This kind of existence is born to confront and even assassinate creatures of the same peak race.

However, now they have locked down their Hundred Cities Alliance.

And now, in just six months, a large number of disciples from the Hundred Cities Alliance have been assassinated.

For them, this is simply bad news, it is simply hell mode.

Not long ago, the Hundred Cities Alliance announced that the destruction of the city would never happen, and they already had a way to defend against the sudden attack of the Dragon Palace.

Now, the destruction of the city has not happened, but there has been a terrorist attack outside the city.

I don’t know how many disciples have been assassinated!

If this continues, wouldn’t it be a disciple of the Hundred Cities Alliance, who would never want to leave the city?

“Has been discovered by the Hundred Cities Alliance? Prime Minister Tortoise announced in the name of our Dragon Palace that the Dragon Palace will hunt all the disciples of the Hundred Cities Alliance and warn other cities that it is best to cut off the teleportation formation with the Hundred Cities Alliance, otherwise don’t blame us for accidentally hurting us. ”

Under the ground of Plasma Land, Wang Xian said with a smile on his face when he received the message from the chief tortoise.

Now, it’s time for Dragon Palace to rebel against the guest.

At the beginning, the Hundred Cities Alliance announced the hunting of the Dragon Palace and warned other cities not to let the Dragon Palace disciples enter the city, otherwise the consequences would be at their own risk.

Now they hunt the Hundred Cities Alliance and warn other cities!

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