Chapter 4224 Open the world! middle

Ling Hong Bone can reach such a realm, naturally, it has nothing to do with Wang Xian.

The relationship between Linghong Bone and Wang Xian, although it is not the Dragon Queen of Dragon Palace, is almost the same. Their relationship is still rather ambiguous.

The girls in Dragon Palace have also recognized it.

After all, the original Linghong Bone had fought side by side with Dragon Palace.

Spent a crisis.

Spent a long time with Dragon Palace and Wang Xian!

However, Ling Hong Bone did not want to join the Dragon Palace, her father and her grandfather were very kind to her.

With the support of various powerful resources of Dragon Palace, he has become the top power of the Skeleton Clan to dominate the pinnacle of the universe.

In addition, the Skeleton clan also knows the relationship between Ling Hong Bone and Wang Xian, and the other kings of the Skull Clan are very polite and even respectful to the Ling Hong Bone.

After all, the current Dragon King of Dragon Palace is too powerful!

Wang Xian nodded towards Ling Hong Bone.

Ling Honggu smiled at him.

Wang Xian swept the surroundings, and the skeletons, the gods and tigers, and the saints, all came from the strong who dominated the pinnacle realm.

“The Dragon King is here, sit down!”

Seeing Wang Xian, the Saint Hetian gestured with a smile on his face.


Wang Xian was sitting on the sidelines, and soon other Tianyuan strong people also rushed over one by one.

“The amount of robbery will be opened in one year, and finally we will discuss it.”

The Shadow Falling Demon Emperor arrived, scanned all the strong people around, and asked: “At present, how many people have touched the threshold of Tianyuan’s good fortune?”

“The Lord of the Fallen Demon Emperor, his subordinates have now touched the threshold, as long as there are places, they can break through!”

At the Skeleton Clan, an old man bowed and said!

“Subordinate Hu Mingshan has also touched the threshold of Tianyuan’s good fortune powerhouse.”

There was a strong man who bowed immediately in the Shenhu clan.

“There is a water attribute disciple in my line of sage, and he has touched the threshold!”

Hetian saint also speaks!

“Well, my demonic clan also has a disciple.”

The Shadow Falling Demon King nodded and said: “During the last calamity, a disciple of my demon clan was able to break through. It is a pity that I was watched by the void of the Void Dynasty, and I could not leave the Jiuyuan Universe. , It makes a breakthrough on its own, but never goes back. This time the Dragon King is here, which is a chance for us!”

As the Pendant Demon Emperor said, he looked at Wang Xian, with a rare smile on his face.

“The predecessor of the Shadow Falling Devil Emperor sits in the Jiuyuan Universe, which makes the younger generation admire. My current strength is enough to contend with the ordinary powerhouses.”

Wang Xian arched his hands towards the Shadow Falling Demon Emperor.

The strength of the Fallen Demon Emperor is very powerful. According to reason, he can lead the powerful disciples in his own clan to make breakthroughs in other universes.

With him protecting the law, the probability of success is basically very high.

But because of the void universe, he had to sit in the Jiuyuan Universe and couldn’t stay away, so the demon clan never gave birth to a second strong Tianyuan good fortune.

It can be said that the demons sacrificed themselves in exchange for the peace of the entire Jiuyuan Universe!

Wang Xian still admires this point very much!

“This time, I’m here to sit in Jiuyuan Universe, and Senior Shadowfall Devil Emperor can lead the disciples to break through and protect the formation.”

Wang Xian hesitated for a moment, then spoke again.

“I’ll take control of the Jiuyuan Universe. After all, I have experience and I have a very good understanding of nothingness.”

The Fallen Demon King shook his head: “I still can’t leave the Nine Source Universe, Dragon King, you come to protect them.”

The Fallen Shadow Devil Emperor was a little worried about Wang Xian.

After all, once you fail to sit down, it will be too big a blow for Jiuyuan Universe!

Countless creatures will die.

The Fallen Demon Emperor has been fighting with the Wang Wuwu of the Void Dynasty for a long, long time.

Both sides are more familiar, and he is more confident.


Wang Xian nodded, and the Shadow Falling Demon Emperor sits down, which is still advantageous to Wang Xian!

After all, this way he can move with peace of mind!

“If my Nine Source Universe can add a few strong tianyuan good fortune, I suggest that we can invade the void universe.”

A trace of killing intent flashed in Wang Xian’s eyes, and he said!

“In the early stage, we and the other party should check the strength of both sides, and after the early stage, we will consider whether to attack.”

The Shadow Falling Demon Emperor’s eyes flickered, and he said.

Wang Xian nodded.

“Those of you who can break through, look for the universe that can break through, and look for the universe with your attributes. After you find it, contact the Dragon King, and the Dragon King will protect you.”

The Demon King of Pendant said to the strong man of the God Tiger clan and Skeleton clan.

As for the strong man in his clan and the line of saints, naturally they will not be allowed to take risks.

They will help find.

This is the advantage of having a strong Tianyuan fortune in the clan.

The skeletons and the god tigers can only find a suitable universe by themselves.

And this universe cannot be too strong!

It is impossible for Wang Xian and the others to help find the universe, after all, the relationship between them is just like that.

What’s more, protecting the formation for it is already a great gift for the strong men of the Skeleton Clan, the God and Tiger Clan.

It is not that difficult to find a universe that can break through.

The difficulty is how to make a breakthrough and how to leave after a breakthrough.

This is a huge problem.

For them, it can even be described as a life of nine deaths.

The chance of success is only one in ten.

And if there is a king immortal guarding the formation, then the chance of success will be able to reach 90%.

After all, the existence of an avenue level is still very scary.

It is a strong guarantee for their breakthrough.

“Thank you, Lord Shadow Falling Demon King, thank you Dragon King, and thank you all!”

The strong men of the Skeleton Clan and the God Tiger Clan thanked them with excitement and excitement on their faces.

Next, with the Dragon King guarding them, their hope of breakthrough will be as high as 90%.

Unless they are too unlucky.

Otherwise, there is a great chance that they will break through.

This excites their hearts.

This is the benefit of a powerful universe.

“Need not!”

Wang Xian shook his head lightly.

“According to what was said before, in the early stage, we mainly watched, watched the situation of the nearby universe, and explored the situation of the void universe. We have to make arrangements for this!”

The Fallen Demon Emperor continued.

“The Dragon King is busy protecting the way, so leave it to me to investigate the void universe.”

The Twelve Ancestor Witch took the lead and said.

“Okay, the most dangerous thing to explore the void universe, you must pay attention to safety.”

The Fallen Demon King said to them.

“If you have any questions, please contact me directly.”

Wang Xian also spoke towards the Twelve Ancestral Witch.

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