Chapter 4237 Great war belief in the king of universe gods!

“Shoot, even if we can’t get it, then Dragon King will never want to get it.”

The four kings of gods who believe in the universe said with murderous expressions on their faces.

The last time the Dragon King broke their billion-year plan.

This time, they would never let the Dragon King succeed.

The four followed the place where the powerful energy fluctuated and flew away quickly.


The position of the battlefield, Wang Xian is fully suppressing Qianjiang Beast Emperor.

Godsend has just arrived, ready to do it.

However, Wang Xian felt a little at this moment and frowned slightly.

“Sure enough, it’s coming!”

He secretly said in his heart, and immediately transmitted his voice toward the gift of heaven!


At the same time, Wang Xian’s body shook, and Wu Shi Sheng Wing appeared on his body.

“Boom boom boom!”

“Boom boom boom!”

A strong wind and thunder force directly attacked the Qianjiang Beast Emperor.

Feng Lei’s power to lock the enemy poured into Qianjiang Beast Emperor’s body.

“Oh oh oh!”

“Oh oh oh!”

The sound of screams kept coming from Qianjiang Beast Emperor.

Facing Wang Xian and their attacks, Qianjiang Beast Emperor had no room to resist.

Only use natural ability to avoid.

Relying on strong vitality to support.


Wu Shi Sheng Wing turned into a phantom, and the power of Feng Lei spread all over the body of Qianjiang Beast Emperor.

“The Dragon King of Dragon Palace.”

Just as Wang Xian was attacking, a roar came.

Accompanied by a horrible light of the holy sword, it slashed directly at Wang Xian’s immense body.


“Guys who believe in the universe, what you hide is quite deep!”

Wang Xian saw the holy sword attacking him, and with a wave of his arm, the Tai Chi dragon plate turned into a Tai Chi pattern in the void, and he directly resisted!

“Last time you broke our good deeds, this time you wanted to hunt the behemoths in the starry sky, wishful thinking!”

A master of the level of the king of the gods said with murderous intent!

“Sing, take refuge!”

The king of the gods was speaking, uttering the holy words, and there were singing and roaring sounds around him.

This is a special kind of energy.

The power of faith is condensed into a symbol, and is attacked towards the king!

Densely dense, full of weird energy!

Once this symbol of faith enters the body, the mind will be attacked.

“Dafaluo celestial phenomena, believe in the body of the gods, and exorcise evil!”

The other three kings of gods immediately showed powerful attacks.

There are weird symbols of faith.

A huge and stalwart body condensed by the power of faith.

There are temples suspended high in the sky.

There are also the bare-headed and naked saints.

This time, the four kings of the gods obviously used their full strength.

They want to touch Wang Xian.

I want to teach Wang Xian a lesson.

Even if it can’t be beheaded, it will have to pay the price!

“Godsend, play with them!”

When Wang Xian saw this scene, his eyes condensed, and his face was cold and shouted!

“Dawei Tianlong!”

Wang Xian roared, and a huge dragon head appeared above him.

The dragon head breathed out nine-colored rays of light, and attacked them directly!


Fighting spirit was also revealed in Godsend’s eyes.

With a wave of his arm, a branch appeared in his hand!

The phantom of the sacred tree appeared behind him.

Holding the branch of the gods in his hand, he waved to the front.

In the void, numerous rattans appeared, they penetrated the void and attacked towards a king of the gods who controlled the level!


From a side position, Qianjiang Beast Emperor saw this terrifying energy.

Seeing Wang Xian disregarding himself, he let out a low growl in horror.

It did not hesitate to use its powerful talent skills instantly!


His huge body, carrying a terrifying river, directly escaped into the void.

As if his body was submerged in the sea, he disappeared instantly!

Wang Xian sensed that Qianjiang Beast Emperor had fled, and didn’t care.

He swayed his huge body, and the Five Elements Great Mill was suspended above his dragon head.

Wearing a Tai Chi dragon plate, he directly faces the two kings of the gods.

Two control levels.

The last one who entered the rank, the chaos on the side directly rushed up.

The war broke out in an instant!

“Da Luo Tianyin!”

The two kings of the gods at the control level saw Wang Xian attacking them.

Seeing the other two companions being resisted, their expressions changed slightly.

The two immediately made huge handprints one after another, facing the huge dragon head phantom in front of Wang Xian!



The sound of the collision sounded.

“The two people work together, not as strong as me!”

Wang Xian stared at the collision when he saw the collision.

Tianyuan’s good fortune at the control level can also be divided into strengths and weaknesses.

Some control levels can fight against the weakest control level plus a weakest entry level.

Some control levels can even fight against two control levels.

Under normal circumstances, there are strong people who have made a detailed division of the four levels of Chaos that have reached the first entry control.

The entry level is divided into two levels.

The first entry level is the weakest, and the entry level two can fight against two entry levels.

Then came the first level of control, the weakest level of control, and the highest level of control eight.

After mastering the eighth level, it is the avenue level.

The avenue ranges from level one to level twenty-six.

As for the twenty-sixth level and above, it is the Chaos level!

The specific division is based on the strong one who has just stepped into the realm of Tianyuan’s good fortune as the first level.

Wang Xian reached the Dao level, which can be said to be equivalent to a ninth-level powerhouse.

In other words, he was able to resist the nine existences who had just stepped into the realm of good fortune in Tianyuan.

The two kings of gods who believe in the universe, they are not the weakest masters of the control level.

The combined strength of the two of them is about seven or eight.

There is still a gap between this strength and Wang Xian.


Wang Xian’s body shook, and the body of the void dragon in his body led his body to move instantaneously!

In the next moment, Wang Xian’s figure appeared in a test of a king who believed in the gods of the universe!

His dragon claws waved instantly.

A burst of energy attacked him.

The dragon’s claw contains nine kinds of energy, and the nine kinds of energy collide and attack, which is extremely chaotic!

“The Road of Faith!”

The face of the king of the gods who was attacked changed drastically, and with a wave of his arm, an infinitely long road appeared in front of him.

His body came to the end of the road at a strange speed.

In the front position, his body also avoided extremely far.

“Be careful, he has the power of space.”

The king of the gods shouted with a solemn face!

“If you don’t believe in the gods, you won’t enter reincarnation, and die!”

The other king of the gods looked a little ugly. He raised the staff in his hand and a huge white circle emerged.

This white circle looked like a horrible existence that swallowed living creatures, and went directly towards Wang Xian’s covering!


Wang Xian’s dragon tail swept away directly, and the huge white circle burst directly!

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