Chapter 512: I Want to Exterminate Demons (Second!)

“A high-tech company, a high-tech company with satellites!”

Wang Xian stood at the door of Shenling Information Technology Company, sensing everyone in the entire company.

All are ordinary people, not a single warrior.

While he was watching the building, a middle-aged man stood in the office on the top floor of the building, staring at the surveillance video.

Beside the middle-aged, delicate human skins are hanging around. In addition to human skins, there are also dark red bones, exuding bloody light.

The whole office is weird.

In the surveillance video, Wang Xian’s figure clearly appeared on it.

“Dragon King, does he know the base of our Zhitian? That bar, if you don’t guess wrong, it should be the abyss!”

“Sure enough, the killer in the abyss is the disciple of Longmen!”

The middle-aged mouth curled slightly, his face showed strong self-confidence, and his eyes flickered at the video: “A Dragon King shouldn’t worry, the entire Righteous Alliance is our enemy!”

“Do you really think that we haven’t done anything for fifty years in the Demon Way?”

“Do you really think that we will be wiped out by your so-called righteous path as easily as before?”

“Haha, this time, your so-called righteous alliances, prepare to accept fear!”

The middle-aged murmured, his face showing a hideous look: “However, everything depends on the battle between Emperor Qi and Nie Wushuang. Best, they can all die together!”

The middle-aged man had a cold look on his face, and he touched his face as if he was tidying up his appearance.

After finishing his face, he laughed again, like a successful person, holding a briefcase and walking down.

There was a gentle smile on his face.

However, when he walked out of the room in his middle age, Wang Xian, who was standing under the Shenling Mansion, slowly retracted his gaze.

“Sure enough, this is the Zhitian group, but it seems to be very different from what I thought!”

Wang Xian turned around, with a weird smile on his face.

The middle-aged thought he was watching Wang Xian clearly through surveillance.

But I didn’t know that Wang Xian’s penetrating eyes looked at everything in the building, including the middle-aged man, including the surveillance video.

However, what surprised him a little is that this Zhitian group seems to be a magic way, a remains!

“Fifty years of dormancy, it really is not that simple!”

Wang Xian thought slightly, then shook his head, and found a restaurant next to him and had a simple meal.

At eight o’clock in the evening, Wang Xian came to the Lingyue Bar in Abyss.

There are many people in the bar, and perhaps no one would have thought that under this bar, it turned out to be a killer organization.

Wang Xian glanced around and found that there were a dozen warriors in the entire bar. He found a place to sit down.

Wang Xian turned a deaf ear to the roar of music. He took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Guan Shuqing, Lan Qingyue and the others.

But the two ignored him, which made him very helpless.


At this moment, Wang Xian’s nose moved, and a faint blood came.

He narrowed his eyes slightly and looked to the side.

In a corner position, two unusually handsome young men were sitting there, and beside the young men, two beauties were sitting.

The two beauties nestled on the young man with all smiles.

Wang Xian looked into the eyes of the two beauties, his eyes blank.

With their arms resting on the position of the wine glass, a stream of blood flowed into it.

The two young men recklessly touched the beauty’s body, drank the blood in the wine glasses, and showed contented expressions on their faces.

“Jie Jie, this is our life. For fifty years, Laozi entered the deep forest and lived a primitive life when he was ten years old. Now he can finally enjoy this world of flowers!”

“Hey, the current society is really cool. When I can refine the second remains, I will make this little beauty into the remains, and play with it every day in the future!”

“Where are those old witches without a face, they are living well now!”

“Come on, tusk, this skin bag is really tempting!”

The voice of the two young people’s dialogue reached Wang Xian’s ears clearly.

A cold look flashed in Wang Xian’s eyes.

Through his eyes, he saw two wretched old men in their 50s and 60s holding two beautiful women in their arms.

“Hi handsome!”

At this moment, a seductive voice came from my ear.

As soon as he raised his head, he saw a woman with an enchanting figure hunched over and looked at him with a smile.

The woman also waved at the two young people in the corner!

Wang Xian looked at the woman, and then thought of the delicate human skins on the Shenling Mansion.

“Is this the magic way? Although many people in the right way are disgusting, the people in the magic way are horrible!”

Wang Xian secretly said in his heart, this is not the first time he has seen the person with the remains.

When I met him in Shangjing last time, Wang Xian didn’t feel anything, but when I met him with his own eyes, he felt murderous in his heart.

Wang Xian raised his head and looked at the enchanting woman in front of him, and an old and hideous face appeared in his sight.

“Old witch, what do you want to do?”

Wang Xian stared at the old witch with some mockery, and asked coldly.

The enchanting woman’s expression was taken aback, and a cold expression flashed in her eyes.

“Man, what is your old witch? Am I old?”

The woman slowly stretched out her hand and touched Wang Xian’s shoulder.

“Are your magic ways so unscrupulous?”

Wang Xian looked at the old witch in front of him, and his eyes swept across the two young people in the corner.

The woman stiffened when she heard Wang Xian’s words, and then the smile on her face disappeared, and a gloomy feeling came.

“you know too much!”

The woman’s hoarse voice came, completely without the kind of charm just now.


Wang Xian waved his cold-faced arm, and a terrifying force smashed directly at the woman.

This force can easily kill an innate powerhouse.


When Wang Xian’s arm fell on the woman’s body, her face changed drastically, and a look of horror appeared in her eyes.


A mouthful of blood was spit out from her mouth.

An old and ugly body hit directly behind.

“you wanna die!”

A stern voice sounded in the bar, completely covering the sound of music in the bar.

“Huh? Did Jin Chan escape from the shell? A mortal blow was actually made to withstand it!”

Wang Xian raised his brows and stood up slowly.

“Warrior? Dare to die!”

In the corner, the two young men saw that the faceless old witch unexpectedly used Jin Chan to escape her shell to save her life, their expressions changed, and they immediately stood up.

“Get out, all out!”

At this time, several dragons in the Demon Abyss who had been guarding the bar saw this situation and immediately shouted to the ordinary people in the bar.


The devilish voice made them feel terrified, and a tourist who was preparing to watch the excitement ran outside in horror.

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