4263 Born-18 Nov 1974

“Great King, the Emperor of Phoenix has sent a message, and the transmission channel has been established!”

Some distant chaos from Jiuyuan Universe.

A huge void tower is suspended.

The twelve void towers, the void tower in the center, contained the most terrifying energy aura.

The breath of this Void Tower alone is not weaker than the ordinary Tianyuan strong fortune.

In this void tower, twelve figures are sitting inside.

The middle-aged man in golden armor looked at the king of the void dynasty in the center and reported respectfully!

“This is probably the last chance for this king.”

The Void King murmured, and looked at the side of his men: “You have to control the powerhouses of the Jiuyuan Universe for at least five minutes.”

“It’s the king!”

The celestial fortune powerhouses of the void universe nodded heavily.

This time, if you want to succeed, if you want to obtain the cosmic brain, you must restrain the Fallen Demon King and the Dragon King of Dragon Palace.

And this time, they have also arranged it.

Let the four masters of Tianyuan good fortune at the control level to contain the Dragon Palace and Dragon Kings.

Those with a strong control level of spatial attributes are better than those of the same level.

It’s like, they are all just stepping into the control level. The spatial attribute can deal with other attributes, and it can fight against a newcomer who has just stepped into the control level.

This is the advantage of spatial attributes.

It is still possible for two control levels to contain one avenue level respectively.

After all, although they will be suppressed, they will not say that they will be easily wiped out by the avenue level!

“Do it!”

The Void King’s eyes condensed, and his body exudes a terrifying aura!

As soon as his body moved, black hole teleportation formations appeared in front of him.

In front of every Void Tower, there is a huge black hole!

They moved into their respective void towers.


In the next instant, twelve Void Towers entered the black hole at the same time!

At the same time, it is located in the Jiuyuan Universe.

Located around the peak races, a black hole suddenly appeared.

Immediately afterwards, a huge void tower appeared around a group of peak races.

Especially for the demons, in front of the Dragon Palace, there are two void towers containing horrible energy fluctuations!

As for the line of the saint, there is a void tower containing the coercion of the heavens and the earth.

When this void tower appeared, the surrounding space immediately solidified.

Twelve Void Towers suddenly appeared in the Nine Source Universe!

At this moment, at the location of the Chaos Tree, Wang Xian’s face changed slightly.

“Linniu, go back!”

With a move of his mind, he immediately shouted at Linniu, and his figure disappeared instantly!

“There is the Lair of Dragon Palace!”

At the same time, in front of Shenlong Island, two huge void towers are suspended.

The two Void Universes control the existence of the Zhen Guo Duke level. They looked in the direction of Shenlong Island, their eyes condensed!


They did not hesitate at all, on the two void towers, two terrifying spatial annihilation powers were released.

The powerful space shocked and swept away in the direction of Dragon Palace!

Around, some of the strong disciples of the Dragon Palace outside, under this power, died instantly!

“The powerhouse of the void universe, look for death!”

Wang Xian instantly returned to the Dragon Palace. When he sensed the two void towers in the sky above and the terrifying energy from the attack, he stared!

His face was instantly filled with violent killing intent.

He didn’t expect that there would be two powerhouses in the void universe who would dare to kill the Dragon Palace.

It’s just looking for death!


“Dragon Palace disciples don’t go out, Linniu, kill them!”

Wang Xian instantly turned into the body of a dragon and let out a low growl.

Spit out a burst of energy, directly facing the attack released by the two Void Towers!

The terrifying Nine-Colored Dragon’s Breath directly suppressed the power of space shock, and this energy attacked the two Void Towers!

“Dragon Palace, Dragon King, in the Six Dao Universes, you will kill us with the help of treasures. This time I will make you pay a tragic price!”

Inside a Void Tower, Duke Xining of Void Universe Town saw Wang Xian coming out with a murderous roar on his face.

The last time they Void Universe suffered a big loss from the Dragon King in Six Dao Universes.

This time, even if they are not the opponents of the Dragon King, they can still use sneak attacks to make Dragon Palace lose some!

“Void is shaking in all directions, the sky is falling!”

Duke Xining let out a low growl, and he was inside the Void Tower, and he raised his arm.

The entire Void Tower shook.

The entire sky seemed to be stepped down, and a burst of energy was pressed down from above.

Shrouded in a void.

Even the surrounding Shenlong Island is shrouded in it!

“Things looking for death, dare to come to Dragon Palace to find trouble!”

Lin Niu rushed out, staring at the two void towers with blood-red eyes!

“Dawei Tianlong!”

Wang Xian stared at the attack from two powerful men in the void universe.

The dragon head of a dragon is condensed on the top, directly impacting the power of the endless space!


The sound of the collision sounded, and the power of this endless space was once again completely destroyed by Wang Xian!

“Two control levels exist, if I can kill you once, I can kill you a second time!”

Wang Xian stared at them, his face was full of violent killing intent, and he went straight to the sky, attacking the two void towers!

Linniu on the side followed closely behind!

“The Void Universe has started, and they have come two powerful masters at the control level, enough to contain the Dragon King and them for a while, I will also take action, use this time to make the Dragon Palace suffer a heavy loss!”

At this moment, located not far from the Dragon Palace, a figure calmly stared at this scene, his eyes full of awe-inspiring expressions.

His body shook, he walked out of a flesh and blood, and his body slowly grew bigger, turning into a fire phoenix emitting endless flames!


He let out a roar full of hatred and rushed directly in the direction of Dragon Palace!

In the Dragon Palace, the sudden arrival of the powerhouse of the void universe caused all the Dragon Palace disciples to hide inside.

A strong disciple of the famous Dragon Palace watched this scene in shock!

“Oops, that is the Emperor of Phoenix, he rushed towards us!”

At this time, when the Emperor of Phoenix appeared and rushed directly towards the Dragon Palace, the face of the disciple of the Dragon Palace also changed slightly!

“The Emperor of Phoenix, they actually mixed up with the Void Universe, looking for death, I will deal with him!”

Lan Qingyue is located in the Dragon Palace. She didn’t make the first move, just to prevent accidents from happening.

It just didn’t expect that the Emperor of Phoenix would be united with the Void Universe.

He came to attack the Dragon Palace!

Lan Qingyue’s figure was shocked, and Xiaolan’s phantom appeared behind her!

This time in the starry sky universe, although she could not break through, she could use Xiaolan’s 100% power!

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