Chapter 4002 Break open the twelve magic pillars! Down

The conditions Wang Xian said were not very high.

There are a total of twelve magic pillars.

He absorbed one by himself, and there are eleven left!

And for these eleven magic pillars, he wanted three, leaving eight.

In addition, he wanted the two treasures on the body of the strong man in every magic column!

And the flowing water forbidden land, they will get eight powerful bodies and eight powerful inheritances.

Compared with treasures, these inheritances are more powerful.

It is no exaggeration to say that unless these eight powerhouses possess too powerful treasures, they are not as precious as this heritage!

Even, if the treasure is only the level of innate treasure.

The value of these treasures can be worth up to three corpses!

In other words, it is more profitable for the forbidden land.

Saintess Liuyue frowned slightly when she heard Wang Xian’s words, her face was contemplative!

“You can ask for other attributes, but for water attributes, we want two!”

The Saint Child in the Water Forbidden Land changed his face and said to Wang Xian: “Or, we can compensate with other treasures!”

A cosmos dominates the pinnacle realm, a top-level heritage, the saint child of the forbidden water does not want to give up.

This kind of inheritance, flowing water forbidden place exists, but he can’t get it!

He is only the son of this generation, and counting forward, there are many generations of sons and daughters!

Some saint children and saints are stronger than his talents.

Therefore, the inheritance of this magic pillar is very important to him.

“What use are the magic pillars of other attributes for me? The disciples of our Longyin Forbidden Land are all water attributes.”

Wang Xian shook his head faintly: “There is no room for bargaining. If you agree, we will cooperate. If you disagree, then forget it!”

As he said, his eyes swept over the surrounding magic pillars.

For these magic pillars, Wang Xian is not very interested.

The cultivation methods of Jiuyuan Universe and Sword and Magic Continent are still somewhat different.

As the Shenlong clan, they have their own cultivation methods.

Not weaker than the attack methods of the sword and magic continent.

Therefore, Wang Xian really didn’t care about the bodies of these powerful men.

Ao Jian and the others didn’t have much demand for that metallic powerhouse corpse.

The cultivation method is different, even if the body of the strong is obtained, only one auxiliary cultivation can be carried out.

As for the treasure, but it’s okay.

If it can be obtained, Wang Xian is going to sell it all in exchange for resources to improve the strength of the body and the strength of the Five Elements Damo Taiji Dragon Plate.


The Saint Child in the Water Forbidden Land looked a little ugly when he heard Wang Xian’s resolute words!

The saint Liuyue frowned slightly and glanced at the saint on the side.

“I will contact our seniors in the Forbidden Land.”

She hesitated and said!

The inheritance in these magic pillars is too strong, some things, even if she is the saint of the water forbidden land, she can’t be the master!

“Can you contact the outside world? That’s better. If you agree, I need you to protect the Dragon’s Forbidden Land from flowing water to prevent the strong men from other forbidden land and holy land from threatening us to give the two water magic pillars to others. !”

Wang Xian said, adding!


Saint Liuyue nodded and contacted immediately.


“Yes, our seniors in the Water Forbidden Land agreed to come down.”

Soon, Liuyue Saintess spoke to Wang Xian!

“Okay, let’s start now!”

Wang Xian looked at Saint Liuyue and said.

Saint Liuyue nodded and looked at the water-attribute magic pillar in front of her: “The three water-attribute magic pillars can be allocated arbitrarily. The last one who measured the calamity did not record too much.”

“Well, yes!”

Wang Xian nodded and did not refuse!

“In this case, next, we will operate the law to connect all of us together, Brother Wang Xian, although you are not of the water attribute, as long as you don’t resist, there is no problem!”

As the saint Liuyue said, her eyes swept to the surrounding disciples: “Start, set up the formation, come out!”

“It’s the saint of Liuyue!”

All the disciples responded immediately.

At the side position, the Son of the Water Forbidden Land was full of unwillingness.

However, in the Forbidden Land of Flowing Water, respected by the Saintess of Flowing Moon, his strength is one level worse than that of the Saintess of Flowing Moon!

There is no room for him to choose and resist!

“Holy Son Qianliu, this time, the seniors in the forbidden area will give you some compensation, and the benefits will not be lost!”

The saint Liuyue spoke towards the son of Qianliu.


Qianliu Shengzi took a deep breath and nodded.

“let’s start.”

Saint Liuyue said, looking at Wang Xian: “Brother Wang Xian, you are on this side.”

“no problem!”

Wang Xian nodded and stood directly forward.

A disciple of the famous water forbidden land also immediately stood around Wang Xian.

“Big Brother Wang Xian!”

From the side, Long Yinyin and the others couldn’t help but yelled at Wang Xian!

“Slow as a few days, as fast as a few hours, let’s get started!”

Wang Xian smiled at them, then looked at Saint Liuyue.

Saint Liuyue nodded, and with a movement of her palm, a big staff appeared in her hand.

She waved towards the front, a stream of water connected everyone!

Wang Xian watched the water pouring into his body, and felt that there was no danger.

“It’s about to start, Saint Son of the Immortal Wang, don’t resist!”

The saint Liuyue said, with a movement of her hand, she landed directly on the magic pillar, and followed closely, a force of will impact rushed towards her.

However, this force of will impact entered her body, followed the current of the water, and spread towards the surroundings.

When Wang Xian saw it, his eyes flickered slightly.

Immediately after, he sensed a powerful force of will impact, rushing towards him.

Wang Xian’s eyes condensed, and he resisted with all his strength.

A picture appeared in his mind.

The scene of the battle was somewhat similar to what he had seen before.

There are also some differences!

And this time, Wang Xian felt that the impact of the will this time was much weaker than the previous one.

This is because the impact of will is scattered.

After all, there are more than a dozen people around to help him share.

In addition, space is king, nature, and the impact of the will of those with strong spatial attributes is also the strongest.

Wang Xian resisted the impact of will, and the images in his mind kept flickering.

This time, it was much faster than his last time!

“Huh? What is the Water Forbidden Land doing with that Wang Xian Shengzi?”

“Could it be that they found a way to break the magic pillar?”

The surrounding locations, Wuwang Forbidden Land and the rest of the top Forbidden Land Saint Child and Saint Child Saints and Daughters of the Holy Court looked towards this side, their eyes shining with luster.

The saint child and saint woman who were not forbidden to look at each other, they moved and flew towards this side.

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