Chapter 4245 The deal with the mountain universe! superior

“Two masters, five newcomers!”

After checking all the information of the intruder, Wang Xian murmured.

The two masters at the control level combined can be comparable to the six weakest Tianyuan good fortune powerhouses.

The remaining five can be compared to the six or seven weakest Tianyuan strong people.

If the opponent swarmed and besieged him, Wang Xian might not be the opponent.

“It seems that it is the right choice to let Humingshan not break through. Once it breaks through, it will definitely attract them all, and then I will not be able to resist it!”

Wang Xian secretly said in his heart!

At present, the invaders have surrounded the center of the mountain universe.

Together with the various places with the teleportation array.

In other words, they are preparing for a general attack.

Once the general offensive is launched, this is absolutely a devastating blow to the mountain universe.

The four strong heavenly origins in the mountain cosmos will not be opponents of the other party at all.

In the entire mountainous universe, unless the four strong heavenly origins can take away some of the creatures, the rest will be bloodbathed!

It can be described as extremely tragic!

Wang Xian left the bird’s nest-like war weapon, and he flew to the side with a contemplative expression on his face.

According to the information he got, this invading universe not only requires blood food, but also allows some powerful players to make breakthroughs.

As for what type of power breakthrough was, Wang Xian didn’t get specific information.

Overall, the possibility of metallicity still occupies one-fifth.

This probability is not small.

Even if there are two disciples who want to break through in this invading universe, the probability of needing a metallic quota is increased by one-fifth.

“There can be no equal probability, and if the invader universe really occupies this universe, even if they don’t need the metallicity quota, they will sell this quota to the strong in the evil sequence camp.”

Wang Xian thought in his heart.

If you want Humingshan to break through, then you can’t let this invader occupy this universe!

“Maybe we can cooperate!”

Wang Xian’s eyes flickered slightly, he thought he could give it a try, maybe he could also get some benefits!

With a plan in his heart, Wang Xian moved to hide his figure and flew towards the center of the mountain universe.

He easily passed through the blockade of the invader universe and entered the interior of the mountain universe.

I have been flying for several hours, and then followed closely, an endless expanse of huge mountain peaks appeared in my sight.

This is like a life planet connected to a life planet!

When Wang Xian came to the top of these life mountains, he could see countless creatures shuttle.

The eyes of most creatures were full of horror.

Obviously, the invasion of the strong of the evil sequence camp made them feel horrified and desperate!

But what can they do?

Flee, where to flee?

Their roots are here, where can they escape?

Countless creatures are in sorrow.

At this time, they can only pray that the four adults of their mountain universe can withstand the invasion of foreign enemies!

Wang Xian flew past the peaks, feeling the helplessness of the creatures below, and shook his head slightly.

He was truly aware of the cruelty of measuring the robbery!

Wang Xian continued to fly forward, quickly passing through huge peaks!

Ten days later, he came to the core of the mountain universe.

Here, more than a dozen huge and incomparable peaks are in the sky.

Exudes an extremely terrifying atmosphere.

These mountains have all been forged into weapons of war.

The place surrounded by weapons of war is a very large mountain.

The peaks are unparalleled.

The majestic energy filled the surroundings!

When Wang Xian flew over, he could feel that there were four powerful auras in that mountain!

“It’s true that they are not at the control level, there are two of them who are new to the second level!”

Wang Xian murmured, this strength is completely incomparable with the invaders.

If the intruder is killed, they will not be able to resist.

At this moment, four strong Tianyuan good fortune gathered together.

Their brows were furrowed, and their faces were full of worries and weakness.

They are the strongest of the mountain universe, the saints of the mountain universe!

Now facing the invasion of foreign enemies, there is no way!

This makes them feel a little desperate!

“How about the request for help from the Justice Sequence?”

Located in the hall at the highest point of the incomparable mountain, four figures are sitting there.

One of them asked solemnly.

“They agreed, but the request was too harsh. They actually wanted two places in the mountain and cosmos for the good fortune of heaven, and they wanted us a lot of resources, hey!”

An old Tianyuan good fortune said helplessly!

“As long as they can come to support, everything will be given, but I am afraid that we will not be able to support that time!”

A strong Tianyuan good fortune in the center said with a weak face!

Justice Sequence Alliance.

They are one of them!

When the calamity came, they hugged together.

However, if members of the Justice League are in danger, they want to ask for help.

There is a price to pay!

The enemy encountered by the mountain universe this time is too powerful!

This requires at least seven or eight ordinary Tianyuan good fortune experts.

Or ask a powerful avenue-level expert to come and help.

However, the price to pay for so many powerful people, or such powerful people, is too great!

Not to mention the resources, there are also two places for the strong Tianyuan good fortune.

For them, the price paid is very heavy.

But even if it is heavy, they must ask for help.

Now, what they worry about is that their mountain universe will not be able to support it before the support arrives!

At that time, if you want to take the universe back, you will have to pay even more.

It will take at least a thousand years for the support to come.

Thousand years!

The four strong Tianyuan good fortune suddenly fell silent, they leaned on their seats, a little helpless!


And at this moment, Wang Xian, who was located outside, just happened to hear their conversation.

This made Wang Xian squinted his eyes slightly.

He moved and moved straight in!

Wang Xian entered the main hall, and the four strong Tianyuan creations were taken aback for a moment, and then looked towards one place.

The distance was too close, and Wang Xian’s breath was sensed by them.

Wang Xian looked at them, slowly revealing his figure!

When the four strong Tianyuan good fortune saw Wang Xian’s appearance, they were instantly shocked.

When a person enters them, they realize that they are so close!

this? ? ?


The four strong heavenly origins of the mountain universe burst into a terrifying aura instantly, their eyes locked on Wang Xian.

“Don’t be afraid, everyone, I am not an intruder in your mountain universe. I am here to make some deals with you!”

Seeing their vigilant look, Wang Xian said with a smile on his face!

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