4303 Born-18 May 1974

An area where ten avenue-level gods of elements are mixed.

Contains invincible power.

When Wang Xian heard Song Ta and the others, he thought of the information he had obtained from the treasure map.

Invincible power?

“The power of invincibility, hehe, is only rumored. This rumor may have been spread by a boring strong man with a bad taste.”

Wang Xian secretly said in his heart.

How can there be any invincible power.

If you can know the power of invincibility, why didn’t that rumorer have it?

Why would you say invincible power if you don’t have it?

However, the god of elements at the ten avenue level is indeed equivalent to invincible power.

However, if all of the hundreds of strong heavenly origins enter inside, this invincible power can also be suppressed!

Of course, the premise is that all of the hundreds of strong heavenly origins can enter that area.

You know, the deeper you go, the more terrifying the energy of the quicksand.

At the back, there is no strength to control the level, and it is impossible to walk in the quicksand area at all!

Wang Xian followed the old man Song Tajian and they flew forward.

After flying for two days, they came to the end of this road.

“This is a very deep area, and within three days of flying, you should be able to reach the core area!”

Wang Xian and their speed are very fast.

Song Ta looked at the end of this road and continued to speak: “If this road does not disappear, this is a treasure place for training disciples. Directly set up formations and absorb the energy from both sides. Tsk tsk, it will be quite crazy. .”

Song Ta looked around and exclaimed.

When Wang Xian heard what he said, he thought of the cultivation treasures that the sages of Shantian and the others arranged for their disciples.

That precious place is completely a holy place for cultivation for the masters of the realm of dominance.

It is not a sacred place born in the universe at all, or it is comparable to a sacred place born based on the gods of ordinary elements.

But the Saints of Heaven and the others are the treasures of cultivation that are arranged in a very distant periphery.

Now there is a road here. If this road does not disappear, it will certainly cause a lot of disputes.

Because if you set up a cultivation place here and absorb the energy around you to train your disciples, it is simply unimaginable.

Under this energy washing, various energy fluctuations evolve around.

If the first level of the Domination Realm is cultivated here for 100 million years, it is equivalent to cultivating in your own universe for tens of billions of years!

It’s so scary!

After all, the surrounding violent energy can threaten the existence of the control level.

Even those who are new to Tianyuan’s good fortune can cultivate here, there are huge benefits!

Of course, there may also be risks.

In addition, to lay a treasure ground for cultivation, the treasure resources needed like the god of the elements are also very huge.

The amount of resources can definitely absorb the amount of energy.

“If this path does not disappear, you can indeed let the disciples come and practice.”

Wang Xian nodded.

Now there are fifty or sixty disciples who dominate the pinnacle realm, as well as a million disciples who dominate the realm. If you practice here, you can increase the fighting power of the dragon palace in a short time.

The number of Domination Peak disciples who can make the birth of Dragon Palace touch the threshold to break through, at least increase several times!

“Everything is unstable at the moment. It’s hard to say that the balance has not been fully formed.”

Old Man Jian glanced around and said lightly.

“Let’s go, let’s go to the center to see if there is any change in it, and see if there are any treasures being impacted!”

Song Ta looked at the quicksand area in front of him, and flew in directly: “If that treasure of Heavenly Origin is impacted outside, it will be great!”

“Huh? The treasure of Tianyuan’s good fortune?”

When Wang Xian heard it, he was slightly surprised.

“Yes, in the core area of ​​the cross soul, there is a heavenly element of good fortune, located within the scope of the space attribute element god, and it has been tens of billions of years, and no strong person can obtain it.”

Song Ta nodded.

Then I introduced him to the treasure of Tianyuan’s good fortune.

A space attribute of the heavenly origin is the treasure of good fortune, as to whether it will attack or assist, it is unknown.

Can only see the appearance of a gourd.

Some strong people used the supreme treasure to forcibly enter the God of Space Elements, but they lost their way in an instant.

There are countless spaces there, and I don’t know where the heavenly treasures of that space are.

Unless the god of space elements can be completely blown up, it is difficult to get it.

Listening to Song Ta’s words, Wang Xian was slightly amazed.

This riot area is really a treasure place full of opportunities and crises.

The three of them flew towards the inside, and the energy became more violent as they went deeper.

When Wang Xian and the others came in front of a colorful light, the violent quicksand energy here was already able to kill ordinary masters of the control level.

It’s really terrifying!

“Is the core area of ​​the cross soul in front of it?”

Wang Xian murmured while looking ahead.

The scene ahead is very magnificent and splendid!

The terrifying energy of ten attributes is like a terrifying planet that is about to explode at any time.

A palpitating feeling poured into my heart.

Even Wang Xian felt a little small in his heart.

“These elemental gods are not the ordinary avenue-level elemental gods.”

Ling Ran in Wang Xian’s heart.

Just like the current Wang Xian, although he is also a powerful avenue level, he can deal with two ordinary avenue levels.

The same is true for these ten elemental gods.

“For the time being, let’s act separately. If there is a need to join forces, we can contact us!”

Old Man Jian looked at Wang Xian and said.


Wang Xian nodded.

He is not very familiar with the two, and if they act together, they will conflict with some treasures.

Of course, if there are treasures that a few people cannot obtain alone, they can also join hands.

Wang Xian already has the contact information for the two!

The three separated, and Wang Xian continued to approach the front.

Soon, he came to the edge of the core of the cross soul.

Wang Xian stood in front, staring inside, with a look of surprise on his face.

In the area ahead, ten kinds of energy are mixed.

The ten energies are almost intertwined.

The intertwined energy gives people a feeling of dead silence, a sense of chaos before the calamity has come.

In addition, standing on the edge, in addition to making Wang Xian feel heart palpitations.

He couldn’t sense the power of the energy inside.

The ten kinds of energies are entangled, and you can’t perceive how terrifying their destructive power is.

Wang Xian stretched out an arm and plunged directly into it.

Suddenly, a dash of energy was like a poisonous snake, rushing crazily toward his body.

This caused Wang Xian’s face to change slightly, and he quickly pulled it out!

At this moment, there are more scary lines on his arm.

These lines seem to be the result of poisoning, they look terrifying!

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