Chapter 4315 Crisis, transform oneself

“He is moving, in this position!”

When Wang Xian quickly shuttled in the cross primordial spirit area.

Located in the upper position, the tentacles of the heavenly vocation shined brightly, and he spoke towards the pinch and the illusion world.

When they heard the words of the heavenly vocation, the pinching people moved and flew towards one place.

In the lower position, Wang Xian immediately changed his position after performing a divination through the divination lamp.

The pinching people infiltrated themselves into the cross soul area, obviously making a fatal blow at the moment they came out.

It was also very difficult for Wang Xian to hide from the cross primordial spirit area.

So this blow is almost inevitable.

Can make him hit hard in an instant!

It’s hard to escape after being hit hard.

So Wang Xian changed a place to fly out!

When Wang Xian flew in the cross primordial spirit area for more than 20 seconds, he stopped.

In the cross primordial spirit area, the situation outside cannot be sensed, and similarly, the person who pinches the spirit outside cannot sense the self inside.

However, in order to be careful, Wang Xian still used the divination lamp to perform divination again.

However, what made Wang Xian frown was that the result displayed by the divination lamp was that he would still suffer a powerful attack.

“Huh? What’s the situation? I will still be attacked if I go out from here?”

Wang Xian’s face changed slightly, his figure moved, and this time he shuttled underneath for thirty seconds.

He can only stay in the cross soul area for two minutes in total.

After two minutes, Wang Xian will encounter a terrorist attack!

Facing such an attack, he couldn’t stand it for long!


When Wang Xian flew for thirty seconds, he took out the divination lamp and continued to perform divination.

However, as a result of divination, he will still be attacked.

This made Wang Xian’s brows furrowed.

“They drove themselves into the cross soul zone because they were able to lock themselves, things are a bit bad!”

Wang Xian’s face changed slightly!

They want to put themselves to death.

Now, he has a lot of treasures in his hands.

Especially the body of the pinching soul is of great value.

If he died, then these treasures are gone.

This is somewhat unacceptable for Wang Xian!

It is too far away from the Jiuyuan Universe, and there is energy interference from the cross-primordial spirit area.

He couldn’t contact Anlie at all!

Wang Xian kept thinking in his mind, and once again flew in another direction for more than ten seconds!

After that, he moved and flew directly outside!

He was flying very slowly and poked out a head cautiously!

“Dragon King, want to escape? Impossible, I will bury you here today, Jie Jie, I will make you pay ten times the price!”

When he just stuck out his head, three terrifying attacks covered him.

Upon seeing this scene, Wang Xian’s expression changed drastically, and he immediately entered the cross soul area!


The sound of vibration came from the position above!

Wang Xian’s face is a bit ugly!

“Damn it, this is driving yourself into a desperate situation!”

As Wang Xian spoke, his mind kept moving!

Now, there is only one way!

“The dragon king has entered the cross soul area, he should be able to guess that we can ambush him outside!”

Tianzhi watched Wang Xian enter the cross soul area, and said!

“This guy shouldn’t want to leave his body to us!”

Illusory Realm looked at it, and also said!

Wang Xian once again entered the cross primordial spirit area and did not come out, which seemed very normal to them.

Because he died in the cross soul area, at least his body and the treasures in his body could not be obtained by the enemy.

If it is them, they will do it too!

“Jiejie, in order to prevent accidents, we have been guarding here for a while!”

The pinch man spoke steadily!

He wants to guarantee that the Dragon King will be completely killed in order to avenge his heart and hatred.


At the same time, in the area of ​​the cross soul, Wang Xian let out a painful scream!

Want to kill him?

Not so easy?

In this cross-primordial spirit area, Wang Xian would not die.

He can build himself into a state of ten attributes.

Although he has been hesitating about this matter, he has not been prepared.

But at this time, Wang Xian had to take this step!

Build yourself into ten attributes and escape this crisis first.

Then he called An Lie over and took away all the treasures in his hand.

After that, he will enter the core of this cross soul!

Thinking in his heart, Wang Xian began to tear his body apart.

Now, he can’t hold on here for long, he must act as soon as possible!

It is a very painful thing to tear one’s own flesh and blood piece by piece!

It’s not just a matter of flesh and blood, it’s good to split one’s body of the Void Dragon.

The energy contained in the body of the Void Dragon is much more than that of other attributes!

“Time is running out!”

Wang Xian sensed the surrounding energy attacking him.

I have to resist it all the time.

At this time, he had to modify his body, making him completely too late!

“Damn it, not at all!”

“not enough time!”

Although Wang Xian has some confidence in transforming his body, but in such a short period of time, he will be attacked by surrounding energy, Wang Xian can’t support it!

He gritted his teeth and took out a fruit.

This is a fruit of wood attribute, which contains huge vitality!

This is burning fruit.

The fruit born from the heavenly treasure in the body of the godsend.

There are only eight fruits in total, and one is bestowed on him by heaven!

Burning the fruit can make a forest around him.

In this forest, all the trees can provide Wang Xian with huge vitality.

As long as the forest does not die, he will not die.

During this period, any injuries suffered can be quickly recovered!

At this time, Wang Xian could only take out the burning fruit!

Support some time with burning fruit.


He swallowed the burning fruit directly into his abdomen, located around him, and trees formed.

These trees help him resist the attack of the elemental god energy!

He seized this time, quickly reforming his body, tearing his body apart.

The space attribute is the strongest, taking space as the body.

Take the other nine attributes as your own internal organs!

This is the research result of Lingling people!

Now, Wang Xian uses it on himself!

There was severe pain, but fortunately, there was energy to burn the fruit, which reduced his pain a lot.

“The burning fruit can last for a minute.”

Wang Xian felt something in his heart and quickly brought his body to a balanced state!

The flesh and blood flowed into the surroundings and was quickly ablated by the surrounding energy.

Wang Xian’s transformation is also proceeding quickly!

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